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Adding Kick Trigger

Posted: December 15th, 2007, 2:24 am
by Cheesytoe
This isnt like my other post!

I wanna know can i make a blank map and make a kick triiger for my name, and extract it and add it to another map without igt writing over the war3map.wtg file..

otherwise how would i make those triggers and add them into it, without deprotecting it.

Re: Adding Kick Trigger

Posted: December 15th, 2007, 2:29 am
by Xantan

Make your trigger in the world editor.

Save your map.

Extract your maps war3map.j with MPQMaster.

Open that with Jasscraft.

Find a few things and paste them somewhere different in notepad for later usage:

Find in globals the trigger gg_trg_*YOURTRIGGERNAME*'s (copy all globals necessary, used at globals of next map)
Find below endglobals and above function main the function GG_trig_*YOURTRIGGERNAME*'s (copy whole function, used below endglobals)
Find in the same area the function InitCustomTriggers takes nothing resturns nothing (not used, just find it and then look at next step)
Find IN ABOVE PLACE InitTrig_*YOURTRIGGERNAME*'s()'s and copy those somewhere. (used for function main of next map)

Now then, we have a cheat pack!

Simply open any map, extract its war3map.j, add your globals at the top, add your functions below endglobals, and add the InitTrig_yourtrig()'s to function main -> before endfunction of the next map

just take a cheat pack with kick in it, and read the insert instructions.

ask if you need help.

Re: Adding Kick Trigger

Posted: December 15th, 2007, 5:40 am
by Bartimaeus
Wait, you can create a blank map, create triggers in GUI, save the map, extract the j file, and it'll be in workable JASS?

Re: Adding Kick Trigger

Posted: December 15th, 2007, 8:06 am
by GeorgeMots
Bartimaeus wrote:Wait, you can create a blank map, create triggers in GUI, save the map, extract the j file, and it'll be in workable JASS?

Whether the triggers are in jass or gui, when the script of the map is opened the trigger are somehow similar to jass.