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Re: [JJCP+SP+DEP] TEvE 1.14d + 'Final' + Rawcodes + Codegen

Posted: December 26th, 2011, 3:44 pm
by owner123
You could PM Ken and ask him to ask the maker of it. Last time I checked it's really easy in C#/C++

Re: [JJCP+SP+DEP] TEvE 1.14d + 'Final' + Rawcodes + Codegen

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 5:30 am
by Kmsnowden3
The Codegen doesent work...

Re: [JJCP+SP+DEP] TEvE 1.14d + 'Final' + Rawcodes + Codegen

Posted: January 6th, 2012, 11:46 am
by Bushido
Yes it does. Are you using Windows 7 64-bit? If so, it doesn't.

Re: [JJCP+SP+DEP] TEvE 1.14d + 'Final' + Rawcodes + Codegen

Posted: January 7th, 2012, 4:53 pm
by o.O.o
Is this TeVe Final r2?

Re: [JJCP+SP+DEP] TEvE 1.14d + 'Final' + Rawcodes + Codegen

Posted: January 8th, 2012, 3:48 pm
by Bushido

Re: [JJCP+SP+DEP] TEvE 1.14d + 'Final' + Rawcodes + Codegen

Posted: March 5th, 2012, 5:43 am
by Cool109211
if someone could give me a lvl 10 female code with 3 sojs and 1 heart of evo and a random amount of gold thats high it would be greatly appreciated ign JewWizard.
currently running windows 7 64bit and the newest v of teve thats been redone i think

Re: [JJCP+SP+DEP] TEvE 1.14d + 'Final' + Rawcodes + Codegen

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 10:44 am
Hum is it posible to make a Codegen that works on Windows 7? I'd like to know if it is. If it is, I'll go on the request part :)

Re: [JJCP+SP+DEP] TEvE 1.14d + 'Final' + Rawcodes + Codegen

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 1:10 pm
by assasinazam
Ehem2.... Can Some People Help Me To Build An ArchSage Item... ^_^ I Really Forgot.. Long Time NO Hack... or Play TEvE.. Just List The Item For Inventory And Stash Inventory... Can?

Re: [JJCP+SP+DEP] TEvE 1.14d + 'Final' + Rawcodes + Codegen

Posted: April 11th, 2012, 3:11 pm
by TheCheater
nice ty

Re: [JJCP+SP+DEP] TEvE 1.14d + 'Final' + Rawcodes + Codegen

Posted: June 4th, 2012, 2:48 am
by naturesfury
So, I recently played TEvE, and I realized it's no longer fun for me...
Dunno why, maybe it's cuz I cheated it too hard...
Regardless, I decided to release my codegens (originally based off of fatherspace's)
I edited it to work on the latest ver, r1 and r2
Also, it works in 64 bit and windows 7 now

Name: your ign
Food: 0 means your limit break is unlearned, anything higher means your limit break is unlocked
Fish Exp:
fishing not unlocked = fishexp 0
fish lvl 1 = fishexp 1 to 24
fish lvl 2 = fishexp 25 to 74
fish lvl 3 = fishexp 75 to 124
fish lvl 4 = fishexp 125 to 174
fish lvl 5 = fishexp 175 to 214

Hero Level: the level of your hero (not exp as before). Max is 300
Hero: choose your hero (the number in parenthesis is the teir number of the hero)
Also, just to be nice, I added a pugs option xP very fun to use in r1 and/or randomly generate one for another person and make them load it
Hero Starts At: added a few more locations including rop and the camp past rop

Name: your ign
Gold and Shards: max 1000000
PVP Rank: no max that I know of... only been to 9999 before and that's grand champion
The inventories are self explanatory. The boxes next to each is the charges of the item
If none is inputed, it defaults to 0, which is normal for most items
Press Ctrl+1,2,3,4,5,6 to show details for the hero inventory (goes left to right, top to bottom)
Press Ctrl+q,w,e,r,t,y to show details for stash inventory
it was really annoying to only have the first one show details so I just added a way to show for every item
Lastly, The items are organized so it's easier to find, and the normal warcraft3 items are removed from the list

Enjoy ^^

EDIT: removed