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help with jj's -reg command

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 9:38 pm
by mofoa56
in jj's cheat pack there is a command -reg that seems cool but i dont get how to use it some one please help

Re: help with jj's -reg command

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 11:36 pm
by Senethior459
The format is -reg <kill/explode/red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown>. After you type that, you right click two spots, and it makes a region between them.

So, if you say -reg kill, and then right click first on one side of the entrance to your enemy's base, and then the other, anything that goes through that entrance will die.
Or, if you had said -reg teal and clicked the same spots, any units that go through it would change ownership and be under teal's control (any of the other colours does the same thing, except for that particular player. -reg red makes them become red's units, -reg yellow makes them into yellow's units... See the pattern?).
If you typed -reg explode and right-clicked the same spots, it would be just like kill, except more hilarious.

I believe it makes a region in the shape of a line between the two points, but it could make a rectangle with those two points as opposite corners. I'm fairly certain it's a line, however.

Re: help with jj's -reg command

Posted: August 27th, 2009, 4:27 am
by mofoa56
wow thank you that helps alot i never undestood it