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Posted: July 27th, 2015, 7:43 am
by miki1998
I posted this guide on General Discussions too, but then saw there is this category too. It's still pending. If any admin sees that, could you cancel it? Thanks.





TIP: Esc is a bank for items. When you press Esc you have 3 buttons. First one is Deposit, second is Withdraw, third is Cancel.

TIP: don't click me TP Scrolls once you get to Golem's Area. It's a fast way to move back and forth.

TIP: Use Wands bought from Elf NPC to disable the Anti-Magic Shield from Bosses

TIP: Use "-창고" to summon carrier. It last just for a few seconds. Yes, you need to copy the space too. Also, you can set the camera with the command "시야 150 고정 ". Change 150 with a number between 50 and 150. Yes, you can finally see the Gorilla properly now xD. Thanks to rreuven for telling me these commands in his first game on the map xD

INFO: Runes are the blue things at Elf NPC. They're three on the first row, and one on the last row. 1st, 2nd, 3rd on first row, 4th on last row. Gems are the green things at Human NPC. They cost 5k, 40k, 100k and 300k Gold.

TIP: You can teleport between towns to don't click me Runes on cooldown, or you can don't click me them from the Carrier's shop and summon them with the command.

INFO: Lich has 100% drop rate. Final bosses have 80% drop rate.

WARNING: Item clear from 30 to 30 minutes. You're warned with 1 minute before. If you don't have Unifont installed it's gonna look like "#60".

WARNING: If you pick a item that item is SOULBOUNDED to YOU.


I) Starting Base:
1) Level 1 Area: Zombies(2*) And Skelets(5). Boss: Blue Soldier(2).
Placement: Under starting base

2) Level 10 Area is made of two zones:
a) First zone: Skelets(10)
b) Second zone: Giant Spiders(15). Bosses: Big Skelet(30) And Big Giant Spider(50).
You can get to second zone through a big golden monument of a spider at the end of first zone and get back through another big golden monument of a spider at the end of second zone.

3) Level 25 Area: Faceless Ones(20). Bosses: Acolyte(27) And Big Faceless One(30).
You get to this area through the ship at the bottom of first area.

4) Level 40 Area: Golems(35). Bosses: Red Golem(40) And Golem's Acolyte(35)

II) Water Base(Level 90 required)
1) Choosing Area: Right: Tidehunters(40); Left: Turtles(45)
2) Right Area: Tidehunters(40). Boss: Big Tidehunter().
3) Left Area: Turtles(45). Bosses: Big Turtle(), Hydra(), Hydra's Acolyte().

III) Desert Base(Level 140 required)
1) Orcs Area: Orcs(55). Boss: Grim(55). Boss is found right of the base.
2) Skelets Area: Skelets(65). Boss: Yellow Skelet(100).
3) Tiger Area. Boss: Tiger(100).
4) Dragon Area. Boss: Dragon(100).
5) Doom's Area: Doomguards(75).
6) Lich's Area. Bosses: Right Lich(100), Left Lich(100), Up Lich(100).

IV) Final Bosses Zone(Level 300 required). You can get here through Lich's Area.
1) Gorilla(100). Right
2) Tree(100). Centre
3) Fire Boss(100). Left

V) Unfinished Zone(Level ?? required). Boss: Fel Guard(6).

* In the () is the level of the creep.

List of bosses with their stats and drops:
1) Blue Soldier
Damage: 252-254
Armor: 0
HP: 5000
- Dark Purple Sphere used for first tier
- Damage Accesory(+50 Damage)
- All Stats Accesory(+10 All Stats)

2) Big Skelet
Damage: 1001-1007
Armor: 40
HP: 15000
- []1 (Used for upgrading Accesory, type -create)

3) Big Giant Spider
Damage: 2001-2005
Armor: 60
HP: 30000
- Spider Material(White Diamond)
- Dark purple orb

4) Acolyte
Damage: 8001-8010
Armor: 150
HP: 70000
- []2 (Used for upgrading Accesory, type -create)

5) Big Faceless One
Damage: 12003-12036
Armor: 250
HP: 120000
- Big Faceless One's Material(Red Gem)

From here all bosses have an anti-magic shield. You can disable it with Wand of Neutralization.
6) Red Golem
Damage: 12001-12005
Armor: 300
HP: 200000
- Red Golem's Material(Rune)

7) Red Golem's Acolyte
Damage: 9201-9205
Armor: 150
HP: 100000
- []3 (Used for upgrading Accesory, type -create)

8) Big Tidehunter
Damage: 70001-70005
Armor: 320
HP: 600000
- Big Tidehunter's Triad
- Big Tidehunter's Material
- []4 (Used for upgrading Accesory, type -create)

9) Big Turtle
Damage: 85001-85019
Armor: 400
HP: 700000
- Big Turtle's Triad
- Big Turtle's Material

10) Hydra
Damage: 120002-120022
Armor: 500
HP: 1000000
- Hydra's Triad
- Pink Open Scroll for tier

11) Hydra's Acolyte
Damage: 35001-35005
Armor: 250
HP: 400000
- []5 (Used for upgrading Accesory, type -create)

12) Grim
Damage: 200001-200005
Armor: 750
HP: 1400000
- Grim's Material

13) Yellow Skelet
Damage: 400001-400007
Armor: 2000
HP: 2800000
- Yellow Skelet's Material

From here all bosses have an aoe skill which he uses when he is attacked by multiple targets from what I've seen.
14) Tiger
Damage: 650001-650005
Armor: 3000
HP: 4000000
- Tiger's Material
- []6 (Used for upgrading Accesory, type -create)

15) Dragon
Damage: 900001-900007
Armor: 4000
HP: 600000
- Sphere for Tier

16) Left Lich
Damage: 1500001-1500005
Armor: 8000
HP: ?
- Left Lich's Material

17) Right Lich
Damage: 1750001-1750005
HP: ?
- Right Lich's Material

18) Upper Lich
Damage: 2000001-2000005
Armor: 10000
HP: ?
- Upper Lich's Material
- []7 (Used for upgrading Accesory, type -create)

*18) Gorilla
Damage: 2300001-2300004
Armor: 12000
HP: ?
- Gorilla's Material

*19) Tree
Damage: 2500001-2500008
Armor: 14000
HP: ?
- Tree's Material(Looks like a Diamond)

*20) Fire Boss
Damage: 4000001-4000008
Armor: 20000
HP: 25000000
- Fire Boss Material(Looks like a Fire Ball)

* The items from final bosses must be crafted with an item from Golems(100). The item looks like a Diamond. I heard it has 1% drop rate.

**21) Fel Hound
Damage: 5000001-5000004
Armor: 10000
HP: ?
Drops: ?

** This is on an unfinished part of the map, a friend told me about him. He said he is 1:1 with Admiral Proudmoore. He is on the top side of the map.



0. Basic
1. Dark Purple Sphere from first boss(Blue big soldier first area)
2. Pink Open Scroll from Hydra
3. Sphere from Drake

You have to go with the tier item in front of the class you want. Priest is in the top of the Starting Base, mage is the sorceress or Janna Proudmoore, Summoner is in the right of sorceress, Spellbreaker is under the sorceress, near the big red shiny thing, Werewolf and Tiger are in the left of Starting Base, Archer is in the right, near the entry in Level 10 Area, Lich is in the Level 1 Area, under the Blue Soldier, the ghost, and Tauren is at the bottom of Desert Base at Tauren Cheftain.





How to obtain final orb

1.5k Damage Orb = Big Giant Spider's Material + Dark Purple Orb(Drops from Skelets and Spiders) + 4th Rune
3k Damage Orb = 1.5k Damage Orb + Big Giant Spider's Material + Red Golem's Material + 4th Rune
15k Damage Orb = 3k Damage Orb + Big Tidehunter's Triad + Hydra's Triad + Big Turtle's Triad
30k Damage Orb = 15k Damage Orb + Yellow Skelet's Material + Red Golem's Material
60k Damage Orb = 30k Damage Orb + Tiger's Material
100k Damage Orb = 60k Damage Orb + Left Lich's Material
150k Damage Orb = 100k Damage Orb + Tree's Material + Golem's Material


How to obtain final accesory

Damage Accesory or All Stats Accesory upgrades with Big Skelet's []1 + Acolyte's []2 + Red Golem's Acolyte []3 + Big Tidehunter's []4 + Hydra Acolyte's []5 + Tiger []6 + Upper Lich's []7 + (Fire Boss Material + Golem's Material)


How to obtain final weapon

don't click me 100 Damage Sword from shop
300 Damage Sword = 100 Damage Sword + 5k Gold Green Gem + 4th rune
2k Damage Sword = 300 Damage Sword + 40k Gold Green Gem + 1st Rune + 4th Rune
4k Damage Sword = 2k Damage Sword + Big Faceless One's Material + 3rd Rune + 4th Rune
6k Damage Sword = 4k Damage Sword + Red Golem's Material + 100k Gold Green Gem + Big Giant Spider's Material
10k Damage Sword = 6k Damage Sword + Red Golem's Material + Big Giant Spider's Material + Tide
15k Damage Sword = 10k Damage Sword + Red Golem's Material + Turtle + 300k Gold Green Gem
40k Damage Sword = 15k Damage Sword + Red Golem's Material + Grim's Material
80k Damage Sword = 40k Damage Sword + Red Golem's Material + Yellow Skelet's Material
120k Damage Sword = 80k Damage Sword + Tiger's Material
200k Damage Sword = 120k Damage Sword + Upper Lich's Material
300k Damage Sword = 200k Damage Sword + Fire Boss Material + Golem's Material


How to obtain final armor

don't click me 30 Helm from Shop
40 Helm = 30 Helm + 5k Gold Green Gem + 2 rune
100 Armor = 40 Armor + 40k Gold Green Gem + 1 Rune + 2 Rune
150 Armor = 100 Armor + Red Gem + 2 Rune + 3 Rune
Next 150 Armor = 150 Armor + Red Golem's Material + 100k Gold Green Gem + Big Giant Spider's Material
500 Armor = Next 150 Armor + Red Golem's Material + Big Giant Spider's Material + Tide
600 Armor = 500 Armor + Red Golem's Material + Turtle + 300k Gold Green Gem
1k Armor = 600 Armor + Red Golem's Material + Grim's Material
1.5k Armor = 1k Armor + Red Golem's Material + Yellow Skelet's Material
2k Armor = 1.5k Armor + Tiger's Material
3k Armor = 2k Armor + Right Lich's Material
4k Armor = 3k Armor + Gorilla's Material + Golem's Material



So you select the soldier at the beggining and then go take the free items from the shop and go to first area where you farm zombies till you have 2k gold and go don't click me the 100 Damage Sword, then farm 2k more and don't click me the 30 Helm. Then you gather 10k gold and don't click me the 300 Damage Sword, 10 more k and don't click me 40 Helm. You can farm the gold in the first zone at level 5 Skelets or in the second zone at level 10 Skelets. I would recommend level 5 skelets because you make more gold and faster from them. Pick the +50 Damage Accesory from Blue Soldier for the beggining. Then you create the 2k Damage Sword, then the 100 Armor. At this time you should decide what Class you want and go for it. After tier farm the level 10 Skelets and then go to spiders. You should try to get the Purple Orb drop from Skelets(10) or Spiders, and also get a Diamond and 4th rune and create the 1.5k Damage orb. Upgrade your current accesory and take one more scroll from Big Skelet on your Esc or Carrier. Try to get 5 more Diamonds from Spider for the other items.
When you're Level 25 go towards Level 25 Area. On the way, decide what accesory is more suitable for your class. If the current one is good, keep it and throw the scroll you were keeping. If the current one isn't good, farm the Blue Soldier untill you get the All Stats Accesory and upgrade it with the scroll you have on your Esc/Carrier. Now go to Level 25 Area and farm the Faceless One's. If you have a party after a bit of farming you should try to kill the Acolyte and then the Big Faceless One. Keep doing so untill you all get the Big Faceless One's Materials and the scroll for Acolyte, and then upgrade your items.
Go to Level 40 Area and farm the golems on the way to the Red Golem and his Acolyte. Farm those guys too. Get three Red Golem's Material/each to upgrade the orb, the sword and the armor. Farm 2 more Red Golem's Material for next weapon and armor. If you're not level 90, farm golems until you are and go to Water Base in Right Area to kill the Big Tidehunter. Each one of you should get 2 materials from him, a scroll and a triad. Create your items. Now someone should stay to farm Red Golem's Material and the rest kill Big Turtle for 2 materials and 1 triad/each. Don't forget to have tp scrolls all the time at you. Go to golems to farm gold for the gems. Set the champion on patrol. Now create your items. Now go kill Hydra for the triad and the tier item. Kill the Acolyte for the Accesory upgrade scroll. Combine the orb with the triads. Now you're done with Water Base.
Go to Desert Base and farm Grim. 2/each. Create items. Go to Yellow Skelet through the portal(disguised as a temple or something) Kill him. 3/each. You need to upgrade the orb too. Now go to Tiger. Kill her. 3 Materials/each and 1 scroll/each to upgrade accesory. In the meanwhile it's your decision if you want to tier up to 2 or not, but after Tiger's items, i reccomend you to tier up and go farm for level 500 at Doomguards. After that kill the Drake for it's tier item. Go tier up. Farm till level 300. Go to Left Lich and kill him. 1 time for each one of you because he has 100% drop rate and upgrade the Orb. Then kill the Right one and upgrade your armor. Finally, kill the Upper one and upgrade your weapon and accesory.
Now it's final bosses time. Gorilla is for Armor, Tree is for Orb and Fire Bos is for Weapon and Accesory. After you get the item from 1 of them you need to farm the level 100 Golems like a maniac till the item with 1% drop rate falls. Take it and create. Congrats. Now do it 3 more times and you finish the game. Or you finished it when you killed final boss. Now go play next RPG. What are you waiting for?

Waiting for suggestions on what to change. Hope this can guide you well through the game. Actually it's gonna be the best guide. Not because it's the only one in english anyway xD.

Re: QA RPG PART 3 Guide

Posted: August 2nd, 2015, 12:07 pm
by venomfoxx
Miki, are you Mr_Vinti? and btw theres no fellhound boss ^^ That one is only there for decoration, he doesnt drop anything. It is probably as you said the map was unfinished like other maps from this author e.g Ephedra rpg, and it doesnt really make sense that he has lower armour then Fire demon boss if he were to be after the demon boss he would most likeley have more armour. Following the pattern of the three bosses Gorilla Tree Fire demon. The three final bosses even have more hp then Sven boss.

Re: QA RPG PART 3 Guide

Posted: August 2nd, 2015, 1:26 pm
by miki1998
Yes, I'm Mr_Vinti :D
And about that one. A friend which had MH told me about him xD I assumed he's a boss from an unfinished part of the map. Probably you will be able to get there from Gorrila's portal? :-?

Re: QA RPG PART 3 Guide

Posted: August 2nd, 2015, 3:07 pm
by venomfoxx
Well I saw him aswell by using cheats and killed him, he has way lower hp then Fireboss and the 2 others it doesnt make sense if he's supposed to be after those 3 with lower hp+ armour. BTW im OIYIG the werewolf who helped u xD.

Re: QA RPG PART 3 Guide

Posted: August 2nd, 2015, 4:02 pm
by miki1998
Oh, I remember ya. That guy that needed special conditions to fight fire boss xD Joking. I've finished my weapon and orb but then got bored of farming so many golems xD so didn't finish the armor. Well, I didn't see him myself. I supposed you put a CP in the map and teleported there, but as I said, it's unfinished. Who knows what's supposed to be there. Also, there is a new shop with 2 more items. Could you find out what those 2 does? xD

Re: QA RPG PART 3 Guide

Posted: August 3rd, 2015, 8:45 am
by venomfoxx
Miki, there's two items in one of the shops one of em silences and the other one is just a stun btw you cant get there through Gorilla portal.

Re: QA RPG PART 3 Guide

Posted: August 3rd, 2015, 3:29 pm
by miki1998
Yes I know you can't get through there now, that's why i said it at future, like in a future version, maybe you'll get there from that portal. And thanks for the info about items :D