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What really happened in the middle east

Posted: May 29th, 2010, 12:42 pm
by haxorico
Well as an israely civilian I feel the need to post this...

and if it isnt working for you here is the youtube link..

tell me what you think about this and share your opinions, would be nice to know how the rest of the world thinks about this :)

Re: What really happened in the middle east

Posted: May 29th, 2010, 1:00 pm
by Dekar
Just skipped through it - seem like it tried to justify Israel. What is my opinion? I don't care :P I am pro Israel anyway and I think it's probably the best place to live in that area. Surely better than Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Maybe some more rockets randomdly smashing your house, but besides better infrastructure and general wealth. And Israel isn't that big anyway so why even bother about it? Back then it was mostly desert and the Jews made something out of all the sand - you have my respect for that! :D

Re: What really happened in the middle east

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 3:11 pm
by haxorico
hehe <3 dekah! :)

Well as small as it is the world sure looks like it cares though in a negative way, and this just explains stuff.

People seem to have a very short memory and it gives room for false stories to write history (took that sentence from a book about the bible :))

So personally I care what people think about where I live as I support almost every milatry operation that Israel did. And I say almost every as in they were not "brutal" enough.
there is a saying in hebrew that says "Hakam le horgeha hashkem lehorgo" and that means (in simple words) "If some one "wakes up" to kill you, "wake up" before him to kill him before he kills you"
So I use this sentece alot... Can't have a war without casulties specialy when the civilians pickup a weapon and fire at you...

So Im just digging alot (sorry I have that quite alot)
So yes dekar as small as this place is I care what people think... specialy after that thing woth the boat that happend not to long ago (yesterday)

Re: What really happened in the middle east

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 5:42 pm
by Vegas
The Jews should get out of there, just so the rest of the world can bomb the shit out of all them fucking fanatic arab pricks.

There. I said it, and I'm proud.

Re: What really happened in the middle east

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 6:13 pm
by haxorico
So where will the jews live?
Israel was made the hollocost will NOT repeat itself...

Re: What really happened in the middle east

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 7:27 pm
by Dekar
Israel was made cause the US didn't want all the Jews in their country -.-" Besides of we do like Vegas suggested you could return there in about 10,000 years after all the radiation has settled... And you'd even have more space then :D And till that day you can stay in Germany if you want, we won't do anything bad to you, trust us... again :twisted:

Re: What really happened in the middle east

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 8:04 pm
by Vegas
Ya dont have to use nuclear bombs. Then you could go back in a week or 2. ;D

Re: What really happened in the middle east

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 10:36 pm
by Dekar
How boring - without nukes they wouldn't be forced to move in the first place.

Re: What really happened in the middle east

Posted: June 4th, 2010, 2:21 am
by initialD
The hell is here on earth. I wanna move to another planet. Who is following?
Why would people invest so much time on war anyway? Wouldn't it be better if they stop spending money on terrorism. Just use the money to enjoy a little bit, ... some girls maybe. Whatever.

Re: What really happened in the middle east

Posted: June 4th, 2010, 5:47 am
by Dekar
You're such a party pooper, nukes are good for the economy as well - the... nuke economy :D