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Night of the Dead Special Ops

Posted: May 18th, 2007, 10:53 pm
by dave22222 ... 0v1.03.w3x

I'm looking for a similar editted map like the other NOTD maps you guys so graciously worked on. With an -xp hack and -medal hack. Thanks for any help.

Posted: May 19th, 2007, 7:48 pm
by Blackshadow442
why dont you just use the NOTD2 hacked map and load your code in SO and then save it?

edit: nvm

Posted: May 20th, 2007, 3:50 am
by dave22222
It's a completely new map with new codes.

Posted: May 21st, 2007, 1:23 am
by aquaflare
Just some more information, since I would like to see this too.

The map begins with the selection of 9 heroes, at which point you can put in your NOTD SO code to load experience and earned medals. T
here is also a -notd2 function that allows you to load NOTD 2 codes. The codes give you no experience. They only allow the chance for earning certain "insignias" if you meet requirements in the game you loaded your NOTD 2 code. The -notd2 function recognizes your NOTD 2 experience and checks for final medal, Medal of Honor.

Posted: May 22nd, 2007, 12:31 am
by Emo
Hacks required For Notd Special ops, -setxp, -medals hack such as, -m1,-m2 for the medals slots.and Notd2 isignias as well/

Posted: May 22nd, 2007, 2:42 am
by Emo
Version 1.04 is out

Posted: May 25th, 2007, 5:14 pm
by dave22222

Posted: May 25th, 2007, 9:50 pm
by Emo
A Hacked Version Of This Will be Greatly Useable.

Posted: May 26th, 2007, 8:22 am
by Xantan
Blackshadow442 PM1 wrote:I'd like to know if you or another map hacker would help me hack NOTD: SO. It's another one of those zombie games in the series of NOTD2 and NOTDAM which have both been hacked on this site.

Map Name: Night of the Dead: Spec Ops

Map Size: 1.95 mb

Map Link: ... v1.04c.w3x


a "-xp XXXXXXXX" function where "X" is a number
a single player save ability


Ill try to be as specific as I can, but i dont know too much about the game as its really new.

XP is calculated by kills, where different zombies give different experience points. I dont know if the game experience poitns and hero experience points are related but i do know that when you save the game you are saving game experience and not hero experience, and when you load the game, you have a total of 9 different characters to choose from at the beginning of the game and have a total of 9 different characters to choose from.

If u could find some time to fulfill this request, thanks, it's a tough one, the dev team spent 2 years protecting it. Good Luck.

Blackshadow442 PM2 wrote:yup, 2 years and someone already hacked it, but that version has been destroyed and it was unsavable, so kinda unhelpful for me anyhow, there is a posted request, but with a hell of a lot less information:

didnt want to waste space by starting another topic.

Ok. So, I will spend a little time on this now, cause I have time.

Ok its done. ...

Single player - ENABLED
Load whenever (and however many times) [warning: cannot load until you have picked a unit] - ENABLED
Save whenever (and however many times + fixed the 1500xp per game max) [warning: save code is specific to your unit and name] - ENABLED
-xp # (sets your xp ingame to the number specified) [warning: if you kill a unit it will set your xp back down] ENABLED

Tested and working.


I missed -medals I think? someone please tell me if this is true or not and I'll get on it.
and other things perhaps? let me know.

Posted: May 26th, 2007, 2:36 pm
by Blackshadow442
thanks a again Xantan, and as for medals, the medal requirements and names are all hidden in this version to give it more of a challengei guess, but there are the medals from notd2 that you can load by typing in -notd2 load XXXXXX-XXXXXX, but so far that function hasnt worked for a few people ive asked, so thanks again