
how to "synergy" (the converted singpleplayer cheat?)
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Author:  XD! [ November 8th, 2015, 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  how to "synergy" (the converted singpleplayer cheat?)

Other stuffs had been easily made available by popular CP makers as for these ones:
-mh "iseedeadpeople"
-mana / mr.9999 "thereisnospoon"
-nocd "thedudeabides,thedudeabides"

??? I think it's impossible to mimic this: "iocainepowder "

And for "whoisjohngalt" ...typically it's similar to this:

call SetPlayerTechResearchedSwap('Rhme',max_n_upgrades,All_Players)
call SetPlayerTechResearchedSwap('Rnsb',max_n_upgrades,All_Players)

//and since most maps has custom upgrades: (need to have an added 46656 lines)
call SetPlayerTechResearchedSwap('R000',max_n_upgrades,All_Players)
call SetPlayerTechResearchedSwap('RZZZ',max_n_upgrades,All_Players)

...my problem is about the "synergy" cheat :(
I'm kinda lacking to know where to search at world editor something related to typically unlocking all tech trees.

Author:  haxorico [ November 9th, 2015, 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: how to "synergy" (the converted singpleplayer cheat?)

To see if I have you corrected, you want to know how to code the SinglePlayer cheats? Like - whosyourdaddy - ?

Author:  XD! [ November 9th, 2015, 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: how to "synergy" (the converted singpleplayer cheat?)

Yes, Thanks for replying.

riseandshine   Automatic Daylight
lightsout   Automatic Night
synergy   Disable the Tech Tree
WhoIsJohnGalt   Enable Research
keysersoze #   Enter any number for "#" that you want in gold
leafittome #   Enter any number for "#" that you want in wood
greedisgood   Gives 500 gold and lumber (Adding more to the end will give you more)
whosyourdaddy   God Mode
somebodysetupusthebomb   Instant Loss
allyourbasearebelongtous   Instant Victory
motherland (race) (level)   Level Select (Enter race, level without parenthesis) ex: (motherland orc 03)
abrakadabra   Makes trees disappear
TheDudeAbides   No wait time between spell casting
=   Re-enters the last code you typed.
PointBreak   Removes Food Limit
DaylightSavings [hour]   Reset the time to the hour specificed (without a number, this toggle the day/night cycle on/off)
Iseedeadpeople   Reveal Map
thereisnospoon   Unlimited Mana for Troops
sharpandshiny   Upgrade everything one level
warpten   Very Fast Build
StrengthandHonor   You Cannot Lose
itvexesme   You Cannot Win
iocainepowder   You Will Die Fast

WhoIsJohnGalt Enable Research
The previous code could be mimic'd by doing:
call SetPlayerTechResearchedSwap('Rnsb',max_n_upgrades,All_Players)
---I found this in Xantan's cheat for Island defense, but I need the jass codes to make it readily applicable to most maps so is likely to be done for the said generic cheatpack is to include in detail the 46656 rawcodes added to 89 non-custom ones e.g Pillage, ultravision, etc.

Sorry if it took a lot to explain. But think of "iseedeadpeople" = "1234567890!@#$%^mh." of Fai's CP.

Now with previous illustration made, synergy = "unlocks techtrees", or as

http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/919870-warcr ... est/cheats

puts it = "disables techtree" ; how to triggify it?

Yes the jass lines or if it's ok.. I'm also looking for the worldedit gui triggers that's best similar to "synergy" WC3 SP cheat applied to Multipplayer

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