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How often does the wc3edit staff host cheated maps

Posted: January 26th, 2013, 10:46 am
by Nuuby
I don't.

>unless it's an rpg, of which I am obliged to inform them.

Re: How often does the wc3edit staff host cheated maps

Posted: January 26th, 2013, 11:12 am
by Bartimaeus
I used to once in a while before I ever became a staff member, (>five years ago), but I don't think I have basically ever since then.

Re: How often does the wc3edit staff host cheated maps

Posted: January 26th, 2013, 12:01 pm
by Nuuby
Bartimaeus wrote:I used to once in a while before I ever became a staff member, (>five years ago), but I don't think I have basically ever since then.

Not playing war3 for five years doesn't really count bart D:<

Re: How often does the wc3edit staff host cheated maps

Posted: January 26th, 2013, 1:22 pm
by Bartimaeus
Haha, I quit playing as much as I did like 3-2.5 years ago, not >5. :P