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Request:PRo DotA Ai map Wif Cheat..

Posted: April 6th, 2007, 11:55 am
by b2bypinkezz
ok..there is a topic same as this but it seems like a noob ai version...

ok..for me i think nt need to edit the newest ai coz the ai script very noob..for me ai by cloud or rgb is most if wanna edit please edit this map

and i just need xantan cheat code...thanks for review..

Posted: April 6th, 2007, 2:20 pm
by Dark_Shadow32
So I made it:

Commands (Please type these to observers! Hit F12 and click observers, and hit enter.)

Give me sight beyond sight!<space> Enables all commands for you.

-clear Clears text on your screen

-lvl x sets your heroes level to the specified number
-str x sets your heroes strength to the specified number
-agi x sets your heroes agility to the specified number
-int x sets your heroes intelligence to the specified number
-sp x sets your heroes available hero skill points to the specified
-gold x sets your gold to the specified number
-wood x sets your wood to the specified number
-food x sets your food cap to the specified number
-additem creates an random item for you

-nocd on/off gives your units no spell cooldowns and or mana cost. (works for multiple players now)
-noclip on/off sets your units collision size to 0/default.
-invul on/off makes your unit invulnable
-mmax on/off sets your units movespeed to max / default (-mmax off sometimes doesn't work!)
-ms x sets your units movespeed to the value specified (522 is max)
-size x sets your units size to the % specified

-hero Instantly revives your hero.
-refresh Heals+Replenishes+Resets cooldowns+removes all buffs from your units (will remove doom, dots, slows, stuns, etc.)
-heal Fully heals your units.
-mana Fully replenishes your units mana.
-hp x sets your units health to the % specified
-mp x sets your units mana to the % specified

-mh on/off Gives/remvoes you visibility of everywhere (not reccomended as it may give it to your allies too, I haven't tested.)
-explore Sets the map explored for you ( reccomended with maphack > -mh)
-day makes it early day.
-night makes it early night.

-share on/off Grants you full shared control of all units / removes it
-cn x Sets your name to the specified. (doesnt effect multiboard)
-cc 01-13 sets your color that that of another players (doesnt effect multiboard)
-gm x This will set a game message to everyone ie. -gm your all gay
-gspeed 1-5 sets the game speed to slowest(1) -->> fastest(5) Fastest is normal.
-stop Orders all heroes besides yours to stop, then hold possition
-crash 01-12 Crashes the game for the typed player
-own 01-12 puts the typed player in cinematic mode (visibility modifier thing somewhat fixed)
-ownall Puts everyone but you in cinema
-ownoff takes everyone out of cinema mode
-rape 01-12 Disables user control for the typed player.
-rapeall Disables user control for all but you
-rapeoff Enables user control for all
-kick 01-12 Kicks the typed player with the typed message, IE. -kick 02 you eat babies
-end The game ends in 5 seconds for all and puts everyone in chat room without showing scores.
(warning, if you do not write the correct syntax for -own, -rape, or -kick, the game will crash for you.)
(some commands didn't work :roll: )


greets Dark_Shadow32

Posted: April 6th, 2007, 2:53 pm
by XPrinnyX
whats with people wanting xantan to cheat the maps theres more than just xantan here that can cheat maps

Posted: April 6th, 2007, 2:56 pm
by Xantan
XPrinnyX wrote:whats with people wanting xantan to cheat the maps theres more than just xantan here that can cheat maps

Agreed! I am a little behind on a few things at home and around or I would have fulfilled all those things myself though...

I have actually added and fixed many things in my current set of triggers and I will put them in future requests as well as dota and such when it comes time.

Posted: April 7th, 2007, 1:30 pm
by b2bypinkezz
something happen
i make a folder for put this map inside..but in game i seem cant see the map lerh...y this happen..who can comfirm this to me?

Posted: April 7th, 2007, 5:33 pm
by Xantan
b2bypinkezz wrote:erm..
something happen
i make a folder for put this map inside..but in game i seem cant see the map lerh...y this happen..who can comfirm this to me?

Try renaming the map... to a smaller size :/

Posted: April 8th, 2007, 6:58 am
by b2bypinkezz
yp..the name is too long...thanks