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I need help with the Memory Editor !!

Posted: May 8th, 2007, 8:25 pm
by illidan1000
Hello everyone, I wanted to try using a memory editor to hack into DD6, for DD Score, Unfortunatly I don't know how to use it. A tutorial would be nice. Thx

Posted: May 14th, 2007, 1:04 am
by doubleerror
mmh thats very hard cause you only have 3 times to scan for the right offset, so no time to scan for pointers...
well first start wc3 then the mem editor

attach it to wc3 (if you can't attach/find wc3, get permedit and grant the mem editor the privileges)

then you got to scan:

once before you load your code "exact value" "4 bytes" "0"
then after you loaded your code "exact value" "4 bytes" "[your loaded dd score]"
last time in the end after getting points "exact value" "4 bytes" "[the dd score you have now]"

pretty hard to get the offset with values <100 in 3 scans

when you found after last scan 10 or less offsets try to change them to your wished value and hope wc3 doesn't crash

but carefull when the dd score on the scoreboard, most of the time its a dummy that gets fed by the real offset, so save after changing all offsets

EDIT: mmh k, dummy doesn't change scoreboard when you change its value, but when you save it you got the score you edited it to

PS: you know you get disc when you change the value of the offsets, don't you?
so you got to be host to do this!

Posted: May 15th, 2007, 7:47 pm
by illidan1000
Yes, I've tried using permedit to give access, but that still doesn't work. Any other suggestions ?

Posted: May 15th, 2007, 8:44 pm
by doubleerror
which proggy do you use?

Posted: May 15th, 2007, 11:01 pm
by illidan1000
I use Tsearch, and I got the PermEdit and Tsearch here:

Posted: May 16th, 2007, 1:45 am
by illidan1000
Nvm, I got it to work, but when I change the value from 10-2000 it doesn't seem to work, and I doing somthing wrong ?

Posted: May 16th, 2007, 6:12 pm
by Moppit
how do you open war3.exe i have the sameproblem with illidan when i use the permedit it doesnt show on the tsearch

Posted: May 18th, 2007, 6:49 am
by Anarki
I'd thought someone had made a Dark Deeds hacked version and released it on these forums, which allows you to change your score.

I guess I was wrong. o.O

Posted: May 18th, 2007, 5:11 pm
by Moppit
yes but it takes forever to increase you score i dont want to keep killing the computer over and over

Posted: May 21st, 2007, 10:15 am
by doubleerror
you can't see the change on the scoreboard before the game itself changes the code again.

just save and the code should work then @ illidan

@moppit: don't attach t-search to permedit,
1. start t-search
2. start permedit
3. search t-search in the permedit-list which shows up
4. grant t-search system privileges
5. attach t-search to wc3

or just get cheat engine, which scans faster and doesn't require the permedit-stuff