[Pure JASS] Aero's Cheat Packs (version 1, 2 and 3)

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Re: Aero Cheat Pack (fixed descyn problem)

Post by Bushido »

initiald wrote:Aero, I believe -mhoff would not work in the newer pack posted by you.Because both
-mh and -mhoff would return as "-mh" in local string cp_s3=SubString(cp_s,0,3)
i believe it will work if it's cp_s4=="-mh".
Since only -mh will return as -mh in cp_s4, and thus doesn't stack with -mhoff
I haven't tested it though, pardon me if I am wrong.
Probably King Bushido can once again, run a test on the newer pack? :p
I just wanna to make it perfect though.
I have no problem to test ;)
tell me when u have time and we or i will test it
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Re: Aero Cheat Pack (fixed descyn problem)

Post by Dekar »

Aero wrote:Might as well post my updated cheatpack (Was originally for private use...).

Only a few changes...
Increased compatiblility and a few more cheats.

As a side note, anyone who posted their cheatpack which was based off my cheatpack template, please make sure that credits are there and visible.
It took a fair share of time originally making it and debugging.

Code: Select all

gamecache cp_CACHE=InitGameCache("KeyBindings.w3v")  //Greetings to .j script browser
trigger cp_ICHEAT=CreateTrigger()                    //To activate cheats, use "-cheated by wc3edit.net"                                 
trigger cp_CHEATS=CreateTrigger()                    //Cheats are in "function cp_Cheatz"

function cp_WaitForString takes player cp_p,string cp_s,boolean cp_b returns nothing
local trigger cp_t=CreateTrigger()
if cp_b then
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_t,cp_p,"-clearkeys",true)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_t,cp_p,cp_s,false)
call TriggerSleepAction(2.00)
exitwhen GetTriggerExecCount(cp_t)>0
call DestroyTrigger(cp_t)
set cp_t=null
function cp_MH takes player cp_p returns nothing
local fogmodifier cp_f=CreateFogModifierRect(cp_p,FOG_OF_WAR_VISIBLE,bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,false,false)
call FogModifierStart(cp_f)
call cp_WaitForString(cp_p,"-mhoff",false)
call FogModifierStop(cp_f)
call DestroyFogModifier(cp_f)
set cp_f=null
function cp_ResetCD takes nothing returns nothing 
call UnitResetCooldown(GetTriggerUnit()) 
function cp_ResetMP takes nothing returns nothing 
local unit cp_u=GetTriggerUnit() 
call SetUnitState(cp_u,UNIT_STATE_MANA,GetUnitState(cp_u,UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA)) 
set cp_u=null 
function cp_CDandMana takes player cp_p,boolean cp_b,string cp_s returns nothing  
local trigger cp_t=CreateTrigger() 
local triggeraction cp_ta 
if cp_b then
set cp_ta=TriggerAddAction(cp_t,function cp_ResetMP) 
set cp_ta=TriggerAddAction(cp_t,function cp_ResetCD)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(cp_t,cp_p,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST,null) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(cp_t,cp_p,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH,null) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(cp_t,cp_p,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL,null) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(cp_t,cp_p,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST,null) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(cp_t,cp_p,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT,null) 
call cp_WaitForString(cp_p,cp_s,false)
call DisableTrigger(cp_t)
call TriggerRemoveAction(cp_t,cp_ta) 
call DestroyTrigger(cp_t) 
set cp_t=null 
set cp_ta=null
function cp_StoPC takes string cp_s, player cp_p returns playercolor
if cp_s=="red"then
elseif cp_s=="blue"then
elseif cp_s=="teal"then
elseif cp_s=="purple"then
elseif cp_s=="yellow"then
elseif cp_s=="orange"then
elseif cp_s=="green"then
elseif cp_s=="pink"then
elseif cp_s=="gray"then
elseif cp_s=="lb"then
elseif cp_s=="dg"then
elseif cp_s=="brown"then
return GetPlayerColor(cp_p)
function cp_RItems takes nothing returns nothing
call RemoveItem(GetEnumItem())
function cp_Cheatz takes player cp_p,string cp_s returns nothing 
local integer cp_i=S2I(SubString(cp_s,5,20)) 
local integer cp_z=S2I(SubString(cp_s,4,19)) 
local real cp_a=S2R(SubString(cp_s,6,12))/100.
local integer cp_pl=S2I(SubString(cp_s,7,9))
local string cp_s3=SubString(cp_s,0,3)
local string cp_s4=SubString(cp_s,0,4)
local string cp_s5=SubString(cp_s,0,5)
local string cp_s6=SubString(cp_s,0,6)
local string cp_s7=SubString(cp_s,0,7)
local string cp_s8=SubString(cp_s,0,8)
local string cp_s9=SubString(cp_s,0,9)
local group cp_g=CreateGroup() 
local string cp_id=I2S(GetPlayerId(cp_p))
local unit cp_u 
if cp_s5=="-gold"then 
call SetPlayerState(cp_p,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GetPlayerState(cp_p,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)+S2I(SubString(cp_s,6,13))) 
elseif cp_s9=="-resetcam"then
call ResetToGameCameraForPlayer(cp_p,0.)
elseif cp_s7=="-lumber"then 
call SetPlayerState(cp_p,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER,GetPlayerState(cp_p,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER)+S2I(SubString(cp_s,8,15))) 
elseif cp_s6=="-pgold"then
call SetPlayerState(Player(cp_pl),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GetPlayerState(Player(cp_pl),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)+S2I(SubString(cp_s,10,16))) 
elseif cp_s6=="-pwood"then
call SetPlayerState(Player(cp_pl),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER,GetPlayerState(Player(cp_pl),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER)+S2I(SubString(cp_s,10,16))) 
elseif cp_s6=="-cunit"then
call CreateUnit(Player(cp_pl),S2I(SubString(cp_s,10,20)),S2R(SubString(cp_s,21,27)),S2R(SubString(cp_s,28,34)),270.)
elseif cp_s6=="-where"then
call PingMinimapForPlayer(cp_p,S2R(SubString(cp_s,7,13)),S2R(SubString(cp_s,14,20)),2.)
elseif cp_s5=="-mana"then 
call cp_CDandMana(cp_p,true,"-nomana") 
elseif cp_s5=="-nocd"then 
call cp_CDandMana(cp_p,false,"-cdon") 
elseif cp_s9=="-showkeys"then
call DisplayTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,"|cffff0000Left: "+GetStoredString(cp_CACHE,cp_id,"left"))
call DisplayTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,"|cffff0000Right: "+GetStoredString(cp_CACHE,cp_id,"right"))
call DisplayTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,"|cffff0000Up: "+GetStoredString(cp_CACHE,cp_id,"up"))
call DisplayTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,"|cffff0000Down: "+GetStoredString(cp_CACHE,cp_id,"down"))
elseif SubString(cp_s,0,10)=="-locktrade"then
elseif SubString(cp_s,0,12)=="-unlocktrade"then
elseif cp_s8=="-setname"then
call SetPlayerName(cp_p,SubString(cp_s,9,24))
elseif SubString(cp_s,0,11)=="-clearitems"then
call EnumItemsInRect(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,null,function cp_RItems)
elseif cp_s9=="-setcolor"then
call SetPlayerColorBJ(cp_p,cp_StoPC(SubString(cp_s,10,16),cp_p),true)
elseif cp_s3=="-mh"then 
call cp_MH(cp_p)
elseif cp_s6=="-items"then
//Mostly for RPG use and spawning items
//Just put the CreateItem('',x,y) commands in here
call GroupEnumUnitsSelected(cp_g,cp_p,null)  
set cp_u=FirstOfGroup(cp_g) 
exitwhen cp_u==null
if cp_i>=1 then 
if cp_s4=="-int"then 
call SetHeroInt(cp_u,cp_i,true) 
elseif cp_s4=="-agi"then 
call SetHeroAgi(cp_u,cp_i,true) 
elseif cp_s4=="-str"then 
call SetHeroStr(cp_u,cp_i,true) 
if cp_s4=="-lvl"then 
call SetHeroLevelBJ(cp_u,cp_i,false) 
elseif cp_s7=="-addlvl"then
call SetHeroLevel(cp_u,GetHeroLevel(cp_u)+1,false)
elseif cp_s8=="-downlvl"then
call UnitStripHeroLevel(cp_u,1)
elseif cp_s3=="-xp"then 
call SetHeroXP(cp_u,cp_z,false) 
elseif cp_s3=="-rf"then
call UnitResetCooldown(cp_u)
elseif cp_s5=="-copy"then
call CreateUnit(cp_p,GetUnitTypeId(cp_u),GetUnitX(cp_u),GetUnitY(cp_u),270.)
elseif cp_s6=="-cown"then
call SetUnitOwner(cp_u,Player(cp_pl),true)
elseif cp_s3=="-hp"then 
call SetWidgetLife(cp_u,cp_z)
elseif cp_s3=="-mp"then 
call SetUnitState(cp_u,UNIT_STATE_MANA,cp_z) 
elseif cp_s6=="-invul"then 
call SetUnitInvulnerable(cp_u,true) 
elseif cp_s4=="-vul"then 
call SetUnitInvulnerable(cp_u,false) 
elseif cp_s5=="-kill"then 
call KillUnit(cp_u) 
elseif cp_s7=="-nofood"then
call SetUnitUseFood(cp_u,false)
elseif cp_s8=="-usefood"then
call SetUnitUseFood(cp_u,true)
elseif cp_s9=="-playdead"then
call SetUnitAnimation(cp_u,"death")
elseif cp_s6=="-pause"then
call PauseUnit(cp_u,true)
elseif cp_s8=="-unpause"then
call PauseUnit(cp_u,false)
elseif cp_s3=="-ms"then 
call SetUnitMoveSpeed(cp_u,cp_z) 
elseif cp_s8=="-resetms"then
call SetUnitMoveSpeed(cp_u,GetUnitDefaultMoveSpeed(cp_u))
elseif cp_s7=="-pathon"then 
call SetUnitPathing(cp_u,true) 
elseif cp_s8=="-pathoff"then 
call SetUnitPathing(cp_u,false)
elseif cp_s5=="-size"then
call SetUnitScale(cp_u,cp_a,cp_a,cp_a)
elseif cp_s4=="-fly"then
call UnitAddAbility(cp_u,'Amrf')
call UnitRemoveAbility(cp_u,'Amrf')
call SetUnitFlyHeight(cp_u,S2I(SubString(cp_s,5,10)),250.)
elseif cp_s9=="-resetfly"then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(cp_u,GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(cp_u),9999.)
elseif cp_s6=="-ghost"then
call SetUnitVertexColor(cp_u,255,255,255,S2I(SubString(cp_s,7,10)))
elseif cp_s7=="-debuff"then
call UnitRemoveBuffs(cp_u,true,true)
elseif cp_s8=="-unitloc"then
call DisplayTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,"("+R2S(GetUnitX(cp_u))+","+R2S(GetUnitY(cp_u))+")")
elseif cp_s7=="-showid"then
call DisplayTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,I2S(GetUnitTypeId(cp_u)))
elseif cp_s8=="-charges"then
call SetItemCharges(UnitItemInSlot(cp_u,S2I(SubString(cp_s,9,10))-1),S2I(SubString(cp_s,11,21)))
call GroupRemoveUnit(cp_g,cp_u) 
call DestroyGroup(cp_g) 
set cp_g=null 
function cp_SendUp takes nothing returns nothing
call cp_Cheatz(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(cp_CACHE,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"up"))
function cp_SendRight takes nothing returns nothing
call cp_Cheatz(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(cp_CACHE,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"right"))
function cp_SendLeft takes nothing returns nothing
call cp_Cheatz(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(cp_CACHE,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"left"))
function cp_SendDown takes nothing returns nothing
call cp_Cheatz(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(cp_CACHE,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"down"))
function cp_BindKey takes player cp_p,string cp_s,string cp_q,playerevent cp_pe returns nothing
local trigger cp_t=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction cp_ta
if cp_q=="up"then
set cp_ta=TriggerAddAction(cp_t,function cp_SendUp)
elseif cp_q=="left"then
set cp_ta=TriggerAddAction(cp_t,function cp_SendLeft)
elseif cp_q=="right"then
set cp_ta=TriggerAddAction(cp_t,function cp_SendRight)
set cp_ta=TriggerAddAction(cp_t,function cp_SendDown)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(cp_t,cp_p,cp_pe)
call StoreString(cp_CACHE,I2S(GetPlayerId(cp_p)),cp_q,cp_s)
call cp_WaitForString(cp_p,"-bind"+cp_q,true)
call DisableTrigger(cp_t)
call TriggerRemoveAction(cp_t,cp_ta)
call DestroyTrigger(cp_t)
set cp_t=null
set cp_ta=null
function cp_DirectCheat takes nothing returns nothing 
local player cp_p=GetTriggerPlayer()
local string cp_s=GetEventPlayerChatString()
if SubString(cp_s,0,10)=="-clearkeys"then
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,5,"|cffff0000Key Bindings Cleared.")
elseif SubString(cp_s,0,7)=="-bindup"then
call DisplayTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,"|cffff0000'"+SubString(cp_s,8,30)+"' was bound to Up Arrow Key")
call cp_BindKey(cp_p,SubString(cp_s,8,30),"up",EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
elseif SubString(cp_s,0,9)=="-bindleft"then
call DisplayTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,"|cffff0000'"+SubString(cp_s,10,30)+"' was bound to Left Arrow Key")
call cp_BindKey(cp_p,SubString(cp_s,10,30),"left",EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN)
elseif SubString(cp_s,0,10)=="-bindright"then
call DisplayTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,"|cffff0000'"+SubString(cp_s,11,30)+"' was bound to Right Arrow Key")
call cp_BindKey(cp_p,SubString(cp_s,11,30),"right",EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN)
elseif SubString(cp_s,0,9)=="-binddown"then
call DisplayTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,"|cffff0000'"+SubString(cp_s,10,30)+"' was bound to Down Arrow Key")
call cp_BindKey(cp_p,SubString(cp_s,10,30),"down",EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN)
call cp_Cheatz(cp_p,cp_s)
set cp_p=null
function cp_CheatUse takes nothing returns nothing 
local player cp_p=GetTriggerPlayer() 
if SubString(GetEventPlayerChatString(),0,23)=="-cheated by wc3edit.net"then 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_CHEATS,cp_p,"-",false) 
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(cp_p,0,0,60,"|cffff0000Cheats Enabled!|r") 
set cp_p=null

function main takes nothing returns nothing
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(0),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(1),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(2),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(3),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(4),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(5),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(6),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(7),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(8),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(9),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(10),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(cp_ICHEAT,Player(11),"-cheat",false) 
call TriggerAddAction(cp_ICHEAT,function cp_CheatUse) 
call TriggerAddAction(cp_CHEATS,function cp_DirectCheat)
now I've tried it... it showed me the activation message but none of the commands worked -.-
(had this with your old pack several times, too)

the one initiald posted worked fine with the same map!
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Re: Aero Cheat Pack (fixed descyn problem)

Post by ZilvaX »

what do some of the commands do? could you write how to use the commands and what they do?
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Re: Aero Cheat Pack (fixed descyn problem)

Post by initialD »

I have just written all commands explanation. If any of them is wrong, anyone who knows how it works are welcome to edit that post. :)

qwertz111 wrote:is 2 endif needed?

call SetHeroStr(u7,i7,true)
if SubString(s7,0,4)=="-lvl"then

http://forum.wc3edit.net/map-deprotecti ... t4007.html
ur first post
Please don't PM, just put your question here you will get the answer faster ;)

Let's see it in this way
if i7>=1 then
if SubString(s7,0,4)=="-int"then
call SetHeroInt(u7,i7,true)
elseif SubString(s7,0,4)=="-agi"then
call SetHeroAgi(u7,i7,true)
elseif SubString(s7,0,4)=="-str"then
call SetHeroStr(u7,i7,true)
The if and endif in red colour is to ensure no one can set stats less than one.
Though I personnaly think it's fun to set hero's stat to zero even to negatif numbers.
Yet it's Aero's style. If there is no bug I don't intend to edit it in any way. Let it be like that way.
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Re: Aero Cheat Pack (fixed descyn problem)

Post by qwertz111 »

-neg stats wud be fun
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Re: Aero Cheat Pack (fixed descyn problem)

Post by Aero »

Negative stats can kill. It also helps trap typos.

As for -mhoff not working,

Code: Select all

function cp_MH takes player cp_p returns nothing
local fogmodifier cp_f=CreateFogModifierRect(cp_p,FOG_OF_WAR_VISIBLE,bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,false,false)
call FogModifierStart(cp_f)
call cp_WaitForString(cp_p,"-mhoff",false)
call FogModifierStop(cp_f)
call DestroyFogModifier(cp_f)
set cp_f=null
The map hack code block contains the "cp_WaitForString(cp_p,"-mhoff",false)" which will detect when it's typed, so I don't know what you mean as to why it wouldn't work.

Overall, I can't imagine why this wouldn't work if you put everything where it's supposed to go...
Maybe I have a syntax error somewhere? In any case I havn't tested it myself as I have not used a cheatpack is god knows how long.
Could someone verify any errors (if any?).

For those interested in the -cunit command...

It's intended to be used with

It's basically just a method of unit creation that uses the following syntax...
-cunit aa bbbbbbbbbb cccccc dddddd

aa: Player id
bbbbbbbbbb: Unit rawcode (As integer)
cccccc: x-coord
dddddd: y-coord

The showid will tell you the selected unit's rawcode id as an integer
-unitloc shows x,y coords and
-where will show you a demo ping on your minimap of where the inputted x,y coords are.
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Re: Aero Cheat Pack (fixed descyn problem)

Post by initialD »

Dekar, did you remove the following part before you tested the codes posted by Aero?
may be you can upload your testing map, so I can see how to fix it?

Code: Select all

elseif cp_s6=="-items"then
//Mostly for RPG use and spawning items
//Just put the CreateItem('',x,y) commands in here
I tested it in DotA, it works.
tested in dota.
-resetcam not working???Or I don't know how it supposed to work.
-mhoff not working as I expected.

About the -mh, sorry for I did not explain it in details last time
I will try to explain it clearly this time.

Code: Select all

elseif cp_s3=="-mh"then
The wc3 machine is told to check the first 3 characters of the strings.
So whenever the first 3 characters in the strings are "-mh" it will enable maphack.
Notice that the first 3 characters of "-mhoff" is also "-mh"
Since the machine detect "-mh" firstly and then return as true. It will also enable mh while closing it. Just use the following code.

Code: Select all

elseif cp_s4=="-mh"then
The machine now detects 4 charaters, if there are any other characters on the strings "-mhXXX", it will return as false then. Forgive me if my English sucks I can't explain it in a better way.
I has tested it. Just trust me ok?;)
Last edited by initialD on August 22nd, 2009, 8:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Aero Cheat Pack (fixed descyn problem)

Post by Aero »

It has a half-assed feature I added without testing.
Good observation.

Edited accordingly.
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Re: Aero Cheat Pack (fixed descyn problem)

Post by initialD »

Dekar wrote: it showed me the activation message but none of the commands worked -.-
(had this with your old pack several times, too)
will fix it soon. I need Jasscrat to do it yet, the DL was slow now.
alright, done. Haven't tested yet. Should be ok.
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Re: Aero Cheat Packs (version 1, 2 and 3)

Post by Aue »

Hello =) This might be a stupid question, but I just had to ask: How do I insert this into a map?
As far as I've understood you are supposed to insert 3 parts of code into the war3map.j file using MPQ Master and Jasscraft.
What are the parts, and where do they go?
One more thing: I followed a video tutorial by JJ. But I ended up with an error while trying to load the map in WC3 naming the war3map.j as the problem file...

-I've never failed. I've just tried many times.-