Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

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Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

Post by mokarecman »

Do you ever experience when you play a map with foreign language, you cannot read anything except some meaning less number or bracket or whatever? Well, Warcraft 3 uni-code is here for you: after installing uni-font for Warcraft 3, you won't say "wtf, I can't see anything in the map, I don't understand a shit"

1. Download the following files
2.Extract Fonts.zip file in \Warcraft III\Fonts\ folder if it does not exist make one, overwrite any existing files inside.
3.Extract s200.zip anywhere and run s200rocks.reg that's it.
4.If you don't want uni-font anymore, or you encounter any error, simply click I hate s200.reg in s200.zip

Before Image
After Image
Credit goes to this guy s200200124[MN]

PS. Just saw there was already a post like this one, but well this one is easy'er to do so ill leave it for now.
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Re: Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

Post by Vegas »

if I don't speak Chinese, how is this supposed to help?
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Re: Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

Post by mokarecman »

You can read it, also cyrillic etc.
Maps with missing text wont be missing anymore, obviously if you don't understand it it wont make sense but there will be text at-least, even when people chat in foreign languages/typos wont be blank anymore.

PS. I also did not need this, but when i found an map activator in spanish and could not write the activator it was very annoying, and when i searched the net for this it wasn't easy to find, well there are other ones but this one is by far the easyest to install and remove.
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Re: Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

Post by ibm181 »

When i try to put in korean commands i get a ?? instead of -창고 is there anyway to fix this? do i have to edit my wc3 somehow to accept korean commands?
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Re: Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

Post by mokarecman »

I do know, if i copy commands from jazzcraft they copy paste correctly in wc3, but if i copy them from any other source i get unknown text, maybe you need to have region and language changed from windows settings.
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Re: Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

Post by ibm181 »

Oh i figured it out just encase anyone wants to know you can download a program called UTFizer and it will take anything in your clipboard no mater the language and convert it so it can be pasted into WC3
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Re: Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

Post by NumberXIII »

Anyone knows how to change the Friz(ttf)>into another fonts?
that still reads unforeign language, i have tried to.
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Re: Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

Post by Vegas »

Rename different font to Friz? I did this in my GPS software.
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Re: Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

Post by NumberXIII »

Vegas wrote:Rename different font to Friz? I did this in my GPS software.
does'nt work, unforeign language reads dots/ spaces.
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Re: Warcraft 3 Uni-Font Tutorial. (no more missing text)

Post by Vegas »
