[DA] X-hero N 10.6 Final(1)

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[DA] X-hero N 10.6 Final(1)

Post by lalabee92 »

I don't know if i put a correct tag. I merely followed the tag [DA] on this post at http://forum.wc3edit.net/deprotection-c ... 35649.html.

I wish to know all the activators for this map. I tried the activators that i found like Cheater.Rose in map but they don't work. Help please!
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Re: [DA] X-hero N 10.6 Final(1)

Post by devoltz »

Next time, post in the correct sub-forum: http://forum.wc3edit.net/map-requests-f65/
Let's analyse that map script, first we have 4 strings related to cheatpack:

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constant string kun="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-+= \\!@#$%^&*()/?>.<,;:'\"{}[]|`~  "
string culi="Khoi tim cheat ko co cheat dau"
string act="Cheater.Rose"
string Activator="?????"
All of then are fake activators and the original one is hidden in somewhere of code, i will track each one of them and show why they are fake activators, let's start with "culi".
Since we have a JJCP here, we can only activate with "-"+command, like "-active", since it just a lot of text, it wont work for us.
BUT, that same string is changed later on script, at line 4978:

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set culi="-nhimyeu611"
It means that "-nhimyeu611" is our activator, right?
Nope, it's changed later to another string, a more complex one at line 5061:

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set culi=HiThere[63]+HiThere[13]+HiThere[32]+HiThere[26]+HiThere[39]
To solve this, we need to find out which vector HiThere relates to, so let's look on HiThere.
It is declared in globals, simple as

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string array HiThere
And later it assigns the value of our string "kun" that we already saw, so HiThere = kun we can see that on line 4972:

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set HiThere[fi2i]=SubString(kun,fi2i,fi2i+1) // It get the value of kun here.
set fi2i=fi2i+1
exitwhen fi2i>StringLength(kun)
If HiThere = kun, it means that each character on that constant string kun is a position, and remember culi?
culi string was set to

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set culi=HiThere[63]+HiThere[13]+HiThere[32]+HiThere[26]+HiThere[39]
Wich means, HiThere[63] = position 63 of kun string, after search on each position, you will get:

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But that still not our activator, since it is changed again on condition do activate cheatpack, at line 7907:

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if SubString(s2s,0,100)==act or SubString(s2s,0,100)==Fukki_SpaceInsert(culi)and not IsPlayerInForce(p2p,CHEATER)then
call ForceAddPlayer(CHEATER,p2p)
Not sure if you noticed, but there's another function using our string "culi" and making changes on it, that function is "Fukki_SpaceInsert":

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If you go to "Fukki_SpaceInsert" function, you will notice that this function takes a string and changes it to another one, based on two global integers "Space_Before_Time" and "Space_After_Time":

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function Fukki_SpaceInsert takes string fs2s returns string
return Fukki_SpaceInsert2(Space_Before_Time)+fs2s+Fukki_SpaceInsert2(Space_After_Time)
So basicly, inside the "Fukki_SpaceInsert" function, it takes the culi string and modificate it.
On that return statment, our culi string will be "fs2s", wich is in the middle of another function that takes our two integers:

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function Fukki_SpaceInsert2 takes integer fi2i returns string
local integer fi3i=1
local string fs2s=""
exitwhen fi3i>fi2i
set fs2s=fs2s+" "
set fi3i=fi3i+1
return fs2s
That function add blank spaces as strings deppending the value of integer, so if "Space_Before_Time" = 5, it will add 5x spaces before our command, on globals, we have the "Space_Before_Time" with value of 0 and "Space_After_Time" with value of 2, wich means that our final command will be:

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"-Ngan  "
//So basicly, it will add 0 spaces before the command and two spaces after command.
The command above activate the JJCP cheats.
But there's two other strings "act" and "Activator" declared on globals:

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string act="Cheater.Rose"
string Activator="?????"
act is not changed on script, so it wont work because does not have a "-" before the string.
But your "Activator" actually do something, it kicks you when written:

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elseif Activator==SubString(s2s,0,100)and not IsPlayerInForce(p2p,CHEATER)then
if p2p==GetLocalPlayer()then
call Player(-1) // That line kicks you.
I dont know if you read all that, but our only activator here is:

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"-Ngan  "
It also has Fukki's cheatmenu if you do "UDLR" (Arrow Keys, U = Up...).
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Re: [DA] X-hero N 10.6 Final(1)

Post by lalabee92 »

Thankyou! I did not expect such a long and good explanation. I understand 90% of what you said as I have been learning how to use JASS.