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Hello fellow map unprotectors

Posted: May 28th, 2020, 4:57 pm
by itsamystery
Hello everyone,

I have lots of self taught experience deprotecting warcraft 3 maps but I figured it couldn't hurt to learn more. Personally I deprotect maps to add new heroes to them to express my creativity rather then to give my hero 10000 bonus damage or something along those lines. I decided to join this site to track down some tools and advice on dealing with some aspects of map deprotection that I still don't understand. Currently I'm looking for an automated way to re-build war3mapunits.doo or in other words pre-placed units so my copied maps will have a correct preview thumbnail [reforged broke war3mappreview.tga support]

Re: Hello fellow map unprotectors

Posted: May 29th, 2020, 12:21 am
by nuzamacuxe
Welcome! I hope you enjoy our forum. Come to our discord:

Maybe you can find someone which can help you about it there.

Re: Hello fellow map unprotectors

Posted: June 13th, 2020, 12:49 am
by owner123
Do you know Java or another high level programming language?
Let me know if you'd like to work together on a program to re-create war3map.doo.
It's a project that's been on my radar for a while.

High level steps are:
1) Discover the format of the war3map.doo file. Might already be done, or it might be extremely hard to do.
2) Read through the map script in order to discover all lines where CreateUnit are called
3) Apply logical rules to determine if this line occurs on Map Init
4) Remove the line from the map script
5) Add the line to a list of units to add to .doo
6) Repeat until no more lines match
7) Generate a war3map.doo file and war3map.j file based on what we've done so far
Depending on how much work has already been done, I'd estimate this work to be between 2 weeks and 1 year of work.

I plan on separating out my JASS abstract syntax tree from my other application I made so I can take advantage of it to parse JASS scripts. It'll be uploaded to maven central at some point.

Re: Hello fellow map unprotectors

Posted: October 24th, 2020, 6:23 am
by itsamystery2
Hello again, its me, itsamystery, I couldn't remember what email I used to register my old account so I made a new one. Apologies in advance if this is a problem. I'm now looking to find a specific cheat pack where I know some of the commands from looking at war3map.j but would like to find the original post about it if possible. I'll post more details in requests.