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JAST 1.1.3

Posted: April 21st, 2020, 10:49 pm
by owner123


[spoiler="Old releases"]


JAST Release

Github source

Re: JAST Initial Release

Posted: April 22nd, 2020, 12:30 am
by nuzamacuxe
Wow. Nice tool, owner! Thanks for sharing with us.

Something which would be really useful would be to extract rawcodes from maps without needing to select war3's version (RMPQEx doesn't do that). Another useful thing would be to let us to change/update cheatpack's jass file since I update my cheatpack from time to time.

Re: JAST Initial Release

Posted: April 22nd, 2020, 1:13 am
by Vegas
But will it Deprotect Dota and restore the triggers?

Very nice indeed! So what is the wtg writer?

Re: JAST Initial Release

Posted: April 22nd, 2020, 1:40 am
by owner123
Interesting. I haven't looked into the specs for war3map.w3u/t/a files yet. I might try that out, it sounds like an interesting project. Maybe I'll work on this tomorrow if I get some time. I'll obviously make it clean the rawcodes too. The existing "spec" is bad so I'll just redo it from scratch.

Yeah I think I will separate out the cheatpacks into a folder so that they can be updated/modified as needed. Should have done so from the start.

The war3map.wtg is the file which stores visual triggers. It's a world-editor only file so it gets deleted by optimizers which is why maps have an empty trigger editor when they get deprotected. The spec of war3map.wtg is known and so it's possible to write code to read/write wtg triggers. Therefore in theory there's nothing stopping us from writing a tool to bring back GUI triggers from JASS, or bringing back JASS triggers from a protected map.

Besides the fact that it is hard, of course.
I can likely do it but it's a significant amount of work.

But will it Deprotect Dota and restore the triggers?

:lol: :lol:

Re: JAST Initial Release

Posted: April 22nd, 2020, 11:41 pm
by owner123
Updated. Now creates clean rawcode files from war3map.w3u/a/t/etc. No WC3 installation needed. No other app needed to clean them.
Uploaded version on first post.

"rc in/war3map.w3t out/myRawcodes.txt"

If the generated rawcode names have "TRIGSTR_000" and such on them, then extract the war3map.wts file and do:
"rc in/war3map.w3t out/myRawcodes.txt in/war3map.wts"

It will merge the wts file automatically and correct the names.

Re: JAST Initial Release

Posted: April 23rd, 2020, 1:40 am
by nuzamacuxe
Nice! I was about to tell you to add a clean rawcode feature. Thanks. Next release should come with separated cheatpacks.

Re: JAST Initial Release

Posted: April 28th, 2020, 1:00 am
by owner123
0.1.2 release notes:
- Supports exporting MPQ files. Command: "export <myMap.w3x> <outputDirectory>".
- This command exports war3map.j, war3map.wts, war3map.w3u, war3map.w3a, and war3map.w3t files if they exist in the archive.
- Support for external cheatpacks added. To leverage this, put your cheatpacks in a folder called "cheatpacks" at the root of the program.
- If not provided as external cheatpacks, the system will use JJCP or NZCP as internal cheatpacks. However external ones are prioritized. Folder is included in the release. Don't change the activator if you want the program's custom activator stuff to work (it expects the default).
- MPQ inserting is not yet supported. The software used to modify MPQs (JMPQ3) is sort of broken. I will be looking into this in the future but it's low priority since there are so many MPQ editors out there.

I will now begin the long and annoying process of making this a graphical application rather than a command-line application.
I'm aware that people don't like command line applications and therefore won't even try this program because of it.
I just wanted to get a release out fast with usable functionality. Especially since it contains some unique stuff like gui optimization and string hash breaking that is not available/easily findable otherwise. Efforts will now be placed on making it more user-friendly.
Any new feature requests or bugs reported will also be added ASAP.

Also there's a restriction that I didn't mention before but is worth mentioning now that it can export files: the program DOES NOT handle spaces in commands well. If you extract files from a map, make sure the map name has no spaces in it. I know it sucks, but the command line interface is temporary as said above. I won't spend too much time making the command line user friendly when I could be working on a user interface for it that provides much more value.

Added apache 2.0 license to the repo and release. It basically officially says that you can do whatever you want with the program and source (use it, modify it, try to make money with it, I don't care), and it's provided as is.

Re: JAST Initial Release

Posted: April 28th, 2020, 7:50 pm
by saio
great tool but i get ....
let me try making a empty j....

Re: JAST Initial Release

Posted: April 28th, 2020, 9:37 pm
by owner123
Do you have Java installed?

It also needs to be in your PATH environment variable, though I'd hope the Java installer does that automatically.
What error do you get?


Re: JAST Initial Release

Posted: April 28th, 2020, 11:42 pm
by saio
i had to copy the and make it a bat to run it from there....

feeling stupid <war3map.j> Widowt "<>"

it adds empty space between :

Code: Select all



it can be :

Code: Select all
