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Parasite 2 1.14 Deprotect

Posted: July 30th, 2009, 1:28 pm
by Marker88
Map: Parasite 2 v.1.14B


Cheats: I'd like to have the map deportected.

Description: This map is similiar to Who is the alien? or Zerg Infestation. Basically one random player is the evil parasite who has to kill the other players. The other players are all humans except one who is the AI, a somewhat strong machine whos supposed to protect the humans. The parasite has to conceal its identity and evolve in higher tiers while the humans and the AI have to find out whos the parasite and kill him. Humans can use a huge selection of different items including bombs or even nukes. Also the AI can upgrade itself and unlock more skills through spending lumber, which he gets throughout the game.

Re: Parasite 2 1.14 Deportect

Posted: July 30th, 2009, 2:13 pm
by GeorgeMots
Here's the map.