Re: Tutorial of Simple GUI!!!
Posted: April 15th, 2009, 5:08 am
Some parts of it is missing, please post your reply and I will add it to the list. Thanks.
Trigger Index
6.Countdown Timer
10.Floating Text
12.Game Cache
18.Melee Game
20.Neutral Building
22.Player Group
27.Special Effect
30.Unit Group
33.Preset Unit Functions
34.Preset String Functions
35.Preset Integer Functions
36.Preset Real Functions
37.Preset Unit-Type Functions
38.Preset Item Functions
39.Preset Unit Group Functions
40.Preset Player-Group Functions
41.Preset Item-Type Functions
42.Preset Item-Class Functions
42.Preset Point Functions
Do Nothing - Does nothing.
Wait - Waits a time (seconds)
Wait (Gametime) - Waits a time (Gametime)
Wait For Condition - Waits until a certain preset condition comes true
Wait for Sounds - Waits until a certain sound plays
Set Variable - Sets a variable of your choice to a value of your choice
Skip Remaining Actions - Skips all remaining actions in the current trigger
If/Then/Else, Multiple Functions - If conditions = Values, then do Actions, else do Actions
If/Then/Else - If a condition = Value, then do Action, else do Action
For each integer A, do Multiple Actions - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Integer A
For each integer B, do Multiple Actions - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Integer B
For each integer Variable, do Multiple Actions - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Variable
For each integer A, do Action - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Integer A
For each integer B, do Action - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Integer B
For each integer Variable, do Action - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Variable
Start Melee AI Script - Starts an AI script for a designated player (Should be computer).
Start Campaign AI script - Starts a campaign AI script for a designated player (Should be computer).
Send AI Command - Sends a custom AI command for a designated player (Should be computer).
Ignore Units Guard Position - Ignores a specific unit, and all AI commands to that player will not effect that specific unit.
Ignore All Units Guard Position - Ignores ALL units of a specific player, as if they aren't there for the AI.
Recycle Unit Guard Position - Resets the unit, so it can get commands from the AI again.
Lock AI Guard Position - Makes it unable to change weather it will take commands or not.
Play Unit Animation - Plays a units animation. Common animations are: stand - walk - stand work - death - +more, to find the extra ones, click the unit in the unit pallet, and at the left side of the screen, change the animation.
Play Unit Animation (Specific Rarity) - Plays a units animation based on the rarity, if the command givin is common, put common, if rare, put rare.
Queue Unit Animation - Queues a units animation so it will do it as soon as it is finished the previous one.
Reset Unit Animation - Resets the units animation, so it will be standing again.
Add/Remove animation Tag - Adds a tag to a unit, for example a unit without the stand work animation, you could add it to them.
Lock Body-Part Facing - Makes a certain body part face another unit, for example, you could make a peasents head face another peasents head.
Reset Body-Part Facing - Makes the unit face normally.
Change Unit Size - Changes the size of a unit
Change Unit Vertex Coloring - Changes the units coloring based on RGB(Red, Green, Blue) and Transparency.
Change Unit Animation Speed - The higher the animation speed, the faster the unit seems to do something. If I set it to 500 for example, he would seem to run really fast, but he would still move the same speed as set.
Change Unit Turn Speed - Changes the turning speed of a unit.
Change Unit Blend Time - Changes how fast the units body-parts will face another unit
Change Unit Flying Height - Changes the flying height of a unit, but only if it already flys.
Change Unit Prop Window Angle - ????
Play Destructible Animation - Plays a destructibles animation.
Queue Destructibles Animation - Makes the destructible do the animation once it is finished current animations
Change Destructible Animation Speed - Same as the unit animation speed, except to a destructible
Play Animation for Doodads in a Region - Plays an animation for all doodads in a preset region
Play Animation for Doodads in a Circle - Plays an animation for all doodads in a circle
Apply Camera Object(Timed) - Will apply a preplaced camera from the editor.
Pan Camera(Timed) - Will pan the camera to a preset region over time.
Pan Camera with Interpolated Height - Pans the camera to a place with a preset height.
Pan Camera as Nessecary - Pans the camera to a place ONLY IF NECESSARY, if you are already at the place, it will not try to pan there.
Set Camera Field(Timed) - Sets a camera field over time.
Rotate Camera around point - Will rotate the camera around a point for (Number)°.
Lock Camera to Unit - Locks the camera to a unit.
Lock Camera Orientation to unit - Locks the camera to a unit offset by something.
Play cinematic sequence - Will play a premade cinimatic sequence (Unnessicary)
Stop Camera - Stops the camera for a player no matter where it is going.
Reset Game Camera - Resets the camera entirely for a player.
Change Camera Smoothing Factor - Will make the camera very smooth and nice if set to a high number.
Reset camera smoothing factor - Sets the cameras smoothing factor to normal.
Sway camera source - Sways the camera source for a player with a velocity and magnitude.
Sway camera target - Sways the camera target for a player with a velocity and magnitude.
Shake Camera - Will shake the camera up and down for a player with magnitude.
Stop Shaking/swaying camera - Pretty clear itself...
Extend/shrink camera bounds - Will allow your camera to go farther around the map or less far around the map then before.
Set Camera Bounds - Locks the camera to a specific region, rendering you unable to move out of that region
Set Camera-Spacebar point - Sets the point where if you press spacebar it will take you there.
Transmission from Unit - Sends a transmission to a player from a unit with text and sound and time.
Transmission From Unit Type - Sends a transmission to a player from a unit-type with text and sound and time.
Subtitle Override - Will show the text even if the user has Subtitles turned Off.
Cinimatic Mode - Turns cinimatic mode on or off for a player group
Cinimatic Mode (Timed) - Turns cinimatic mode on or off for a player group for a time.
Fade Filter - Fades in/out/in and out over a time, with an image
Advanced Filter - A more advanced way to use a fade filter, with the extra options of blending, and start/end color.
Show/Hide filter - Shows/Hides a fade filter for all players
Ping Minimap - Pings the minimap at a region for a time
Ping Minimap with Color - Pings the minimap at a region for a time with color.
Flash a Speech indicater for a unit - Puts a little circle of your color underneath a unit for a split second.
Flash a Speech Indicater for a Destructible - Puts a little circle of your color underneath a destructible for a split second.
Flash a Speech Indicater for an Item - Puts a little circle of your color underneath an item for a split second.
Clear Text Messages - Clears all messages on the screen.
Letterbox Mode On - Turns letterbox mode on
Letterbox Mode Off - Turns letterbox mode off
Disable User Control - Disables user control for a player group.
Enable User Control - Enables user control for a player group.
Enable/Disable Occlusion - This will clear all trees/objects in the way of the camera, by making them transparent.
Enable/Disable Boundary Tinting - This will tint the boundary if enabled
6.Countdown Timers
Start Timer - Starts a timer as a one-shot/repeating timer.
Pause Timer - Pauses/unpauses a timer.
Create Timer Window - Creates a window for a timer, for the players in game to see.
Destroy Timer Window - Destroys the window for a timer.
Hide Timer Window for player - Hides/Shows a timer window for a player.
Hide Timer Window - Hides/Shows a timer window.
Change Timer Window Title - Changes the title of a timer window
Change Timer Window Title Color - Changes the color of a title for a timer window
Change Timer Window Time Color - Changes the Color of the Time for a Timer Window
Create - Creates a destructible at a point with a scale, facing, and variation.
Create(dead) - Creates a dead destructible at a point with a scale, facing, and variation.
Kill - Kills a destructible
Remove - Removes a destructible
Ressurect - Ressurects a destructible
Show/Hide - Shows/Hides a destructible
Set Life to Percentage - Sets the life of a destructible to a preset percent
Set Life to Value - Sets the life of a destructible to a preset value
Set Max Life - Sets the max life of a destructible to a value
Open/Close/Destroy Gate - Opens/Closes/Destroys a gate.
Open/Close Elevator Walls - Opens/Closes an elevator wall for entrance
Set Elevator Height - Sets the hieght of an elevator.
Make Invulnerable/Vulnerable - Makes a destructible Invulnerable or Vulnerable
Set Occlusion Height - Sets the height of a destructible that would become invisible if the camera cannot see through it.
Pick Every Destructible In Region and do Actions - Self Explanitory.
Pick Every Destructible In Circle and do Actions - Self Explanitory.
Pick Every Destructible In Circle and do Action - Self Explanitory.
Pick Every Destructible In Region and do Action - Self Explanitory.
Show/Hide - Shows/hides a dialog box for a specific player
Change Title - Changes the Title of a Dialog Box
Create Dialog Button - Creates a button for a dialog box
Clear - Removes all buttons and labels on a dialog box
Create Weather Effect - Creates a weather effect on a region
Enable/Disable Weather Effect - Enables or Disables a weather effect
Remove Weather Effect - Removes the Weather Effect Specified
Create Terrain Deformation: Crater - Creates a crater like hole in the ground at a point, with a preset depth and width.
Create Terrain Deformation: Ripple - Creates a ripple at a point for a time, with a preset depth and width
Create Terrain Deformation: Wave - Creates a wave in the terrain at a point for a time, with a preset depth and width
Create Terrain Deformation: Random - Will create a random terrain deformation at a point, with a preset depth between 2 numbers and a width.
Stop Terrain Deformation - Stops a specified terrain deformation.
Stop All Terrain Deformations - Stops ALL terrain deformations.
Turn Water Deformation On/off - Enables the terrain deformations to effect the surface of the water, or just the terrain underneath.
Change Terrain Type - Changes the type of terrain at a point with size and variation
Turn Terrain Pathing On/Off - VERY useful trigger, enables the walkability/flyability/etc on a certain terrain type.
Set Water Tinting Color - Sets the water color based on RGB, and transparency.
Set Sky - Changes the sky visable in game.
Set Fog - Sets fog style and amount, and color.
Reset Fog - Sets the fog to the initial.
Create/Remove Blight Region - Creates or Removes a region of blight for a player.
Create/Remove Blight Circle - Creates or Removes a circle of blight for a player.
10.Floating Text
Create Floating Text at Point - Creates Floating Text at a point with a Message, Color, size, and Z Offset.
Create Floating Text Above Unit - Creates Floating Text Above a Unit with a Message, Color, Size and Z Offset.
Destroy - Destroys the specified floating text.
Show/Hide - Shows/Hides the specified floating text for a player group.
Set Velocity - Sets the velocity of a floating text to an integer and an angle.
Change Color - Changes the color of Floating Text based on RGB, and transparency.
Change Position to Point - Moves the Text to another Point
Change Position to Unit - Moves the Text to a Unit
Change Text - Changes the Message of a Floating Text.
Suspend/Resume - ????
Perminant/Expires - Decides weather a Floating Text will expire, or if it is there for the entire game.
Change Lifespan - Changes the time the floating text will show.
Change Fading Age - Changes how long it will take for the text to fade away.
Change Age - Sets how long the Text has been Showing.
Text Message(Auto-Timed) - Displays a Message to a Player Group, for a time based on how long the message is.
Text Message(Explicitly Timed) - Displays a Message to a Player Group for the time Specified.
Pause Game - Pauses the Game, as if a player had pressed Pause from the start menu.
Unpause Game - Unpauses the game, as if a player had press Resume form the start menu.
Set Game Speed - Sets the game speed(Not sure what effect it has)
Lock Game Speed - Prevents the speed from being changed
Unlock Game Speed - Allows the speed to be changed
Set Map Flag - Sets a certain flag on/off. This can be very useful:
Use Handicaps - Enables use of handicaps
Allow Observers - Allows observers
Observers on Defeat - Decides weather observers are allowed to watch after the game is over
Lock Resource Trading - Disables the Trading of Resourses
Restrict Resource Trading to Allies - Duh.
Lock Alliance Settings - Makes the players unable to change whom they are allies with.
Hide Alliance Changes - Makes the Players unable to See whom they are allies with.
Map Transitioned - No clue.
Use Random Heros - No clue.
Use Random Races - Picks a random race, no matter which race you have chosen.
Visibility: Hide Terrain - Makes the map hidden
Visibility: Explored - Makes the map Visible, but not seeable.
Visibility: Always Visible - Makes the map entirely visible.
Set Time of Day - Sets the time of day to a Real Number.
Set Time of Day Speed - Changes the speed that the clock ticks, based on Percentage.
Turn Night/Day Cycle On/Off - The clock will still tick, but the night/day cycle will stop. It will always be day/night, depending on what it is when this is run.
Share Vision and Full Unit Control with Team - Shares Vision and Full Unit Control with the specified players entire team.
Give Units to Neutral Victim - Gives all of the specified players units to Neutral Victim.
Set Next Level - Sets the Next Level for a Campaign map.
Victory - Gives victory to a player.
Defeat - Gives defeat to a player, with a message.
Load Game - Loads a map.
Save and Load Game - Saves current game, and loads a new one.
Save Game and Change Level - Saves Current Game, and Goes to a new level.
Rename Saved-Game folder - Renames the folder which saved files get saved into(Unnessicary)
Delete Saved-Game Folder - Deletes the specified folder with saved games in it.
Copy Saved-Game - Copys a Saved Game file with a new name.
Set Campaign Screen - Sets the image for the campaign screen.
Enable/Disable Mission - Enables or Disables a mission.
Enable/Disable Campaign - Enables or Disables a campaign.
Enable/Disable Cinimatic - Enables or Disables a Cinimatic.
Show/Hide a Custom Campaign button - Shows or Hides a Campaign Button Number on the Campaign Screen.
Set Ally Color Filtering - Sets weather the Ally Colors show up on the minimap/real map or not.
Show/Hide Creep Camp Icons for the Minimap - Simple.
Enable/Disable Minimap Buttons - Enables or Disables the use of the buttons beside the minimap in game.
Enable/Disable Selection - Enables or Disables selection of Units and/or the Selection Circles
Enable/Disable Drag-Selection - Enables or Disables the drag-selection and/or the drag-selection box.
Enable/Disable Pre-Selection - Not sure.
Force UI key - Forces a Player to Press a key.(Should work if that key is a hotkey)
Force UI Cancel - Forces a player to press the escape key.
Preload File - Preloads a model/skin file to reduce lag when a unit with that skin/model is created.
Begin Preloading - Starts the preloading
Preload Batch - Opens a JASS based file which has a series of lines, of all the files to preload. This will prevent a lot of Preload File triggers.
12.Game-Cache(Note: This is used mostly for single player maps.)
Create Game Cache - Creates a Game Cache with a Filename.
Save Game Cache - Saves the Game Cache
Store Unit - Stores a unit into the Game Cache, with a label.
Store Real - Stores a Real into the Game Cache, with a label.
Store Integer - Stores a Integer into the Game Cache, with a label.
Store Boolean - Stores a Boolean into the Game Cache, with a label.
Store String - Stores a String into the Game Cache, with a label.
Restore Unit Facing Angle - Restores a Labeled unit from a game cache in a region with a facing angle.
Restore Unit Facing Point - Restores a Labeled unit from a game cache in a region with a facing point.
Reload All - Loads all game cache data on the harddrive.
Clear Game Cache - Clears a game cache of all memory.
Clear Category - Clears all data inside a category of the cache.
Learn Skill - Learns a skill for a hero
Set Level - Sets the level of a hero to an Integer.
Set Experience - Sets the Experience of a Hero to an Integer.
Add Experience - Adds Experience to a Hero
Enable/Disable Experience Gain - Enables or Disables the gaining of experience for a unit.
Set Experience Rate - Sets the Rate of EXP gain for a player, based on a percent.
Revive(Instantly) - Revives a Unit Instantly at a point.
Modify Hero Attribute - Adds/Sets/Subtracts the Str/Agi/Int of a hero to an Integer.
Modify Hero Skill Points - Adds/Sets/Subtracts Skill Points to a Hero.
Reserve Hero Buttons - ????
Give Item to Hero - Instantly moves an item into the specified heros inventory. If it is full, it will be at his feet.
Create Item for Hero - Creates an item directly into the specified heros inventory. If it is full it will be at his feet.
Drop Item from Hero - Drops an item from a hero to put it at his feet.
Drop Item from Hero Inventory Slot - Drops an item from a specific inventory slot in a hero.
Use Item on a Unit - Uses an item on a Unit. If the item does nothing, nothing will happen.
Use Item on a Point - Uses an Item on a Point. If the item does nothing, nothing will happen.
Use Item on a Destructible - Uses an Item on a Destructible. If the item does nothing, nothing will happen.
Use Item - Uses an item, if the item requires a target, nothing will happen.
Create - Creates an item at a point
Remove - Removes an item
Show/Hide Item - Shows or Hides an item in the game.
Move(Instantly) - Moves an Item Instantly to a Point
Set Life - Sets the life of an item
Set Charges Remaining - Sets the amount of uses left in an item.
Make Invulnerable/Vulnerable - Obvious.
Make Pawnable - Makes an item sellable or not sellable to a store.
Make Undropable - Makes an Item unable to be Dropped or Moved.
Make Items Drop from Heros Upon Death - Makes items drop from heros when they die. You can set this so it Doesn't and it will be useful.
Change Owner - Changes the owner of an item.
Set Custom Value - Sets the custom value of an item to an Integer. Can be very useful.
Pick every Item in Region and do Actions - Self Explanitory.
Pick every Item in Region and do Action - Self Explanitory.
Create - Creates an image with a path at a point and with a type.
Destroy - Destroys an image.
Show/Hide - Shows or Hides an Image in game.
Change Constant Height - Changes the height of an image.
Change Position - Changes the position of an image.
Change Color - Changes the color of an image based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Rendering State - Enables or Disables rendering state for an image(????)
Change Render Always State - Enables or Disables render always state for an image(????)
Change above water State - Enables or Disables above water state for an image(????)
Change Type - Changes the type of image.
Create - Creates a leaderboard with a title
Destroy - Destroys a leaderboard.
Sort - Sorts a leaderboard by Value/Player/Label in Acending/Decending order.
Show/Hide - Shows or Hides a leaderboard.
Change Title - Changes the title of a leaderboard.
Change Label Colors - Changes the color of a label, based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Value Colors - Changes the color of a value, based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Style - Changes the Style of a Leaderboard to: Show/Hide title, Show/Hide Labels, Show/Hide Values, and Show/Hide Icons.
Add Player - Adds a player to the leaderboard.
Remove Player - Removes a plaer from the leaderboard.
Change Player Label - Changes what the player is called on the leaderboard.
Change Player Label Color - Changes what color the label is, based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Player Value - Changes the value for a player to an Integer.
Change Player Value Color - Changes the color of a players value, based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Player Style- Changes the style of a player to: Show/Hide Label, Show/Hide Value, and Show/Hide Icon.
Create - Creates a lightning effect with a path, from a source, to a target.
Destroy - Destroys a lightning effect.
Move Lightning Effect - Moves a lightning effect to a source and a target.
Set Lightning Effect Color - Changes the Color of the Lightning Effect.
18.Melee Game
*These are self explanitory*
Use Melee Time of Day
Hero Limits
Hero Starting Items
Set Starting Resources
Remove Excess Units
Create Starting Units
Run AI
Victory/Defeat Conditions
Create Starting Units for Player
Create - Creates a Multiboard with an amount of Rows and Columns, and a title.
Destroy - Destroys a Multiboard.
Show/Hide - Shows or Hides a Multiboard
Show/Hide all Multiboards - Shows or Hides ALL Multiboards.
Minimize/Maximize - Minimizes or maximizes a multiboard
Clear - Clears a multiboard of all values and labels.
Change Title - Changes the title of a multiboard.
Change Title Color - Changes the Color of the Title, based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Number of Rows - Changes the number of rows
Change Number of Columns - Changes the number of columns.
Set Item Display Style - Sets the display style for an item in a Row x Column, to Show/Hide text and Show/Hide icons.
Set Item Text - Changes the Text of an Item in Row x Column.
Set Item Color - Changes the color of an item in Row x Column, based on RBG, with transparency.
Set Item Width - Changes the width of an item
Set Item Icon - Sets the Icon shown for an item
20.Neutral Building
Add Gold to Gold mine - Adds an Integer amount of gold to a gold mine
Set Resources of Gold Mine - Sets the amount of gold in a gold mine.
Haunt Gold mine - Haunts a gold mine instantly for a player.
Enable/Disable Waygate - Enables or DIsables the use of a waygate.
Set Waygate Destination - Sets the point the waygate takes you.
Change Special Minimap Icon - Changes the Minimap Icon for a specific building.
Turn Special Minimap Icon On/Off - Turns the minimap icon On or Off for a building.
Add Item-Type to Marketplace - Adds an item of a type to a marketplace.
Add Item-Type to all Marketplaces - Adds an item of a type to all marketplaces.
Add Unit-Type to Marketplace - Adds an unit of a type to a marketplace.
Add Unit-Type to all Marketplaces - Adds an unit of a type to all marketplaces.
Remove Item-Type to Marketplace - Removes an item of a type to a marketplace.
Remove Item-Type to all Marketplaces - Removes an item of a type to all marketplaces.
Remove Unit-Type to Marketplace - Removes an unit of a type to a marketplace.
Remove Unit-Type to all Marketplaces - Removes an unit of a type to all marketplaces.
Limit Item Slots - Limits the amount of items in a shop.
Limit Item Slots(All Shops) - Limits the amount of items in all shops.
Limit Unit Slots - Limits the amount of units in a shop.
Limit Unit Slots(All Shops) - Limits the amount of units in all shops.
Set Property - Sets the gold/lumber/availabler free heros/gold upkeep rate/lumber upkeep rate/total gold gathered/total lumber gathered/food used/food cap/food max/game result to an Integer for a player.
Add Property - adds gold/lumber/availabler free heros/gold upkeep rate/lumber upkeep rate/total gold gathered/total lumber gathered/food used/food cap/food max/game result with an Integer for a player.
Turn Player Flag On/off - Turns a player flag on or off for a player. Unfollowable/Gives Bounty/Allied Victory.
Invert Incom(Tax) - Gives a Percent of the players income to another player.
Enable/Disable sleeping for all creeps - Enables or Disables sleeping for all creeps.
Set Alliance - Sets an alliance from a player to a player.
Set Aspect of Alliance - Changes an aspect of an alliance from one player to another.
Enable/Disable Ability - Enables or Disables an ability for a Player. A disabled ability will not show up.
Set Training/Construction availability of a unit - Sets the availability of a unit for a player.
Limit Training of Unit-Type - Limits the Amount of Units available to train for a player. -1 will be infinite.
Limit Training Of Heros - Limits the Amount of Heros available to train for a player. -1 is infinite.
Set Current Tech Reaserch Level - Sets the level of a reaserch tech for a player.
Set Max Reaserch level - Sets the maximum levels of a reaserch tech for a player.
Change Color - Changes the player color of a player.
Set Handicap - Sets a handicap for a player.
Show/Hide in Score Screen - Shows or Hides a player in the score screen.
Set Name - Sets the Name of a Player.
22.Player Group
Pick Every Player in Player Group and Do Actions - Does Actions for each Player in a Player group.
Pick Every Player in Player Group and Do Action - Does an Action for each Player in a Player group.
Add Player - Adds a player to a player group.
Remove - Removes a player from a player group.
Clear - Clears a player group of all players.
Set Alliance - Sets the alliance of all players in a player group.
Quest Message - Displays a quest message to a player group. (Plays a sound based on type of message)
Create Quest - Creates a quest with a title, description, and icon.
Destroy Quest - Removes a quest from the game.
Enable/Disable Quest - Enables or Disables a quest. A disabled quest will not show in the list.
Mark Quest as completed - Marks a quest as completed.
Mark Quest as Failed - Marks a quest as failed.
Mark Quest as Discovered - Marks a quest as discovered.
Change Quest Title - Changes the title for a quest.
Change Title Description - Changes the description for a quest.
Create Quest Requirement - Changes the requirements for a quest.
Mark Quest Requirement as Completed - Marks a quest requirement as completed.
Change Quest Requirement Description - Changes the description of a Qest Requirement.
Create Quest Defeat Condition - Creates a defeat condition
Destroy Quest Defeat Condition - Destroys a quest defeat condition
Change Quest Defeat Condition Description - Changes the description for a quest.
Flash Quest Dialog Button - Makes the quests(F9) button flash.
Move - Moves a region to a point.
Clear Selection for Player - Clears the Selection for a Player.
Select Unit Group for Player - Selects a unit group for a player.
Select Unit for Player - Selects a unit for a player.
Add Unit to Selection for Player - OmgDUH!!!!
Remove Unit from Selection for Player - Don't even ask.
Clear - Diselects EVERY unit from EVERY player in the ENTIRE map.
Select Unit Group - Selects a unit group for EVERY PLAYER.
Select Unit - Selects a unit for EVERY PLAYER
Add Unit - Adds a unit to ALL PLAYERS selection.
Remove Unit - Removes a unit from ALL PLAYERS selection.
Play Sound - Plays a sound.
Play sound at Point - Plays a 3d sound at a point.
Play sound on Unit - Plays a 3d sound on a unit.
Play sound from Offset - Plays a sound from offset.
Stop Sound - Stops a sound.
Destroy Sound - Destroys a sound.
Set Sound Volume - Sets the volume of a sound.
Skip to Sound Offset - Skips to a point in the sound and plays from there.
Set sound cutoff distance - Skips to a point in the sound and knows to stop there.
Set Sound Pitch - Changes the pitch of a sound.
Attach 3D sound to unit - Duh.
Set 3D sound Position - Changes the position of a 3D sound.
Set 3D sound Distances - Changes the distance of a 3D sound.
Add/Remove a 3D sound accross a region - Duh.
Use Daytime Ambient sound - Uses a sound based on an environment for an area.
Use Night time Ambient sound - Uses a sound based on an environment for an area.
Enable/Disable Dawn/Dusk sounds - Duh.
Set Music List - Sets the music list with a starting song.
Set Music List - Sets the music list with a random starting song.
Clear Music List - Clears the music list of all music.
Play Music - Plays a music.
Play Music from Offset - Plays a unit from a point.
Play Music Theme - Plays a music theme.
Play Music Theme from Offset - Skips to a point in the Music and starts from there.
Stop Music Theme - Stops Music Theme.
Stop Music - Stops the music.
Resume Music - Resumes the music.
Set Music Volume - Sets the volume to a percentage.
Skip to Music Offset - Skips to a point in the music.
Skip to Music Theme Offset - Skips to a point in the music theme.
Set Volume Channel - Changes the volume of a Music.
Change all Volume Channels for Cinimatic - Changes the Volume Level of Cinimatic Speech.
Set All Volume Channels for Speech - Changes the volume Level of Unit Speech
Reset All Volume Channels - Resets the volume channels
27.Special Effect
Create Special effect at Point - Creates a special effect at a point from a path.
Create Special effect on unit - Creates a special effect on a unit from a path.
Destroy Special Effect - Destroys a special effect.
Turn Off - Turns off the specified trigger
Turn On - Turns on the specified trigger.
Run(Checking Conditions) - Runs a trigger only if the conditions are true.
Run(Ignoring Conditions) - Runs a trigger ignoring conditions.
Add To Trigger Queue - Adds a trigger to the queue, so it will run after the current triggers are finished.
Remove From Trigger Queue - Removes from the queue.
Clear Trigger Queue - Clears all triggers in the queue.
Clear Trigger Queue of Pending Triggers - Clears all Pending Triggers in the queue.
Add New Event - Adds a new event to the specified trigger.
Create Units Facing Angle - Creates an Integer Amount of a Unit-Type of units at a Point for a player, facing an angle.
Create Units Facing Point - Creates an Integer Amount of a Unit-Type of units at a Point for a player, facing a point.
Create Corpse - Creates a corpse of a Unit-Type for a player at a Region.
Create Permenant Corpse - Creates a corpse which will never expire of a Unit-Type for a player at a region.
Kill - Kills a unit.
Remove - Removes a unit.
Explode - Explodes a unit.
Replace - Replaces a unit with another one.
Hide - Hides/Shows a unit on the map.
Change Color - Changes the color of a unit to a preset color.
Change Owner - Changes the owner of a unit.
Share Vision - Shares the vision of a specific unit to another player.
Move Unit Instantly - Moves a unit instantly.
Move unit and Face Angle Instantly - Moves a unit with a new facing angle to a point instantly.
Move unit and Face Point Instantly - Moves a unit with a new facing point to a point instantly.
Set Rally Point to Point - Sets a units rally point to a point.
Set Rally Point to Unit - Sets the rally point to a unit.
Set Rally Point to Destructible - Sets the rally point to a destructible.
Set Life - Sets a units life to a percent
Set Mana - Sets a units mana to a percent.
Set Life - Sets a units life to a value
Set Mana - Sets a units mana to a value.
Make Invulnerable/Vulnerable - Duh.
Pause/Unpase - Gets rid of all abilities on the unit, including move, and build.
Pause/Unpase all units - Gets rid of all abilities on every unit, including move, and build.
Pause/Unpase Expiration timer for a unit - Summoned units have expiration timers. This will pause or unpause one.
Add Expiration Timer - Adds an expiration timer for a unit.
Make Unit Explode on Death - Makes the unit explode when it dies.
Suspend Corpse Decay - Stops the corpse decay.
Reset Ability Cooldowns - Resets all ability cooldowns.
Set Building Construction Progress - Sets the progress of a building construction to a percent.
Set Building Upgrade Progress - Sets the progress of a building upgrading to a percent.
Make Unit Sleep - Makes a unit sleep.
Make Unit Sleep At Night - Makes a Unit Sleep at Night.
Wake Up - Makes a unit Wake up.
Turn Alarm Generation on/off - Turns off or on the sound alerts like, "Our allies forces are under attack!"
Rescue Unit - Rescues a unit for a player, transfering ownership to them.
Make Unit Rescuable - Makes a unit rescuable by a player group.
Set Rescue Range - Sets the range of a unit being rescued.
Set Rescue Behavior for Units - Sets the color of the rescuable units.
Set Rescue Behavior for Buildings - Sets the color of the rescuable buildings.
Enable/Disable Supply Range for Unit - ????
Make Unit Face Unit - Makes a unit face another unit over a time.
Make Unit Face Point - Makes a unit face a point over a time.
Make Unit Face Angle - Makes a unit face an angle over a time.
Set Movement Speed - Changes the speed of a unit.
Turn Collision on/off - Makes units uncolliding with other units.
Set Acusition Range - Sets the range that units see other units to attack.
Set Custom Value - Sets the custom value of a unit.
Remove Buffs - Removes all buffs from a unit.
Remove Buffs By Type - Removes all buffs of a type from a unit.
Remove Specific Buff - Removes a buff of a type from a unit.
Add Ability - Adds an ability to a unit
Remove Ability - Removesan ability from a unit.
Add Classification - Adds a classification from a unit.
Remove Classification - Removes a classification from a unit.
Issue Order Targeting a Unit - Issues an order targeting a unit.
Issue Order Targeting a Point - Issues an order targeting a point.
Issue Order Targeting a Destructible - Issues an order targeting a destructible.
Issue Order Targeting an item - Issues an order targeting an item.
Issue Order with no target - Issues an order with no target.
Issue Train/Upgrade Order- Issues a train/upgrade order to a unit.
Issue Reaserch Order- Issues a reaserch order to a unit.
Issue Build Order- Issues a build order to a unit.
Issue Drop Item Order- Issues a drop item order to a unit.
Issue Move item Order- Issues a move item order to a unit.
Issue Give Item Order- Issues a give item order to a unit.
Damage Area - A unit deals damage to a circle centered on a point with a Real number damage.
Damage Target - A unit deals damage to a unit with a Real number damage.
Decrease Level of Ability for Unit - Duh.
Increase Level of Ability for Unit - Duh.
Set Level of Ability for Unit - Duh.
30.Unit Group
Pick Every Unit in Unit Group and Do Actions - Self Explanitory.
Pick Every Unit in Unit Group and Do Action - Self Explanitory.
Add Unit - Adds a unit to a unit group
Add Unit Group - Adds all units in a unit group into another unit group.
Remove Unit - Removes a unit from a unit group.
Remove unit Group - Removes all units of another unit group from another Unit Group.
Clear - Removes all units from a unit group.
Issue Order Targeting a Unit - Issues an order targeting a unit.
Issue Order Targeting a Point - Issues an order targeting a point.
Issue Order Targeting a Destructible - Issues an order targeting a destructible.
Issue Order Targeting an item - Issues an order targeting an item.
Issue Order with no target - Issues an order with no target.
Issue Train- Issues a train order to a unit.
Create - Creates an ubersplat at a point.
Destroy - Destroys an ubersplat.
Reset - Resets an ubersplat.
Finish - Finishes an ubersplat.
Show/Hide - Shows or Hides an ubersplat.
Change Rendering State - Enables or Disables rendering state for an image
Change Render Always State - Enables or Disables render always state for an image
Self Explanitory:
Enable Fog of War
Disable Fog of War
Enable Black Mask
Disable Black Mask
Create Visibility Modifier Region - Creates a type of visibility across a region for a player.
Create Visibility Modifier Circle - Creates a type of visibility across a circle for a player.
Enable Visibility Modifier - Enable a visibility modifier.
Disable Visibility Modifier - Disable a visibility modifier.
Destroy Visibility Modifier - Destroy a visibility modifier
Trigger Index
6.Countdown Timer
10.Floating Text
12.Game Cache
18.Melee Game
20.Neutral Building
22.Player Group
27.Special Effect
30.Unit Group
33.Preset Unit Functions
34.Preset String Functions
35.Preset Integer Functions
36.Preset Real Functions
37.Preset Unit-Type Functions
38.Preset Item Functions
39.Preset Unit Group Functions
40.Preset Player-Group Functions
41.Preset Item-Type Functions
42.Preset Item-Class Functions
42.Preset Point Functions
Do Nothing - Does nothing.
Wait - Waits a time (seconds)
Wait (Gametime) - Waits a time (Gametime)
Wait For Condition - Waits until a certain preset condition comes true
Wait for Sounds - Waits until a certain sound plays
Set Variable - Sets a variable of your choice to a value of your choice
Skip Remaining Actions - Skips all remaining actions in the current trigger
If/Then/Else, Multiple Functions - If conditions = Values, then do Actions, else do Actions
If/Then/Else - If a condition = Value, then do Action, else do Action
For each integer A, do Multiple Actions - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Integer A
For each integer B, do Multiple Actions - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Integer B
For each integer Variable, do Multiple Actions - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Variable
For each integer A, do Action - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Integer A
For each integer B, do Action - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Integer B
For each integer Variable, do Action - Runs a loop for # - # times, and remembers how many times it has looped as Variable
Start Melee AI Script - Starts an AI script for a designated player (Should be computer).
Start Campaign AI script - Starts a campaign AI script for a designated player (Should be computer).
Send AI Command - Sends a custom AI command for a designated player (Should be computer).
Ignore Units Guard Position - Ignores a specific unit, and all AI commands to that player will not effect that specific unit.
Ignore All Units Guard Position - Ignores ALL units of a specific player, as if they aren't there for the AI.
Recycle Unit Guard Position - Resets the unit, so it can get commands from the AI again.
Lock AI Guard Position - Makes it unable to change weather it will take commands or not.
Play Unit Animation - Plays a units animation. Common animations are: stand - walk - stand work - death - +more, to find the extra ones, click the unit in the unit pallet, and at the left side of the screen, change the animation.
Play Unit Animation (Specific Rarity) - Plays a units animation based on the rarity, if the command givin is common, put common, if rare, put rare.
Queue Unit Animation - Queues a units animation so it will do it as soon as it is finished the previous one.
Reset Unit Animation - Resets the units animation, so it will be standing again.
Add/Remove animation Tag - Adds a tag to a unit, for example a unit without the stand work animation, you could add it to them.
Lock Body-Part Facing - Makes a certain body part face another unit, for example, you could make a peasents head face another peasents head.
Reset Body-Part Facing - Makes the unit face normally.
Change Unit Size - Changes the size of a unit
Change Unit Vertex Coloring - Changes the units coloring based on RGB(Red, Green, Blue) and Transparency.
Change Unit Animation Speed - The higher the animation speed, the faster the unit seems to do something. If I set it to 500 for example, he would seem to run really fast, but he would still move the same speed as set.
Change Unit Turn Speed - Changes the turning speed of a unit.
Change Unit Blend Time - Changes how fast the units body-parts will face another unit
Change Unit Flying Height - Changes the flying height of a unit, but only if it already flys.
Change Unit Prop Window Angle - ????
Play Destructible Animation - Plays a destructibles animation.
Queue Destructibles Animation - Makes the destructible do the animation once it is finished current animations
Change Destructible Animation Speed - Same as the unit animation speed, except to a destructible
Play Animation for Doodads in a Region - Plays an animation for all doodads in a preset region
Play Animation for Doodads in a Circle - Plays an animation for all doodads in a circle
Apply Camera Object(Timed) - Will apply a preplaced camera from the editor.
Pan Camera(Timed) - Will pan the camera to a preset region over time.
Pan Camera with Interpolated Height - Pans the camera to a place with a preset height.
Pan Camera as Nessecary - Pans the camera to a place ONLY IF NECESSARY, if you are already at the place, it will not try to pan there.
Set Camera Field(Timed) - Sets a camera field over time.
Rotate Camera around point - Will rotate the camera around a point for (Number)°.
Lock Camera to Unit - Locks the camera to a unit.
Lock Camera Orientation to unit - Locks the camera to a unit offset by something.
Play cinematic sequence - Will play a premade cinimatic sequence (Unnessicary)
Stop Camera - Stops the camera for a player no matter where it is going.
Reset Game Camera - Resets the camera entirely for a player.
Change Camera Smoothing Factor - Will make the camera very smooth and nice if set to a high number.
Reset camera smoothing factor - Sets the cameras smoothing factor to normal.
Sway camera source - Sways the camera source for a player with a velocity and magnitude.
Sway camera target - Sways the camera target for a player with a velocity and magnitude.
Shake Camera - Will shake the camera up and down for a player with magnitude.
Stop Shaking/swaying camera - Pretty clear itself...
Extend/shrink camera bounds - Will allow your camera to go farther around the map or less far around the map then before.
Set Camera Bounds - Locks the camera to a specific region, rendering you unable to move out of that region
Set Camera-Spacebar point - Sets the point where if you press spacebar it will take you there.
Transmission from Unit - Sends a transmission to a player from a unit with text and sound and time.
Transmission From Unit Type - Sends a transmission to a player from a unit-type with text and sound and time.
Subtitle Override - Will show the text even if the user has Subtitles turned Off.
Cinimatic Mode - Turns cinimatic mode on or off for a player group
Cinimatic Mode (Timed) - Turns cinimatic mode on or off for a player group for a time.
Fade Filter - Fades in/out/in and out over a time, with an image
Advanced Filter - A more advanced way to use a fade filter, with the extra options of blending, and start/end color.
Show/Hide filter - Shows/Hides a fade filter for all players
Ping Minimap - Pings the minimap at a region for a time
Ping Minimap with Color - Pings the minimap at a region for a time with color.
Flash a Speech indicater for a unit - Puts a little circle of your color underneath a unit for a split second.
Flash a Speech Indicater for a Destructible - Puts a little circle of your color underneath a destructible for a split second.
Flash a Speech Indicater for an Item - Puts a little circle of your color underneath an item for a split second.
Clear Text Messages - Clears all messages on the screen.
Letterbox Mode On - Turns letterbox mode on
Letterbox Mode Off - Turns letterbox mode off
Disable User Control - Disables user control for a player group.
Enable User Control - Enables user control for a player group.
Enable/Disable Occlusion - This will clear all trees/objects in the way of the camera, by making them transparent.
Enable/Disable Boundary Tinting - This will tint the boundary if enabled
6.Countdown Timers
Start Timer - Starts a timer as a one-shot/repeating timer.
Pause Timer - Pauses/unpauses a timer.
Create Timer Window - Creates a window for a timer, for the players in game to see.
Destroy Timer Window - Destroys the window for a timer.
Hide Timer Window for player - Hides/Shows a timer window for a player.
Hide Timer Window - Hides/Shows a timer window.
Change Timer Window Title - Changes the title of a timer window
Change Timer Window Title Color - Changes the color of a title for a timer window
Change Timer Window Time Color - Changes the Color of the Time for a Timer Window
Create - Creates a destructible at a point with a scale, facing, and variation.
Create(dead) - Creates a dead destructible at a point with a scale, facing, and variation.
Kill - Kills a destructible
Remove - Removes a destructible
Ressurect - Ressurects a destructible
Show/Hide - Shows/Hides a destructible
Set Life to Percentage - Sets the life of a destructible to a preset percent
Set Life to Value - Sets the life of a destructible to a preset value
Set Max Life - Sets the max life of a destructible to a value
Open/Close/Destroy Gate - Opens/Closes/Destroys a gate.
Open/Close Elevator Walls - Opens/Closes an elevator wall for entrance
Set Elevator Height - Sets the hieght of an elevator.
Make Invulnerable/Vulnerable - Makes a destructible Invulnerable or Vulnerable
Set Occlusion Height - Sets the height of a destructible that would become invisible if the camera cannot see through it.
Pick Every Destructible In Region and do Actions - Self Explanitory.
Pick Every Destructible In Circle and do Actions - Self Explanitory.
Pick Every Destructible In Circle and do Action - Self Explanitory.
Pick Every Destructible In Region and do Action - Self Explanitory.
Show/Hide - Shows/hides a dialog box for a specific player
Change Title - Changes the Title of a Dialog Box
Create Dialog Button - Creates a button for a dialog box
Clear - Removes all buttons and labels on a dialog box
Create Weather Effect - Creates a weather effect on a region
Enable/Disable Weather Effect - Enables or Disables a weather effect
Remove Weather Effect - Removes the Weather Effect Specified
Create Terrain Deformation: Crater - Creates a crater like hole in the ground at a point, with a preset depth and width.
Create Terrain Deformation: Ripple - Creates a ripple at a point for a time, with a preset depth and width
Create Terrain Deformation: Wave - Creates a wave in the terrain at a point for a time, with a preset depth and width
Create Terrain Deformation: Random - Will create a random terrain deformation at a point, with a preset depth between 2 numbers and a width.
Stop Terrain Deformation - Stops a specified terrain deformation.
Stop All Terrain Deformations - Stops ALL terrain deformations.
Turn Water Deformation On/off - Enables the terrain deformations to effect the surface of the water, or just the terrain underneath.
Change Terrain Type - Changes the type of terrain at a point with size and variation
Turn Terrain Pathing On/Off - VERY useful trigger, enables the walkability/flyability/etc on a certain terrain type.
Set Water Tinting Color - Sets the water color based on RGB, and transparency.
Set Sky - Changes the sky visable in game.
Set Fog - Sets fog style and amount, and color.
Reset Fog - Sets the fog to the initial.
Create/Remove Blight Region - Creates or Removes a region of blight for a player.
Create/Remove Blight Circle - Creates or Removes a circle of blight for a player.
10.Floating Text
Create Floating Text at Point - Creates Floating Text at a point with a Message, Color, size, and Z Offset.
Create Floating Text Above Unit - Creates Floating Text Above a Unit with a Message, Color, Size and Z Offset.
Destroy - Destroys the specified floating text.
Show/Hide - Shows/Hides the specified floating text for a player group.
Set Velocity - Sets the velocity of a floating text to an integer and an angle.
Change Color - Changes the color of Floating Text based on RGB, and transparency.
Change Position to Point - Moves the Text to another Point
Change Position to Unit - Moves the Text to a Unit
Change Text - Changes the Message of a Floating Text.
Suspend/Resume - ????
Perminant/Expires - Decides weather a Floating Text will expire, or if it is there for the entire game.
Change Lifespan - Changes the time the floating text will show.
Change Fading Age - Changes how long it will take for the text to fade away.
Change Age - Sets how long the Text has been Showing.
Text Message(Auto-Timed) - Displays a Message to a Player Group, for a time based on how long the message is.
Text Message(Explicitly Timed) - Displays a Message to a Player Group for the time Specified.
Pause Game - Pauses the Game, as if a player had pressed Pause from the start menu.
Unpause Game - Unpauses the game, as if a player had press Resume form the start menu.
Set Game Speed - Sets the game speed(Not sure what effect it has)
Lock Game Speed - Prevents the speed from being changed
Unlock Game Speed - Allows the speed to be changed
Set Map Flag - Sets a certain flag on/off. This can be very useful:
Use Handicaps - Enables use of handicaps
Allow Observers - Allows observers
Observers on Defeat - Decides weather observers are allowed to watch after the game is over
Lock Resource Trading - Disables the Trading of Resourses
Restrict Resource Trading to Allies - Duh.
Lock Alliance Settings - Makes the players unable to change whom they are allies with.
Hide Alliance Changes - Makes the Players unable to See whom they are allies with.
Map Transitioned - No clue.
Use Random Heros - No clue.
Use Random Races - Picks a random race, no matter which race you have chosen.
Visibility: Hide Terrain - Makes the map hidden
Visibility: Explored - Makes the map Visible, but not seeable.
Visibility: Always Visible - Makes the map entirely visible.
Set Time of Day - Sets the time of day to a Real Number.
Set Time of Day Speed - Changes the speed that the clock ticks, based on Percentage.
Turn Night/Day Cycle On/Off - The clock will still tick, but the night/day cycle will stop. It will always be day/night, depending on what it is when this is run.
Share Vision and Full Unit Control with Team - Shares Vision and Full Unit Control with the specified players entire team.
Give Units to Neutral Victim - Gives all of the specified players units to Neutral Victim.
Set Next Level - Sets the Next Level for a Campaign map.
Victory - Gives victory to a player.
Defeat - Gives defeat to a player, with a message.
Load Game - Loads a map.
Save and Load Game - Saves current game, and loads a new one.
Save Game and Change Level - Saves Current Game, and Goes to a new level.
Rename Saved-Game folder - Renames the folder which saved files get saved into(Unnessicary)
Delete Saved-Game Folder - Deletes the specified folder with saved games in it.
Copy Saved-Game - Copys a Saved Game file with a new name.
Set Campaign Screen - Sets the image for the campaign screen.
Enable/Disable Mission - Enables or Disables a mission.
Enable/Disable Campaign - Enables or Disables a campaign.
Enable/Disable Cinimatic - Enables or Disables a Cinimatic.
Show/Hide a Custom Campaign button - Shows or Hides a Campaign Button Number on the Campaign Screen.
Set Ally Color Filtering - Sets weather the Ally Colors show up on the minimap/real map or not.
Show/Hide Creep Camp Icons for the Minimap - Simple.
Enable/Disable Minimap Buttons - Enables or Disables the use of the buttons beside the minimap in game.
Enable/Disable Selection - Enables or Disables selection of Units and/or the Selection Circles
Enable/Disable Drag-Selection - Enables or Disables the drag-selection and/or the drag-selection box.
Enable/Disable Pre-Selection - Not sure.
Force UI key - Forces a Player to Press a key.(Should work if that key is a hotkey)
Force UI Cancel - Forces a player to press the escape key.
Preload File - Preloads a model/skin file to reduce lag when a unit with that skin/model is created.
Begin Preloading - Starts the preloading
Preload Batch - Opens a JASS based file which has a series of lines, of all the files to preload. This will prevent a lot of Preload File triggers.
12.Game-Cache(Note: This is used mostly for single player maps.)
Create Game Cache - Creates a Game Cache with a Filename.
Save Game Cache - Saves the Game Cache
Store Unit - Stores a unit into the Game Cache, with a label.
Store Real - Stores a Real into the Game Cache, with a label.
Store Integer - Stores a Integer into the Game Cache, with a label.
Store Boolean - Stores a Boolean into the Game Cache, with a label.
Store String - Stores a String into the Game Cache, with a label.
Restore Unit Facing Angle - Restores a Labeled unit from a game cache in a region with a facing angle.
Restore Unit Facing Point - Restores a Labeled unit from a game cache in a region with a facing point.
Reload All - Loads all game cache data on the harddrive.
Clear Game Cache - Clears a game cache of all memory.
Clear Category - Clears all data inside a category of the cache.
Learn Skill - Learns a skill for a hero
Set Level - Sets the level of a hero to an Integer.
Set Experience - Sets the Experience of a Hero to an Integer.
Add Experience - Adds Experience to a Hero
Enable/Disable Experience Gain - Enables or Disables the gaining of experience for a unit.
Set Experience Rate - Sets the Rate of EXP gain for a player, based on a percent.
Revive(Instantly) - Revives a Unit Instantly at a point.
Modify Hero Attribute - Adds/Sets/Subtracts the Str/Agi/Int of a hero to an Integer.
Modify Hero Skill Points - Adds/Sets/Subtracts Skill Points to a Hero.
Reserve Hero Buttons - ????
Give Item to Hero - Instantly moves an item into the specified heros inventory. If it is full, it will be at his feet.
Create Item for Hero - Creates an item directly into the specified heros inventory. If it is full it will be at his feet.
Drop Item from Hero - Drops an item from a hero to put it at his feet.
Drop Item from Hero Inventory Slot - Drops an item from a specific inventory slot in a hero.
Use Item on a Unit - Uses an item on a Unit. If the item does nothing, nothing will happen.
Use Item on a Point - Uses an Item on a Point. If the item does nothing, nothing will happen.
Use Item on a Destructible - Uses an Item on a Destructible. If the item does nothing, nothing will happen.
Use Item - Uses an item, if the item requires a target, nothing will happen.
Create - Creates an item at a point
Remove - Removes an item
Show/Hide Item - Shows or Hides an item in the game.
Move(Instantly) - Moves an Item Instantly to a Point
Set Life - Sets the life of an item
Set Charges Remaining - Sets the amount of uses left in an item.
Make Invulnerable/Vulnerable - Obvious.
Make Pawnable - Makes an item sellable or not sellable to a store.
Make Undropable - Makes an Item unable to be Dropped or Moved.
Make Items Drop from Heros Upon Death - Makes items drop from heros when they die. You can set this so it Doesn't and it will be useful.
Change Owner - Changes the owner of an item.
Set Custom Value - Sets the custom value of an item to an Integer. Can be very useful.
Pick every Item in Region and do Actions - Self Explanitory.
Pick every Item in Region and do Action - Self Explanitory.
Create - Creates an image with a path at a point and with a type.
Destroy - Destroys an image.
Show/Hide - Shows or Hides an Image in game.
Change Constant Height - Changes the height of an image.
Change Position - Changes the position of an image.
Change Color - Changes the color of an image based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Rendering State - Enables or Disables rendering state for an image(????)
Change Render Always State - Enables or Disables render always state for an image(????)
Change above water State - Enables or Disables above water state for an image(????)
Change Type - Changes the type of image.
Create - Creates a leaderboard with a title
Destroy - Destroys a leaderboard.
Sort - Sorts a leaderboard by Value/Player/Label in Acending/Decending order.
Show/Hide - Shows or Hides a leaderboard.
Change Title - Changes the title of a leaderboard.
Change Label Colors - Changes the color of a label, based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Value Colors - Changes the color of a value, based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Style - Changes the Style of a Leaderboard to: Show/Hide title, Show/Hide Labels, Show/Hide Values, and Show/Hide Icons.
Add Player - Adds a player to the leaderboard.
Remove Player - Removes a plaer from the leaderboard.
Change Player Label - Changes what the player is called on the leaderboard.
Change Player Label Color - Changes what color the label is, based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Player Value - Changes the value for a player to an Integer.
Change Player Value Color - Changes the color of a players value, based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Player Style- Changes the style of a player to: Show/Hide Label, Show/Hide Value, and Show/Hide Icon.
Create - Creates a lightning effect with a path, from a source, to a target.
Destroy - Destroys a lightning effect.
Move Lightning Effect - Moves a lightning effect to a source and a target.
Set Lightning Effect Color - Changes the Color of the Lightning Effect.
18.Melee Game
*These are self explanitory*
Use Melee Time of Day
Hero Limits
Hero Starting Items
Set Starting Resources
Remove Excess Units
Create Starting Units
Run AI
Victory/Defeat Conditions
Create Starting Units for Player
Create - Creates a Multiboard with an amount of Rows and Columns, and a title.
Destroy - Destroys a Multiboard.
Show/Hide - Shows or Hides a Multiboard
Show/Hide all Multiboards - Shows or Hides ALL Multiboards.
Minimize/Maximize - Minimizes or maximizes a multiboard
Clear - Clears a multiboard of all values and labels.
Change Title - Changes the title of a multiboard.
Change Title Color - Changes the Color of the Title, based on RBG, with transparency.
Change Number of Rows - Changes the number of rows
Change Number of Columns - Changes the number of columns.
Set Item Display Style - Sets the display style for an item in a Row x Column, to Show/Hide text and Show/Hide icons.
Set Item Text - Changes the Text of an Item in Row x Column.
Set Item Color - Changes the color of an item in Row x Column, based on RBG, with transparency.
Set Item Width - Changes the width of an item
Set Item Icon - Sets the Icon shown for an item
20.Neutral Building
Add Gold to Gold mine - Adds an Integer amount of gold to a gold mine
Set Resources of Gold Mine - Sets the amount of gold in a gold mine.
Haunt Gold mine - Haunts a gold mine instantly for a player.
Enable/Disable Waygate - Enables or DIsables the use of a waygate.
Set Waygate Destination - Sets the point the waygate takes you.
Change Special Minimap Icon - Changes the Minimap Icon for a specific building.
Turn Special Minimap Icon On/Off - Turns the minimap icon On or Off for a building.
Add Item-Type to Marketplace - Adds an item of a type to a marketplace.
Add Item-Type to all Marketplaces - Adds an item of a type to all marketplaces.
Add Unit-Type to Marketplace - Adds an unit of a type to a marketplace.
Add Unit-Type to all Marketplaces - Adds an unit of a type to all marketplaces.
Remove Item-Type to Marketplace - Removes an item of a type to a marketplace.
Remove Item-Type to all Marketplaces - Removes an item of a type to all marketplaces.
Remove Unit-Type to Marketplace - Removes an unit of a type to a marketplace.
Remove Unit-Type to all Marketplaces - Removes an unit of a type to all marketplaces.
Limit Item Slots - Limits the amount of items in a shop.
Limit Item Slots(All Shops) - Limits the amount of items in all shops.
Limit Unit Slots - Limits the amount of units in a shop.
Limit Unit Slots(All Shops) - Limits the amount of units in all shops.
Set Property - Sets the gold/lumber/availabler free heros/gold upkeep rate/lumber upkeep rate/total gold gathered/total lumber gathered/food used/food cap/food max/game result to an Integer for a player.
Add Property - adds gold/lumber/availabler free heros/gold upkeep rate/lumber upkeep rate/total gold gathered/total lumber gathered/food used/food cap/food max/game result with an Integer for a player.
Turn Player Flag On/off - Turns a player flag on or off for a player. Unfollowable/Gives Bounty/Allied Victory.
Invert Incom(Tax) - Gives a Percent of the players income to another player.
Enable/Disable sleeping for all creeps - Enables or Disables sleeping for all creeps.
Set Alliance - Sets an alliance from a player to a player.
Set Aspect of Alliance - Changes an aspect of an alliance from one player to another.
Enable/Disable Ability - Enables or Disables an ability for a Player. A disabled ability will not show up.
Set Training/Construction availability of a unit - Sets the availability of a unit for a player.
Limit Training of Unit-Type - Limits the Amount of Units available to train for a player. -1 will be infinite.
Limit Training Of Heros - Limits the Amount of Heros available to train for a player. -1 is infinite.
Set Current Tech Reaserch Level - Sets the level of a reaserch tech for a player.
Set Max Reaserch level - Sets the maximum levels of a reaserch tech for a player.
Change Color - Changes the player color of a player.
Set Handicap - Sets a handicap for a player.
Show/Hide in Score Screen - Shows or Hides a player in the score screen.
Set Name - Sets the Name of a Player.
22.Player Group
Pick Every Player in Player Group and Do Actions - Does Actions for each Player in a Player group.
Pick Every Player in Player Group and Do Action - Does an Action for each Player in a Player group.
Add Player - Adds a player to a player group.
Remove - Removes a player from a player group.
Clear - Clears a player group of all players.
Set Alliance - Sets the alliance of all players in a player group.
Quest Message - Displays a quest message to a player group. (Plays a sound based on type of message)
Create Quest - Creates a quest with a title, description, and icon.
Destroy Quest - Removes a quest from the game.
Enable/Disable Quest - Enables or Disables a quest. A disabled quest will not show in the list.
Mark Quest as completed - Marks a quest as completed.
Mark Quest as Failed - Marks a quest as failed.
Mark Quest as Discovered - Marks a quest as discovered.
Change Quest Title - Changes the title for a quest.
Change Title Description - Changes the description for a quest.
Create Quest Requirement - Changes the requirements for a quest.
Mark Quest Requirement as Completed - Marks a quest requirement as completed.
Change Quest Requirement Description - Changes the description of a Qest Requirement.
Create Quest Defeat Condition - Creates a defeat condition
Destroy Quest Defeat Condition - Destroys a quest defeat condition
Change Quest Defeat Condition Description - Changes the description for a quest.
Flash Quest Dialog Button - Makes the quests(F9) button flash.
Move - Moves a region to a point.
Clear Selection for Player - Clears the Selection for a Player.
Select Unit Group for Player - Selects a unit group for a player.
Select Unit for Player - Selects a unit for a player.
Add Unit to Selection for Player - OmgDUH!!!!
Remove Unit from Selection for Player - Don't even ask.
Clear - Diselects EVERY unit from EVERY player in the ENTIRE map.
Select Unit Group - Selects a unit group for EVERY PLAYER.
Select Unit - Selects a unit for EVERY PLAYER
Add Unit - Adds a unit to ALL PLAYERS selection.
Remove Unit - Removes a unit from ALL PLAYERS selection.
Play Sound - Plays a sound.
Play sound at Point - Plays a 3d sound at a point.
Play sound on Unit - Plays a 3d sound on a unit.
Play sound from Offset - Plays a sound from offset.
Stop Sound - Stops a sound.
Destroy Sound - Destroys a sound.
Set Sound Volume - Sets the volume of a sound.
Skip to Sound Offset - Skips to a point in the sound and plays from there.
Set sound cutoff distance - Skips to a point in the sound and knows to stop there.
Set Sound Pitch - Changes the pitch of a sound.
Attach 3D sound to unit - Duh.
Set 3D sound Position - Changes the position of a 3D sound.
Set 3D sound Distances - Changes the distance of a 3D sound.
Add/Remove a 3D sound accross a region - Duh.
Use Daytime Ambient sound - Uses a sound based on an environment for an area.
Use Night time Ambient sound - Uses a sound based on an environment for an area.
Enable/Disable Dawn/Dusk sounds - Duh.
Set Music List - Sets the music list with a starting song.
Set Music List - Sets the music list with a random starting song.
Clear Music List - Clears the music list of all music.
Play Music - Plays a music.
Play Music from Offset - Plays a unit from a point.
Play Music Theme - Plays a music theme.
Play Music Theme from Offset - Skips to a point in the Music and starts from there.
Stop Music Theme - Stops Music Theme.
Stop Music - Stops the music.
Resume Music - Resumes the music.
Set Music Volume - Sets the volume to a percentage.
Skip to Music Offset - Skips to a point in the music.
Skip to Music Theme Offset - Skips to a point in the music theme.
Set Volume Channel - Changes the volume of a Music.
Change all Volume Channels for Cinimatic - Changes the Volume Level of Cinimatic Speech.
Set All Volume Channels for Speech - Changes the volume Level of Unit Speech
Reset All Volume Channels - Resets the volume channels
27.Special Effect
Create Special effect at Point - Creates a special effect at a point from a path.
Create Special effect on unit - Creates a special effect on a unit from a path.
Destroy Special Effect - Destroys a special effect.
Turn Off - Turns off the specified trigger
Turn On - Turns on the specified trigger.
Run(Checking Conditions) - Runs a trigger only if the conditions are true.
Run(Ignoring Conditions) - Runs a trigger ignoring conditions.
Add To Trigger Queue - Adds a trigger to the queue, so it will run after the current triggers are finished.
Remove From Trigger Queue - Removes from the queue.
Clear Trigger Queue - Clears all triggers in the queue.
Clear Trigger Queue of Pending Triggers - Clears all Pending Triggers in the queue.
Add New Event - Adds a new event to the specified trigger.
Create Units Facing Angle - Creates an Integer Amount of a Unit-Type of units at a Point for a player, facing an angle.
Create Units Facing Point - Creates an Integer Amount of a Unit-Type of units at a Point for a player, facing a point.
Create Corpse - Creates a corpse of a Unit-Type for a player at a Region.
Create Permenant Corpse - Creates a corpse which will never expire of a Unit-Type for a player at a region.
Kill - Kills a unit.
Remove - Removes a unit.
Explode - Explodes a unit.
Replace - Replaces a unit with another one.
Hide - Hides/Shows a unit on the map.
Change Color - Changes the color of a unit to a preset color.
Change Owner - Changes the owner of a unit.
Share Vision - Shares the vision of a specific unit to another player.
Move Unit Instantly - Moves a unit instantly.
Move unit and Face Angle Instantly - Moves a unit with a new facing angle to a point instantly.
Move unit and Face Point Instantly - Moves a unit with a new facing point to a point instantly.
Set Rally Point to Point - Sets a units rally point to a point.
Set Rally Point to Unit - Sets the rally point to a unit.
Set Rally Point to Destructible - Sets the rally point to a destructible.
Set Life - Sets a units life to a percent
Set Mana - Sets a units mana to a percent.
Set Life - Sets a units life to a value
Set Mana - Sets a units mana to a value.
Make Invulnerable/Vulnerable - Duh.
Pause/Unpase - Gets rid of all abilities on the unit, including move, and build.
Pause/Unpase all units - Gets rid of all abilities on every unit, including move, and build.
Pause/Unpase Expiration timer for a unit - Summoned units have expiration timers. This will pause or unpause one.
Add Expiration Timer - Adds an expiration timer for a unit.
Make Unit Explode on Death - Makes the unit explode when it dies.
Suspend Corpse Decay - Stops the corpse decay.
Reset Ability Cooldowns - Resets all ability cooldowns.
Set Building Construction Progress - Sets the progress of a building construction to a percent.
Set Building Upgrade Progress - Sets the progress of a building upgrading to a percent.
Make Unit Sleep - Makes a unit sleep.
Make Unit Sleep At Night - Makes a Unit Sleep at Night.
Wake Up - Makes a unit Wake up.
Turn Alarm Generation on/off - Turns off or on the sound alerts like, "Our allies forces are under attack!"
Rescue Unit - Rescues a unit for a player, transfering ownership to them.
Make Unit Rescuable - Makes a unit rescuable by a player group.
Set Rescue Range - Sets the range of a unit being rescued.
Set Rescue Behavior for Units - Sets the color of the rescuable units.
Set Rescue Behavior for Buildings - Sets the color of the rescuable buildings.
Enable/Disable Supply Range for Unit - ????
Make Unit Face Unit - Makes a unit face another unit over a time.
Make Unit Face Point - Makes a unit face a point over a time.
Make Unit Face Angle - Makes a unit face an angle over a time.
Set Movement Speed - Changes the speed of a unit.
Turn Collision on/off - Makes units uncolliding with other units.
Set Acusition Range - Sets the range that units see other units to attack.
Set Custom Value - Sets the custom value of a unit.
Remove Buffs - Removes all buffs from a unit.
Remove Buffs By Type - Removes all buffs of a type from a unit.
Remove Specific Buff - Removes a buff of a type from a unit.
Add Ability - Adds an ability to a unit
Remove Ability - Removesan ability from a unit.
Add Classification - Adds a classification from a unit.
Remove Classification - Removes a classification from a unit.
Issue Order Targeting a Unit - Issues an order targeting a unit.
Issue Order Targeting a Point - Issues an order targeting a point.
Issue Order Targeting a Destructible - Issues an order targeting a destructible.
Issue Order Targeting an item - Issues an order targeting an item.
Issue Order with no target - Issues an order with no target.
Issue Train/Upgrade Order- Issues a train/upgrade order to a unit.
Issue Reaserch Order- Issues a reaserch order to a unit.
Issue Build Order- Issues a build order to a unit.
Issue Drop Item Order- Issues a drop item order to a unit.
Issue Move item Order- Issues a move item order to a unit.
Issue Give Item Order- Issues a give item order to a unit.
Damage Area - A unit deals damage to a circle centered on a point with a Real number damage.
Damage Target - A unit deals damage to a unit with a Real number damage.
Decrease Level of Ability for Unit - Duh.
Increase Level of Ability for Unit - Duh.
Set Level of Ability for Unit - Duh.
30.Unit Group
Pick Every Unit in Unit Group and Do Actions - Self Explanitory.
Pick Every Unit in Unit Group and Do Action - Self Explanitory.
Add Unit - Adds a unit to a unit group
Add Unit Group - Adds all units in a unit group into another unit group.
Remove Unit - Removes a unit from a unit group.
Remove unit Group - Removes all units of another unit group from another Unit Group.
Clear - Removes all units from a unit group.
Issue Order Targeting a Unit - Issues an order targeting a unit.
Issue Order Targeting a Point - Issues an order targeting a point.
Issue Order Targeting a Destructible - Issues an order targeting a destructible.
Issue Order Targeting an item - Issues an order targeting an item.
Issue Order with no target - Issues an order with no target.
Issue Train- Issues a train order to a unit.
Create - Creates an ubersplat at a point.
Destroy - Destroys an ubersplat.
Reset - Resets an ubersplat.
Finish - Finishes an ubersplat.
Show/Hide - Shows or Hides an ubersplat.
Change Rendering State - Enables or Disables rendering state for an image
Change Render Always State - Enables or Disables render always state for an image
Self Explanitory:
Enable Fog of War
Disable Fog of War
Enable Black Mask
Disable Black Mask
Create Visibility Modifier Region - Creates a type of visibility across a region for a player.
Create Visibility Modifier Circle - Creates a type of visibility across a circle for a player.
Enable Visibility Modifier - Enable a visibility modifier.
Disable Visibility Modifier - Disable a visibility modifier.
Destroy Visibility Modifier - Destroy a visibility modifier