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Posted: October 11th, 2008, 4:21 pm
by Entitymaul
Hey guys, the name's Ashe, and I'm sure glad to be here. I'm currently watching Bruce Almighty, so this post may take a little longer than it usually would.

Well I live in Australia, and I'm quite into DotA. Warcraft itself was great, I've clocked the game, including frozen throne a few times. But after getting bored of that, some friends of mine introduced me to DotA, and coming from Angel Arena, it was quite fun. Soon after, I became quite skilled in the game, and am looking to go further into it.

What I really came for, is to learn how to edit the maps and such. I've done a few things.. well actually, I've done one thing, and that's add a resource cheat to give the player who types in a certain code 1000 gold. That's as far as I've gotten.

After that, I wanted to do a little more to add some fun to the game with a sly bit of cheating you might say. :P. That's the main reason I'm here.

The second reason I'm here, is to learn. I really want to know how this game is structured, and as a gift to my friends, I want to create extra heroes, based on them, and add them to a custom tavern, perhaps making it available through an additional mode.

Hopefully, this place will be the place where I can learn such goals.

Talk to you soon, Ashe.

Re: /wave

Posted: October 11th, 2008, 4:54 pm
by Kryptonyte
Welcome Ashe. Nice to have you here.

There are tons of cheats around here, you just need to look for them. :P

If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask me through a Private Message (PM).

Enjoy your stay, hope you reach your goals.

Re: /wave

Posted: October 12th, 2008, 2:47 am
by matchai

Nice to see you joining this forum :)

Have fun

Welcome to wc3edit ;)

Re: /wave

Posted: October 12th, 2008, 3:52 am
by Entitymaul
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. :)

Actually, there are a few things that could help me greatly! I'm not if this is the place to post it. I've seen a lot of topics being shifted around and such, but if anyone could point me to the following, it could be great.

I'm looking for the globals, englobals, and fmains of these functions:
-Adding movement speed to your hero
-Adding a certain amount of experience to your model
-Turning the fog of war on and off

And of course, editing a map to change the hero's name. (Such as DotA heroes)