[NZCP + SHDR] twrpgv0.53b_eng
Posted: October 19th, 2021, 1:07 am
Hi there. I took Spookyo's SHDR version and improved it.
- Added a 35% drop rate to all minor/mid/high bosses (just the ones that drop personal chests);
- Every boss that doesn't have a personal chest has 45% drop rate;
- Every bosses mana stone has 1000 mana. (can resummon 1000 times);
- Every boss resummon time reduced. Bosses like jack have 10-15 second spawn time, bosses like SK have 30 second.
ACTIVATOR: -easymode
Custom Commands (don't need to use any activator):
-dropr x - Changes drop rate to x%;
-xpr x - Changes experience rate to x%;
-goldr x - Changes gold rate to x%;
-rtime x - Changes respawn time to x seconds;
-pchest x - Changes personal chest rate to x%;
-mstone x - Changes mana stone's quantity to x;
-info - Shows all current values from SHDR System.
- Added a 35% drop rate to all minor/mid/high bosses (just the ones that drop personal chests);
- Every boss that doesn't have a personal chest has 45% drop rate;
- Every bosses mana stone has 1000 mana. (can resummon 1000 times);
- Every boss resummon time reduced. Bosses like jack have 10-15 second spawn time, bosses like SK have 30 second.
ACTIVATOR: -easymode
Custom Commands (don't need to use any activator):
-dropr x - Changes drop rate to x%;
-xpr x - Changes experience rate to x%;
-goldr x - Changes gold rate to x%;
-rtime x - Changes respawn time to x seconds;
-pchest x - Changes personal chest rate to x%;
-mstone x - Changes mana stone's quantity to x;
-info - Shows all current values from SHDR System.