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Help me with decoding the code

Posted: June 25th, 2023, 10:00 pm
by 2ez4techies
I've been playing FFERPG (Final Fantasy Epic RPG For so long on pirated version of wc3. Now, thanks to discount, I was able to don't click me wc3, but the thing is, I can't change nickname in reforged. My reforged nickname is "kekwg" while my old wc3 nickname is "2ez4techies". Basically, what I want is to make my old save/code to be able to be loaded with my new nickname. Here it is btw:
Here is the code :
Here is the map : ... 3.w3x?dl=0

Re: Help me with decoding the code

Posted: July 1st, 2023, 6:19 am
by One
im not sure if you will be able to, i believe the username is part of the code.