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[ Deprotection ] Metastasis

Posted: September 30th, 2009, 11:29 pm
by Dissed
Map Name: Metstasis 1.3.9

Map Description: Metastasis is a map where 12 players play in and 3 of them are infected with being Alien or Mutant or Android and then they have to kill everyone and eachother except the android must kill everyone. People can choose to murder each other which usually makes the game a bit more intresting to have more then three people killing since it would be alot easier only if there was three.

Request: I would like anyone that can deprotect this map so I may open it up and learn how it was created since it is a good map and I always want to know more.

Thanks in advance to anyone who could do this.

Re: [ Deprotection ] Metastasis

Posted: October 3rd, 2009, 12:53 pm
by GeorgeMots
Here is the map.