This is where fulfilled requests go. You can make a new thread here if you edit a map and want to share it, such as if you cheat a new map without anybody actually requesting it.
Hi. A friend of mine wanted this map cheated, so here it is.
How to generate a code:
Play the map in single player
At start choose anything you want,modes etc, just get the game going
After you did all that just type -save x , where x= XP.
Go in multiplayer, join any game and show off with your uber XP
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~Everything changes~
I have met people who have no dreams, who have simply accepted their fate to work, exist, and die. They are the most miserable people I have ever known.
(23:22:14) FatherSpace: BWAHAHA
(23:22:21) FatherSpace: I am 1337, you must fear my coolness.
(23:22:51) FatherSpace: I got bored, so I made a Python script so now whenever I open Terminal, I get a random haiku from here:
(23:24:12) FatherSpace: afk... Killing myself. :(
(03:52:56) ChatBot: (673237) logs into the Chat.
(03:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
(03:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(03:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).
(21:39:14) GeorgeMots: Jen are you there?
(21:39:44) 2Pac:
(21:39:49) 2Pac: (21:22:22) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:39:52) GeorgeMots: w00t
(21:39:54) GeorgeMots: rofl
(21:39:58) GeorgeMots: *facepalm*
(21:39:59) 2Pac: you definetly fail
I got problem, the code generator works fine i generate 25 XP and save but when i enter a public game i'm unable to load the saved XP and i keep getting "Invailed Code"
It is awesome, exactly what i was looking for. But there is a little problem.. New versions of YouTD like vRC2, vRC3 and vRC3.1 have *Experience Knockback* if you use old code (such as one from vRC1) and it reduce your ammount of XP to something like one third of original ammount. Even if I create code with 950000000 XP in vRC1 it still load no more than 2025XP in new versions (vRC3 and vRC3.1) which is basicly Builder level 20. Most players, including myself, would probably like Builder level 80 so they would be able to get all bonuses from Keeper of Winsdom. Which leads me to questions..
Could you please hack the newest version RC3.1 (eventualy RC3) in same manner? Is there any more advanced protection or is it easy to do?