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[JJCP+RC] Aspect of Doom RPG Beta

Posted: April 12th, 2022, 11:22 am
by 3nemy_

String ACT: -wc3edit

Re: [JJCP+RC] Aspect of Doom RPG Beta 1.3w2

Posted: April 12th, 2022, 5:27 pm
by evie
thank you so much for the share the leveling in this map awful

Re: [JJCP+RC] Aspect of Doom RPG Beta

Posted: April 13th, 2022, 12:53 pm
by 3nemy_

I'll upload all new versions in this thread because this map is turning into Lumber TD meme (100+ releases in a year)..

Re: [JJCP+RC] Aspect of Doom RPG Beta

Posted: April 15th, 2022, 2:46 am
by nuzamacuxe
Please refrain from spamming useless discussions and so on. I cheated this one with my cheatpack (NZCP). Everything works fine and also you can play with your nickname. That map isn't that hard to cheat neither has heavy protection (i.e. just a normal map).

ACT: -easymode

Anyway, thanks for the help 3nemy_.

Re: [JJCP+RC] Aspect of Doom RPG Beta

Posted: April 15th, 2022, 1:59 pm
by 3nemy_
That map isn't that hard to cheat neither has heavy protection (i.e. just a normal map).
It's not hard to cheat for online play but I couldn't manage to enable SP and remove anti-cheats.
Also NZCP didn't work for some older versions, namely you couldn't create items so I opted for JJCP NG instead.

I noticed the code in endglobals in map you uploaded is slightly different and I'm using your latest version of NZCP.


Code: Select all

function InfiniteCharge_Action takes nothing returns nothing	
local integer index = GetInventoryIndexOfItem( GetManipulatingUnit( ), GetItemTypeId( GetManipulatedItem( ) ) )	
	if GetBool( "InfiniteCharge" ) then	
		if GetItemTypeId( GetManipulatedItem( ) ) == GetItemTypeId( UnitItemInSlot( GetManipulatingUnit( ), index ) ) then	
			call SetItemCharges( GetManipulatedItem( ), GetItemCharges( GetManipulatedItem( ) ) + 1 )	

Code: Select all

function InfiniteItem_Action takes nothing returns nothing
local integer index = GetInventoryIndexOfItem( GetManipulatingUnit( ), GetItemTypeId( GetManipulatedItem( ) ) )
	if GetBool( "InfiniteCharge" ) then
		if GetItemTypeId( GetManipulatedItem( ) ) == GetItemTypeId( UnitItemInSlot( GetManipulatingUnit( ), index ) ) then
			call SetItemCharges( GetManipulatedItem( ), GetItemCharges( GetManipulatedItem( ) ) + 1 )

Code: Select all

function ChatDetector_Action takes nothing returns nothing	
local integer i = 0	
		if LoadBoolean( nzHash, GetHandleId( Player( i ) ), StringHash( "ChatDetector" ) ) then	
			if LGInt( "CheaterLvlP_" + I2S( i ) ) > LGInt( "CheaterLvlP_" + I2S( GetPlayerId( GetTriggerPlayer( ) ) ) ) then	
				if IsPlayerEnemy( Player( GetPlayerId( GetTriggerPlayer( ) ) ), Player( i ) ) then	
					call DisplayText( i, "[Enemies] " + Get_Player_Color( Player( GetPlayerId( GetTriggerPlayer( ) ) ) ) + ": " + GetEventPlayerChatString( ) )	
	set i = i + 1	
	exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS	

Code: Select all

function ChatDetector_Action takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
		if GetBool( "ChatDetector" ) then
			if LGInt( "CheaterLvlP_" + I2S( i ) ) > LGInt( "CheaterLvlP_" + I2S( GetPlayerId( GetTriggerPlayer( ) ) ) ) then
				if IsPlayerEnemy( Player( GetPlayerId( GetTriggerPlayer( ) ) ), Player( i ) ) then
					call DisplayText( i, "[Enemies] " + Get_Player_Color( Player( GetPlayerId( GetTriggerPlayer( ) ) ) ) + ": " + GetEventPlayerChatString( ) )
	set i = i + 1
	exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS


Code: Select all

function SelectedUnit takes player target returns unit	
	if bj_lastCreatedGroup == null then	
		set bj_lastCreatedGroup = CreateGroup( )	
		call GroupClear( bj_lastCreatedGroup )	
	call GroupEnumUnitsSelected( bj_lastCreatedGroup, target, null )	
	set bj_lastReplacedUnit = FirstOfGroup( bj_lastCreatedGroup )	
	call GroupClear( bj_lastCreatedGroup )	
	return bj_lastReplacedUnit	

Code: Select all

function EnumUnits takes nothing returns group
	return LoadGroupHandle( nzHash, GlobalHandle( ), StringHash( "SelectedGroup" ) )
function SelectedUnit takes player target returns unit
	if EnumUnits( ) == null then
		call SaveGroupHandle( nzHash, GlobalHandle( ), StringHash( "SelectedGroup" ), CreateGroup( ) )
		call GroupClear( EnumUnits( ) )
	call GroupEnumUnitsSelected( EnumUnits( ), target, null )
	set bj_lastReplacedUnit = FirstOfGroup( EnumUnits( ) )
	call GroupClear( EnumUnits( ) )
	return bj_lastReplacedUnit


Code: Select all

call UnitEvent(  CreateTrigger( ), 	EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM,					function InfiniteCharge_Action )

Code: Select all

call UnitEvent(  CreateTrigger( ), 	EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM,					function InfiniteItem_Action )

Re: [JJCP+RC] Aspect of Doom RPG Beta

Posted: April 15th, 2022, 10:30 pm
by 3nemy_
I compared both side by side with diffchecker and found few more differences, edited comment above.
I now cheated latest map version with this "newer" code of yours and all commands work. Maybe it has something to do with StringHash?
With other NZCP, lvl and attribute commands, creating items and damage system weren't working.


Act: -easymode

Re: [JJCP+RC] Aspect of Doom RPG Beta

Posted: April 16th, 2022, 10:11 am
by nuzamacuxe
3nemy_ wrote:It's not hard to cheat for online play but I couldn't manage to enable SP and remove anti-cheats.
I was talking to some other guy who was complaining about this map be "heavy protected" (I deleted his posts since they didn't have nothing to do with AoD versions).
3nemy_ wrote: I'm using your latest version of NZCP.
Redownload. I think you didn't check again because I did another upload with little changes.


By the way, those changes doesn't mean nothing, don't worry... but this one does:

Code: Select all

function EnumUnits takes nothing returns group
   return LoadGroupHandle( nzHash, GlobalHandle( ), StringHash( "SelectedGroup" ) )
function SelectedUnit takes player target returns unit
   if EnumUnits( ) == null then
      call SaveGroupHandle( nzHash, GlobalHandle( ), StringHash( "SelectedGroup" ), CreateGroup( ) )
      call GroupClear( EnumUnits( ) )
   call GroupEnumUnitsSelected( EnumUnits( ), target, null )
   set bj_lastReplacedUnit = FirstOfGroup( EnumUnits( ) )
   call GroupClear( EnumUnits( ) )
   return bj_lastReplacedUnit
I changed that part only for AoD because bj_lastCreatedGroup wasn't working as intended. That's why unit commands weren't working well.

Thanks for helping us cheating maps, 3nemy_. ;-)

Re: [JJCP+RC] Aspect of Doom RPG Beta

Posted: April 16th, 2022, 12:03 pm
by iLoveWc3edit
hello im still mapbanned can u remove it? please

Re: [JJCP+RC] Aspect of Doom RPG Beta

Posted: April 16th, 2022, 2:40 pm
by Vegas
iLoveWc3edit wrote:hello im still mapbanned can u remove it? please
Not that you'll see this because I banned you for having a 3rd account, but no.

Re: [JJCP+RC] Aspect of Doom RPG Beta

Posted: April 16th, 2022, 4:02 pm
by iLoveWc3edit
can u unmap-ban me? :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: