I don't know if i put a correct tag. I merely followed the tag [DA] on this post at http://forum.wc3edit.net/deprotection-c ... 35649.html.
I wish to know all the activators for this map. I tried the activators that i found like Cheater.Rose in map but they don't work. Help please!
[DA] X-hero N 10.6 Final(1)
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[DA] X-hero N 10.6 Final(1)
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Re: [DA] X-hero N 10.6 Final(1)
Next time, post in the correct sub-forum: http://forum.wc3edit.net/map-requests-f65/
Let's analyse that map script, first we have 4 strings related to cheatpack:All of then are fake activators and the original one is hidden in somewhere of code, i will track each one of them and show why they are fake activators, let's start with "culi".
Since we have a JJCP here, we can only activate with "-"+command, like "-active", since it just a lot of text, it wont work for us.
BUT, that same string is changed later on script, at line 4978:It means that "-nhimyeu611" is our activator, right?
Nope, it's changed later to another string, a more complex one at line 5061:To solve this, we need to find out which vector HiThere relates to, so let's look on HiThere.
It is declared in globals, simple as And later it assigns the value of our string "kun" that we already saw, so HiThere = kun we can see that on line 4972:If HiThere = kun, it means that each character on that constant string kun is a position, and remember culi?
culi string was set toWich means, HiThere[63] = position 63 of kun string, after search on each position, you will get:
But that still not our activator, since it is changed again on condition do activate cheatpack, at line 7907:Not sure if you noticed, but there's another function using our string "culi" and making changes on it, that function is "Fukki_SpaceInsert":If you go to "Fukki_SpaceInsert" function, you will notice that this function takes a string and changes it to another one, based on two global integers "Space_Before_Time" and "Space_After_Time":So basicly, inside the "Fukki_SpaceInsert" function, it takes the culi string and modificate it.
On that return statment, our culi string will be "fs2s", wich is in the middle of another function that takes our two integers:That function add blank spaces as strings deppending the value of integer, so if "Space_Before_Time" = 5, it will add 5x spaces before our command, on globals, we have the "Space_Before_Time" with value of 0 and "Space_After_Time" with value of 2, wich means that our final command will be:The command above activate the JJCP cheats.
But there's two other strings "act" and "Activator" declared on globals:act is not changed on script, so it wont work because does not have a "-" before the string.
But your "Activator" actually do something, it kicks you when written:I dont know if you read all that, but our only activator here is:It also has Fukki's cheatmenu if you do "UDLR" (Arrow Keys, U = Up...).

Let's analyse that map script, first we have 4 strings related to cheatpack:
Code: Select all
constant string kun="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-+= \\!@#$%^&*()/?>.<,;:'\"{}[]|`~ "
string culi="Khoi tim cheat ko co cheat dau"
string act="Cheater.Rose"
string Activator="?????"
Since we have a JJCP here, we can only activate with "-"+command, like "-active", since it just a lot of text, it wont work for us.
BUT, that same string is changed later on script, at line 4978:
Code: Select all
set culi="-nhimyeu611"
Nope, it's changed later to another string, a more complex one at line 5061:
Code: Select all
set culi=HiThere[63]+HiThere[13]+HiThere[32]+HiThere[26]+HiThere[39]
It is declared in globals, simple as
Code: Select all
string array HiThere
Code: Select all
set HiThere[fi2i]=SubString(kun,fi2i,fi2i+1) // It get the value of kun here.
set fi2i=fi2i+1
exitwhen fi2i>StringLength(kun)
culi string was set to
Code: Select all
set culi=HiThere[63]+HiThere[13]+HiThere[32]+HiThere[26]+HiThere[39]
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
if SubString(s2s,0,100)==act or SubString(s2s,0,100)==Fukki_SpaceInsert(culi)and not IsPlayerInForce(p2p,CHEATER)then
call ForceAddPlayer(CHEATER,p2p)
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
function Fukki_SpaceInsert takes string fs2s returns string
return Fukki_SpaceInsert2(Space_Before_Time)+fs2s+Fukki_SpaceInsert2(Space_After_Time)
On that return statment, our culi string will be "fs2s", wich is in the middle of another function that takes our two integers:
Code: Select all
function Fukki_SpaceInsert2 takes integer fi2i returns string
local integer fi3i=1
local string fs2s=""
exitwhen fi3i>fi2i
set fs2s=fs2s+" "
set fi3i=fi3i+1
return fs2s
Code: Select all
"-Ngan "
//So basicly, it will add 0 spaces before the command and two spaces after command.
But there's two other strings "act" and "Activator" declared on globals:
Code: Select all
string act="Cheater.Rose"
string Activator="?????"
But your "Activator" actually do something, it kicks you when written:
Code: Select all
elseif Activator==SubString(s2s,0,100)and not IsPlayerInForce(p2p,CHEATER)then
if p2p==GetLocalPlayer()then
call Player(-1) // That line kicks you.
Code: Select all
"-Ngan "

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Re: [DA] X-hero N 10.6 Final(1)
Thankyou! I did not expect such a long and good explanation. I understand 90% of what you said as I have been learning how to use JASS.