Here's a tutorial made by me, Griffitth, to teach everyone how to catch legendary pokemons on Pokemon ORPG V0.58E(It was translated from the korean official blog, but took me a long time to realize what the translation words means, because it was an awful translation from google)
I hope you enjoy

Note: You'll only be able to do the quests after you have 8 badges from gyms
Here's the name of the cities that will be used on this tutorial:

Mainline Quests
1- Legendary Pokemon Quest Start (Pre-requisite)
1- don't click me Fire Stone and Water Stone on the second floor of a big shop tower:

2- Go to the last floor of the big building and go near Ash, he'll transform your fire stone into a Rainbow Feather:

3- Go to Wave City and enter in this building, then, talk to the guy inside and he'll transform your water stone into a Silver Feather:

Quest Completed!
2- Manaphy's Quest
1- Go to Golden City and enter the Aquarium Building as shown above, and talk to the guy inside:

2- Go to the building shown above:

3- Now you need to talk to the guys inside in a correct order to procceed. Look it as a clock and the order is: 9:00, 1:00, 5:00, 11:00, 7:00, and then talk to Ash(12:00):

4- Go back to the Aquarium and get the holy water:

5- Go to Central City and go straight up, till you reach the portal before the water:

6- Go inside the portal and go through, you'll find a stone that you'll put the Holy Water inside and enter inside the portal that appeared, and there it is, Manaphy!:

Quest Completed!
3- Jirachi's Quest
1- Go to Golden City and enter in the building show as below:

2- Talk to the guy inside and he'll give you the Spleen Value

3- Go to the cave(Mt. Moon), after Brown City, and go to the part where there are pink points floating around, then use the Spleen value, Jirachi will be summoned:

Quest Completed!
4- Legendary Dogs Quest (Entei, Raikou and Suicune)
1- If you haven't go into Cherry Forest yet, go there by veridian forest:

2- Go straight up till you find a cave, then, go inside:

3- Get near to the dogs and they will teleport, and from now, they'll keep teleporting around the map!:

Quest Completed!
5- Ho-oh Quest
1- Go to Cherry Forest and go to the left portal, you'll need the Rainbow Feather to enter inside:

2- Enter in the portal and there it is, Ho-oh summoned!:
(Note: After going inside, you lose the rainbow feather, so, you can't go inside anymore if you get out)

Quest Completed!
6- Legendary Birds Quest(Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno)
1- Go to Evergreen City, from there, go to a building next to the Pokemon Center, that has a bunch of Raichus and Pikachus, and talk to the woman to get the Ice Bead:

2- Go to the fields before Evergreen City, and search for a blue-haired woman next to a tree, talk to her to get the Thunder Bead:

3- Go to the building that leads you from Evergreen City to Veridian Forest and talk to a guy to get the Fire Bead:

4- Go to Wave City, and, from there, head to elite 4 way, and you'll find a whirpool, enter in there:

5- Go straight up and enter in the circle, you'll end up on a stone. Get next to it to summon the 3 birds:

6- There it is, a bird on each corner:



Quest Completed!
7- Lugia Quest
1- Inside the Legendary Birds place, there's another pool on the middle. After you summon the birds, you'll be able to get in with your silver feather:

2- Go through the portal, and you'll end up at Lugia's place:

Quest Completed!
8- Celebi Quest
1- don't click me Leaf Stone on a Casino or a Big Tower:

2- Go to Central City and search for Police Station, the building next to the gym:

3- Give the Leaf Stone to the Police Misty:

4- Go to Blue City, and approach Team Rocket. Misty will came to you and give a pocket-like item:

5- Go to Brown City and approach the Necromancer, he will give you Amulet of Wind(A bell):

6- Go to Cherry Forest, and head the right way, then you will end up on celebi forest:

7- Go near his building and use the bell, Celebi will be summoned!:

Quest Completed!
9- Regi's Quest(Regiice, Registeel, Regirock and Regigigas)
1- Go to the Golden City and enter in the building shown above>

2- Talk to the blue-haired girl, and get the Stone of the Ruins:

3- Go to Blue City and head to the building that Team Rocket was on celebi's quest:

4- Go into the center of the building and the 3 Regis will appear:

5- After you kill them, Regigigas appears!:

Quest Completed!
10- Weather Trio Quest(Rayquazza, Groudon and Kyogre)
1- Beat the Elite 4
(Note: This quest can only be done on the SAME GAME you defeat elite 4. You won't be able to do it on another game without defeating them again)

2- Head to central city, and enter in the cave before the entrance(left direction):

3- Go through the ice part, and search for Red Gyarados inside:

4- CAPTURE him(don't kill), then give the Red Scale that comes with him to your trainer:
(Note: Be careful to put your trainer on the alternate inventory, and that it has an empty slot, because if your slots are fullfilled, the Red Scale will disappear when you drop and you can't get it anymore on the same game)

5- Go to the Mt. Moon(after Brown city, where you summoned Jirachi) and surf through the water:

6- Now that you are in Crystal Cave, go through, press the buttons on the floor to activate the invisible bridges, and you'll automatically summon the Weather Trio on the end of the cave:

Quest Completed!
11- Darkrai Quest
1- Go to any Big Shop tower, and answer the 3 questions quizz on the first floor:
(Note: If you can't understand Korean, just keep trying till you get lucky to answer the 3 correctly)

2- Go to the Ghost Tower:

3- Head to the third floor and Darkrai is spawned!:

Quest Completed!
12- Creation Trio Quest(Giratina, Palkia and Dialga)
1- Go to any Pokemon Center and head upstairs, then, talk to the last girl. First option is to battle yourself on easy difficult, and the second option is to battle yourself on the hardest difficult. Now you must keep battling yourself, in any difficults, till you get the items to summon the Creation Trio(Stone of Inverted World for Giratina, Book of time for Palkia and Book of space for Dialga). There are about 1/6 chance to get any of those items:

12.1- Giratina
NOTE: For this one, you must have a normal Shaymin(not Sky Shaymin) to summon Giratina
1- After getting the Stone of Inverted World, go to the top floor of the Ghost Castle(where you summoned Darkrai) and enter in the Circle:

2- Inside the small throne room, give the stone to Shaymin and use the Flash Skill:

3- Giratina is summoned!:

Quest Completed!
12.2- Dialga
1- Keep battling yourself till you get the Scroll of Time:

2- Repeat the training(i'm not sure about which difficult is for palkia and which is for dialga, so you may try both), and then, you'll be teleported to Dialga's Area if choosen correct. Use the scroll inside, and Dialga is summoned!:

Quest Completed!
12.3- Palkia
1- Keep battling yourself till you get the Scroll of Space:

2- Repeat the training(i'm not sure about which difficult is for palkia and which is for dialga, so you may try both), and then, you'll be teleported to Palkia's Area if choosen correct. Use the scroll inside, and Palkia is summoned!:

Quest Completed!
Alternative Quests
NOTE: On those quests, you'll need to use an item from a mainline quest, so you won't be able to complete the Mainline quest with the same item, as you can only obtain it once, so you must choice on which you want to summon. And if you do the alternative one, you won't be able to proceed on the next mainline quests that comes after the one that you just gave up for the alternative.
1- Cresselia Quest
1- Bring the Holy Water(Item used to summon Manaphy) to the Crystal Cave. Cresselia is summoned!:

Quest Completed!
2- Mew/Mewtwo Quest
2.1- Mew
1- Bring the Amulet of Wind(Bell that you use to summon Celebi) to the Crystal Cave. Mew is summoned!:

Quest Completed!
2.2- Mewtwo Quest
1- After catching mew, give him the Book of Time(Item used to summon Dialga). Mew transforms into Mewtwo!:

Quest Completed!
3- Deoxy's Quest
1- Bring the Stone of Inverted World(Item that summons Giratina) to Crystal Cave. Deoxys is summoned!:

Quest Completed!
4- Arceus Quest
1- Bring the Book of Time(Item that summons Dialga) to Crystal Cave. Arceus is summoned!:

Quest Completed!
5- Zekrom Quest
1- Give the Stone of Inverted World(Item that summons Giratina) to Giratina. Giratina transforms into Zekrom!:

Quest Completed!
Evolution Table
By Stone
Poliwag -> Poliwhirl ->(Water Stone) Poliwrath
Staryu ->(Water Stone) Starmie
Electabuzz ->(Thunder Stone) Electivire
Growlithe ->(Fire Stone) Arcanine
Shellder ->(Water Stone) Cloyster
Oddish ->(Level 21) Gloom ->(Leaf Stone) Vileplume
Exeggcute ->(Leaf Stone) Exeggutor
Nidoran♂ -> Nidorino ->(Moon Stone) Nidoking
Clefairy ->(Moon Stone) Clefable
Jigglypuff ->(Moon Stone) Wigglytuff
Psyduck->(Water Stone) Golduck
Eevee ->(Water Stone) Vaporeon
Eevee ->(Thunder Stone) Jolteon
Eevee ->(Fire Stone) Flareon
Eevee ->(Fly Shaymin Stone) Espeon
Eevee ->(Ice Bead[Articuno Summon item]) Glaceon
Eevee ->(Leaf Stone) Leafeon
Pikachu ->(Thunder Stone) Raichu
By Level/Trading
Abra -> Kadabra ->(Trading) Alakazam
Gastly -> Haunter ->(Trading) Gengar
Onix ->(Trading) Steelix
Machop ->(Level 32) Machoke ->(Trading) Machamp
Scyther ->(Trading) Scizor
Porygon ->(Trading) Porygon Z
Swinub ->(Level 26) Piloswine ->(Trading) Mamoswine
Geodude ->(Level 30) Graveler ->(Trading) Golem
Cyndaquil ->(Level 16) Quilava ->(Level 32) Typhlosion
Bulbassaur ->(Level 16) Ivysaur ->(Level 32) Venusaur
Charmander ->(Level 16) Charmeleon ->(Level 32) Charizard
Squirtle ->(Level 16) Wartortle ->(Level 32) Blastoise
Caterpie -> Metapod ->(Level 26) Butterfree
Weedle -> Kakuna ->(Level 26) Beedrill
Pidgey ->(Level 15) Pidgeotto ->(Level 35) Pidgeot
Rattata ->(Level 16) Raticate
Spearow ->(Level 26) Fearow
Ekans ->(Level 48) Arbok
Sandshrew ->(Level 40) Sandslash
Magikarp ->(Level 26) Gyarados
Omanyte ->(Level 40) Omastar
Kabuto ->(Level 40) Kabutops
Zubat -> Golbat ->(Level 55) Crobat
Paras ->(Level 32) Parasect
Diglett ->(Level 32) Dugtrio
Meowth ->(Level 32) Persian
Mankey ->(Level 40) Primeape
Bellsprout -> Weepinbell ->(Level 32) Victreebel
Tentacool ->(Level 30) Tentacruel
Ponyta ->(Level 40) Rapidash
Magnemite ->(Level 48) Magneton
Grimer ->(Level 48) Muk
Drowzee ->(Level 40) Hypno
Krabby ->(Level 20) Kingler
Voltorb ->(Level 55) Electrode
Cubone ->(Level 32) Marowak
Koffing ->(Level 40) Weezing
Rhyhorn ->(Level 30) Rhydon
Goldeen ->(Level 26) Seaking
Dratini -> Dragonair ->(Level 55) Dragonite
Riolu ->(Level 80) Lucario
Corphish ->(Level 30) Crawdaunt
Tangela ->(Level 50) Tangrowth