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Editing Elimination Tournament...

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 4:13 pm
by HINDYhat
For some time now, I've been trying to edit Elimination Tournament so that there are unlimited flag captures and infinite time. I can read Jass very well, and I understand most of the code (blearhg the Particle System is so complex). I first tried using GhettoChild's map restoration methods. It worked out fine, after many tries. I was able to restore units, rects and cameras. I even tested the map in single player and it looked good. So I went on multiplayer to try it out with a friend, and it fatal errored right after the loading screen...

After that, I tried to re-do the same process of unprotecting the map, but for some reason, the globals weren't all declared... or they were badly named. I had like 3000 lines of globals that weren't declared... I figured that way wouldn't work.

I finally tried to simply open the protected map in a MPQ editor, and modify the war3map.j file directly. I syntax checked my code, and it was fine. I re-insterted it, and tried it out. It froze on the team selection pre-game screen... I'm 500% stumped. Can anyone help me on this? ... 1%2C4c.w3x
^^Link to the map^^

Re: Editing Elimination Tournament...

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 6:50 pm
by GhettoChild
Hm, I remember Xantan talking about cheating this map one time. I think everytime he added a gloabl variable it would crash, but I am not exactly sure.

Re: Editing Elimination Tournament...

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 7:05 pm
by weirdone2
I made a topic on some error checking on this a while ago, if you search i'm sure you'll find it, it just includes what info I figured out you can't do to it, I was just trying to figure out what kind of protection it had, though now i've got a pretty good idea of wut it's doing.

Re: Editing Elimination Tournament...

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 7:41 pm
by HINDYhat
Thing is, I didn't add a global. I didn't even add a function...

EDIT: I searched "elimination" and I checked all of the pages. Nothing came up for error checking... If you know how it works, can you PLEASE tell me :P

Re: Editing Elimination Tournament...

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 8:16 pm
by weirdone2
I said I only have an idea of how the "protection" works. And if you haven't added any globals you'r not dealing with the "protection" I speak of. I don't even see why you would have a hard time making an unlimited time/flags as I don't think ters any protection against that at all. I don't even know why you would want to do this though as 25 mins is more then enough time and lets face it, if the team your facing allows you to flag them 3 times straight why you even want to continue playing vs such shitty opponents. o.0

Re: Editing Elimination Tournament...

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 8:22 pm
by HINDYhat
It's not for me, it's for a friend.

I'm not having a hard time... that's the thing. I edited the script and it had 0 syntax errors (JassCraft checked)... I re-imported it, and tested.. fatal error.

Re: Editing Elimination Tournament...

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 9:05 pm
by weirdone2
If it's not working then your haveing a hard time... Anyway if all your doing is editing then the trigger counter won't come into effect so the thing you'll want to try is mayb look for something that checks on the things you edited or maybe even something that is dependant on them.

Edit: Btw heres what I found when I searched for error.Found

Re: Editing Elimination Tournament...

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 9:15 pm
by HINDYhat
Well you said that you have an idea how this protection works. I'm not asking for a direct explanation, but can I just know if it's all in the war3map.j file?

Re: Editing Elimination Tournament...

Posted: August 14th, 2007, 10:13 pm
by weirdone2
That would depend on how they crash you, and I haven't bothered to look around for that. But yes all the essentials would be in the .j.

Re: Editing Elimination Tournament...

Posted: August 15th, 2007, 4:19 am
by GhettoChild
The thing I find interesting is that it worked in single player but not on BNet. I have a hunch on something but I'm exactly sure what it could be since I don't really play the map that often. The problem with organizing code is that if it isn't pretty much exactly right, it won't work. Like when I was first tinkering around with that stuff the map would crash a lot, I figured out what wasn't right and fixed it. You should contact me on AIM or something so I can try to further help you.