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[GUIDE] Bypassing Anti-Cheats

Posted: January 19th, 2012, 2:08 pm
by haxorico
This thread will discuss on maps that contain Anti-Cheats and how to deal with them.
If you encounter a map that you cannot cheat, and the methods here did NOT help. Post the map and a guide for that method will be made. There are alot of ways to make anti-cheats, it is a matter of knoledge and creativity.

General Problems
1) Can't open map using MPQMaster.
This problem accours when a map archive has been corrupted.
You can rebuild the archive manually using the Advanced Cheating Guide
Or use the tool - Haxorizer
2) Can't find the war3map.j file.
Sometimes the war3map.j file will "hide" inside a folder called "scripts".
If you still can't see the file nor folder, make sure the listfile you are using has the following lines.

Code: Select all

Note that if the war3map.j file exists in both the scripts and the main folder. The file in the main folder will overite the file in the scripts folder.
3) JassCraft shows the $ error.
This problem accours when the map has been optimized. It doesn't make the map unplayable, but it will stop you from knowing where are the errors you made. In this case, you need to fix the errors by using the following tools:
Or you can fix it manually using the following guide.
The $ symbol means that the following number will be used as a Hexadecimal number. (what is Hexadecimal)
So all you got to do is replace the number (including the $ symbol) with the correct Decimal number. Here is an online converter to help you.
Jass Problems
1) Functions/Variable collisions.
Maps like DotA use in their code the same function and variable names such as common cheat-pack. So how do we bypass it?
Well you could manually look for the that function name or variable, but that will take a long time. But you can also use an optimizer such as Vexorian's Map Optimizer.
Optimize the war3map.j file or the map and then use your desired Cheat-Pack

Bear in mind that there are more anti-cheats and I will try to update and add a guide to this list for any anti-cheat given.

Re: [Guide] - Bypassing Anti-Cheats

Posted: January 19th, 2012, 4:26 pm
by Kyoshiro
I'd like to add if a map doesn't work with MPQMaster give WinMPQ a try, I've found it works for more maps than MPQMaster.

Re: [Guide] - Bypassing Anti-Cheats

Posted: January 20th, 2012, 2:37 am
by haxorico
WinMPQ never worked for me so I couldn't check that

Re: [Guide] - Bypassing Anti-Cheats

Posted: January 20th, 2012, 6:32 am
by Kyoshiro
WinMPQ is awesome, lets you edit files without extracting.

Re: [Guide] - Bypassing Anti-Cheats

Posted: February 26th, 2012, 9:56 am
by coolfishsq
Hi there, I guess this map has some troubles working with any cheatpacks: ... 205.11.w3x
Actually I manage to insert the cheatpacks, but When the game loads you cannot save or resurrect, though the cheat works. Does anyone know what can be done here?:)

Re: [Guide] - Bypassing Anti-Cheats

Posted: February 26th, 2012, 10:22 am
by Bartimaeus
The map doesn't work in single player - completely unrelated to the cheatpack. Make a request for it.

Actually, don't, since I already fulfilled it: ... 24131.html

Re: [Guide] - Bypassing Anti-Cheats

Posted: February 26th, 2012, 4:05 pm
by coolfishsq
Why do you think it doesnt work in single player? Maybe I misunderstand you, but the map does have a singleplayer mode and you can even save in it:)
Anyway, thanks for this map, though I'm more interested in a way you managed to insert a JJ's CP, cause I've already done that and had the problem I talked about above:) Did you do anything more than just copying and pasting the text after Globals/etc.?

Re: [Guide] - Bypassing Anti-Cheats

Posted: February 27th, 2012, 10:56 am
by Bartimaeus
Woops, I misunderstood. I thought you meant you didn't understand why the CP didn't magically fix whatever anti-singleplayer triggers the map had.

Um, nope, not really. I copied Kyoshiro and placed JJ's CP globals at the very end of the globals right before endglobals, place the endglobals in the very beginning, place the JJ's CP local zzz at the beginning of function main and then the rest at the very end of function main, (right before function config). Seems to work more often than doing it the normal way. Perhaps you could try and see if that solves it?

Re: [Guide] - Bypassing Anti-Cheats

Posted: February 28th, 2012, 6:28 pm
by coolfishsq
Well, there's a little misunderstanding again :D. Where to place JJ's CP endglobals? (what means "in the beginning"?) And JJ's CP local zzz - right after function main, not after all it's locals that also are in the beginning?
I've tried different variants - for example, I put endglobals right after map's endglobals and I put local zzz right after function main. But the Warcraft crashes when I click on the map, so I guess its wrong:D

Re: [Guide] - Bypassing Anti-Cheats

Posted: February 28th, 2012, 6:45 pm
by Bartimaeus
You put JJ's CP endglobals right when endglobals start. And your globals right above that.


Code: Select all

JJ's globals
JJ's endglobals
As for function main, you put just the local zzz right when it starts, and the rest at the very end of it.