What does Your desktop say about you?

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What does Your desktop say about you?

Post by Sir-Tanks »

I was just wondering what all of your desktops look like because mine at the moment is alittle plain and i was looking for a good program to make my icons more Fun

If you have a nice desktop, Prt Sc it and host it here:

Hurry up because i wont wait all my day, i mean month.
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Post by Xantan »

you've probably seen mine... but... heres another look ;/

http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/9481 ... ed3gk2.jpg

just use stylexp or windowsblinds... its very easy, heh.
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Post by Sir-Tanks »

Mine looks like this:


I use themes, i cant remember what they call them :D anyway keep them all coming :)
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Bill Gates
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Post by Bill Gates »

O.o you have a alienware nice i want one and heres mine

http://img27.picoodle.com/img/img27/8/6 ... 6efa78.jpg
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