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Re: The river flows eastward

Posted: February 8th, 2021, 4:00 pm
by devoltz
became a seawchew,wanting to discovew who i was and what made me pwecise. my view of mysewf tuwned into changing. i desiwed a stabwe base to stawt fwom. i commenced to wesist3 stwess to behave in ways that i didn’t wike any gweatew,and i used to be dewighted by who i in weawity become. i got hewe to feew a good deaw extwa suwe that no one can evew take my wegion.
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evewy of us howds a compwetewy unique awea within the intewnationaw. you awe unique,iwwespective of what othews say ow what you may think. so fowget about appwoximatewy being wepwaced. you may’t be.

Re: The river flows eastward

Posted: February 8th, 2021, 7:07 pm
by Bartimaeus
this looks a lot funnier now that I deleted the original spam post and made you the OP

Re: The river flows eastward

Posted: February 9th, 2021, 12:04 pm
by Vegas