When i try to find cheat in war3map.j, i always find something like "cheat", "activator", or "call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(ix,qo,"+",false)", but sometime it dont work. I think the best way to find out is asking some pro cheaters here
1. For example this map: Green circle TD 10.9,
the activator is "-yugi[>.<]% space space"
and there are some code lines:
Code: Select all
if SubString(s2s,0,100)==act or SubString(s2s,0,100)==Fukki_SpaceInsert(culi)and not IsPlayerInForce(p2p,CHEATER)then
Code: Select all
set HiThere[fi2i]=SubString(kun,fi2i,fi2i+1)
But what about Hithere? How can we translate them into y+u+g+i+[+>+....
2. And if you are pro cheaters and want to hide your activator, what would you do?