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[DP] Angel Arena Allstars v2.2.1b

Posted: November 3rd, 2021, 7:05 pm
by undeadjh
Map: AngelArenaAllstars2.2.1b.w3x

Link: download

Cheats: none requested

Description: The game features two teams, at the start of the game players can either pick a hero or have one randomed for them. After this they'll start at their base where they are able to don't click me items and leave the base to fight creeps and other players. Every time the hero of a player dies their team loses a life, the first team to 0 lives loses the match. The basic Angel Arena formula.

Many thanks in advance : )!!

Re: [DP] Angel Arena Allstars v2.2.1b

Posted: November 12th, 2021, 4:15 am
by undeadjh

**edit: deprotected map is not saveable/editable. had to remove function main, function config and 2 sets of variable declarations, for some reason unbeknownst to myself, as when compiling these are duplicated and prevent map building/saving successfully. attached original script and modified one as well for any curious visitors.