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List of Rawcodes

Posted: August 12th, 2007, 4:09 am
by JJ2197
Use the -add for abilities and -spawn for the rest...

Still to do:



Hapm - Admiral Proudmoore
Hant - Antonidas
Hgam - Antonidas
Hart - Arthas
Harf - Arthas
nbt2 - Advance Boulder Tower
ndt2 - Advance Cold Tower
ntx2 - Advance Death Tower
net2 - Advance Energy Tower
nft2 - Advance Flame Tower
haro - Arcane Observetory
nhea - Archer
hatw - Arcane Tower
Hamg - Archmage
hars - Arcane Sanctum
halt - Altar of Kings
hvlt - Arcane Vault
hbla - Blacksmith
Hblm - Blood Mage
nbt1 - Boulder Tower
hbar - Barracks
hdsh - Battle Ship
ndt1 - Cold Tower
nchp - Chaplain
hcth - Captian
hcas - Castle
ntt1 - Death Tower
ndgt - Dalaran Gaurd Tower
nws1 - Dragon Hawk
Hdgo - Dagren
hdhw - Dragon Hawk Rider
net1 - Energy Tower
nefm - Elf Farm
nef0 - Elf Farm 1
nef1 - Elf Farm 2
nef2 - Elf Farm 3
nef3 - Elf Farm 4
nef4 - Elf Farm 5
nef5 - Elf Farm 6
nef6 - Elf Farm 7
nef7 - Elf Farm 8
negf - Earth-fury Tower
nhew - Elf Worker
nbel - Elf Lieutenant
nbee - Elf Engineer
nemi - Emissary
nft1 - Flame Tower
nfrt - Fruit Stand
hdes - Frigate
hgyr - Flying machine
hfoo - Footman
hhou - Farm
ngwr - Grain Warehouse
hgtw - Gaurd Tower
hgra - Gryphon Aviary
hgry - Gryphon
nheb - High Elven Barracks
negt - High Elven Gaurd Tower
nhym - Hydromacer
nhef - High Elf (female)
nhem - High Elf (male)
hshy - Human Shipyard
Hhkl - Halahk
nitb - Icy Treasure Box
njks - Jailor Kassan
Hjai - Jaina
hkni - Knight
hkee - Keep
Hkal - Kael
Hlgr - Lord Garthithos
Hpb1 - Lord Nicholas Buzan
hlum - Lumber Mill
nmdm - Medivh
nmgv - Magic Vault
Hmgd - Maggroth
Hmbr - Muradin
hmtm - Motar team
nmed - Medivh
Hmkg - Mountain King
hmil - Militia
hpea - Pesant
hmpr - Preist
Hpal - Paladin
hphx - Phoenix
hpxe - Phoenix Egg
hrdh - Pack Horse
hprt - Portal
hrif - Rifleman
hhdl - Riderless Horse
hsor - Sorceror
hmtt - Steam Engine
hspt - Spell Breaker
hwtw - Scout Tower
hhes - Swordsman
nser - Searinox
negm - Sky-fury Tower
Hpb2 - Sir Gregory
Hvwd - Sylvanas
htow - Town Hall
hbot - Tansport Ship
Huth - Uther
harm - Workshop
hwat - Water element lvl 1
hwt2 - Water element lvl 2
hwt3 - Water element lvl 3
hbew - Wagon

oalt - Alter of Storms
obar - Barracks
obea - Beasttairy
Nbbc - Blademaster of Blackrock
Obla - Blademaster
nwc2 - Cage 2
Nsjs - Chen Stormstout
Ocb2 - Cairne Bloodhoof
Ocbh - Cairne Bloodhoof 2
Otcc - Cairne Bloodhoof 3
Odrt - Drek'Thar
odkt - Drak'thul
ndfl - Defiled Fountain of Life
ndrb - Dragon Roost
ocat - Demolisher
negz - Engineer Gazlowe
ocbw - Fel Burrow
Ofar - Far Seer
nbfl - Fountain of Blood
nchg - Fel Orc Grunt
nchr - Fel Orc Raider
nchw - Fel Orc Warlock
nckb - Fel Orc Kodo Beast
ncpn - Fel Orc Peon
ofrt - Fortress
ogre - Great Hall
ogrk - Gar'thok
ogru - Grunt
ngbl - Goblin Blaster
Ogld - Gul'dan
Ogrh - Grom Hellscream
Opgh - Grom Hellscream 2
ohwd - Healing Ward
ojgn - Jauggernaut
okod - Kodo Beast
oosc - Kodo Beast (Riderless)
Orex - Rexxar
Orkn - Rokhan
Osam - Samuro
Oshd - Shadow Hunter
Otch - Tauren Cheiftain
Othr - Thrall
nmsh - Misha
npgf - Pig Farm
npgr - Power Generator
ohun - Toll Headhunter
omtg - Mathog
onzg - Nazgrel
nw2w - Orc Warlock
otrb - Orc Burrow
owar - Orc Warchief
oshy - Orc Shipyard
obot - Orc Transport Ship
odes - Orc Frigate
opeo - Peon
orai - Raider
oshm - Shaman
osld - Spirit Lodge
osp1 - Serpent Ward lvl 1
osp2 - Serpent Ward lvl 2
osp3 - Serpent Ward lvl 3
osp4 - Serpent Ward lvl 4
ospm - Spirit Walker
ospw - Spirit Walker
ostr - Stronghold
osw1 - Spirt Wolf lvl 1
osw2 - Spirt Wolf lvl 2
osw3 - Spirt Wolf lvl 3
oswy - Spirit Wyvern
otot - Stasis Trap
nspc - Support Column
odoc - Troll Witch Doctor
oeye - Sentry Ward
ofor - War Mill
nwad - Watcher Ward
nwc1 - Wyvern Cage 1
otau - Tauren
otbk - Troll Berserker
otbr - Troll Batrider
otto - Tauren Totem
ovlj - Vol'jin
ovln - Voodoo Lounge
ownr - Wyvern (Riderless)
owtw - Watch Tower
owyv - Wind Rider

Nanb - Anub'arak
Nkjx - Kil'jaeden 2
Nklj - Kil'jaeden
Nmag - Magtheridon
Nman - Mannoroth
Npld - Azgalor
Ubal - Balnazzar
Uclc - Kel'Thuzad 2
Ucrl - Crypt Lord
Udea - Death Knight
Udre - Dreadlord
Udth - Detheroc
Uear - Arthas (Evil)
Uktl - Kel'Thuzad (Lich)
Ulic - Lich
Umal - Mal'Ganis
Usyl - Sylvanas
Utic - Tichondirus
Uvar - Varimathras
Uvng - Dalvengyr
Uwar - Archimonde
nbsm - Book of Summoning Pedistal
ndmg - Demon Gate
nfrm - Frostmourne Pedestal
ngni - Infected Granary
nshr - Shrine
nzlc - Lich King
nzom - Zombie
uabc - Abomination 2
uabo - Abomination
uaco - Acolyte
uaod - Alter of Darkness
uarb - Sky Barge
uban - Banshee
ubdd - Sapphiron (undead)
ubdr - Sapphiron (living)
ubon - Boneyard
ubot - Undead Trasport ship
ubsp - Destroyer
ucrm - Burrowed Crypt Fiend
ucry - Crypt Fiend
ucs1 - Carrion Beetle lvl 1
ucs2 - Carrion Beetle lvl 2
ucs3 - Carrion Beetle lvl 3
ucsB - Burrowed Carrion Beetle lvl 2
ucsC - Burrowed lvl 3
udes - Frigate
ufro - Frost Wyrm
ugar - Gargoyle
ugho - Ghoul
ugol - Haunted Gold Mine
ugrm - Stone Form Gargoyle
ugrv - Graveyard
uktg - Kel'Thuzrad (Ghost)
uktn - Kel'Thuzrad (Necromancer)
uloc - Locust
umtw - Meat Wagon
unec - Necromancer
unp1 - Halls of the Dead
unp2 - Black Citadel
unpl - Necropolis
uobs - Obisdian statue
uplg - Disease Cloud
usap - Sacrifical Pit
usep - Crypt
ushd - Shade
ushp - Undead Shipyard
uske - Skeleton Warrior
uskm - Skeleton Mage
uslh - Slaughterhouse
uswb - Sylvans Windrunner
utod - Temple of the Damned
utom - Tomb of Relics
uubs - BattleShip
uzg1 - Spirit Tower
uzg2 - Nerubian Tower
uzig - Ziggurat

Night Elf
Ecen - Cenarius
Edem - Demon Hunter
Edmm - Demon Hunter (Demon Form)
Eevi - Illidan (evil)
Eevm - Illidan (Morphed 2)
Efur - Furion
Eidm - Illidan (Demon)
Eill - Illidan
Eilm - Illidan (Morphed)
Ekee - Keeper of the Grove
Ekgg - Ghost
Emfr - Malfurion
Emns - Malfurion (Without Stag)
Emoo - Priestess of the Moon
Etyr - Tyrande
Ewar - Warden
Ewrd - Maiev
eaoe - Ancient of Lore
eaom - Ancient of War
eaow - Ancient of Wind
earc - Archer
eate - Alter of Elders
ebal - Glavie Thrower
echm - Chimaera
edcm - Druid of the Claw (Bear Form)
eden - Ancient of Wonders
edes - Frigate
edoc - Druid of the Claw
edos - Chimaera Roost
edot - Druid of the Talon
edry - Dryad
edsh - Battleship
edtm - Druid of the Talon (Storm Crow)
efdr - Faerie Dragon
efon - Treant
egol - Entangled Gold Mine
ehip - Hippogryph
ehpr - Hippogryph Ridder
eilw - Prison Wagon
emow - Moon Well
emtg - Mountain Giant
enec - Runner
ensh - Naisha
esen - Huntress
eshd - Shandris
eshy - Shipyard
espv - Avatar of Vengeance
etoa - Tree of Ages
etoe - Tree of Eternity
etol - Tree of Life
etrp - Ancient Protector
etrs - Night Elf Transport
even - Spirit of Vengeance
ewsp - Wisp
nbwd - Barrow Den
ncap - Corrupted AP
ncaw - Corrupted AoW
ncta - Corrupted ToA
ncte - Corrupted ToE
nctl - Corrupted ToL
nfnp - Fountain of Power
nfv0 - Night Elf Fishing Village (Two Story)
nfv1 - Night Elf Fishing Village (Crested 2)
nfv2 - Night Elf Fishing Village (One Story)
nfv3 - Night Elf Fishing Village (Two Story 2)
nfv4 - Night Elf Fishing Village (Crested)
ngob - Enchanted Gemstone Obelisk
nhcn - Horn of Cenarius Pedestal
now2 - lvl 2
now3 - lvl 3
nowl - Owl Scout lvl 1
nssn - Warden
nthr - Tharifas
nvr0 - Night Elf Fishing Village (Ruined)
nvr1 - Night Elf Fishing Village (Ruined 3)
nvr2 - Night Elf Fishing Village (Ruined 2)
nwat - Sentry
odob - Hunter's Hall

Hvsh - Lady Vashj
nhyc - Dragon Turtle
nmpe - Mur'gul Slave
nmyr - Naga Myrmidon
nmys - Submerged Naga Myrmidon
nnad - Alter of the Depths
nnfm - Coral Bed
nnmg - Mur'gul Reaver
nnrg - Naga Royal Gaurd
nnrs - Submerged Naga Royal Gaurd
nnsa - Shrine of Azshara
nnsg - Spawning Grounds
nnsu - Summoner
nnsw - Naga Siren
nntg - Tidal Gaurdian
nntt - Temple of Tides
nsbs - Submerged Snap Dragon
nsnp - Snap Dragon
nwgs - Couatl

nadk - Blue Drake
nadr - Blue Dragon
nadw - Blue Dragon Whelp
nahy - Ancient Hydra
nanb - Barded Arachnathid 2
nanc - Crystal Arachnathid
nane - Arachnathid Earth-borer
nanm - Barbed Arachnathid
nano - Overlord Arachnathid
nanw - Warrior Arachnatid
narg - Battle Golem
nass - Assassian
nba2 - Doom Gaurd
nbal - Doom Gaurd
nban - Bandit
nbda - Apprenntice
nbdk - Black Drake
nbdm - Blue Dragonspawn Meddler
nbdo - Overseer
nbdr - Black Dragon Whelp
nbds - Sorcerer
nbdw - Warrior
nbld - Bandit Lord
nbrg - Brigand
nbwm - Black Dragon
nbzd - Bronze Dragon
nbzk - Bronze Drake
nbzw - Bronze Dragon Whelp
ncea - Centaur archer
ncen - Outrunner
ncer - Drudge
ncfs - Watery Minion
ncim - Implaler
ncks - Sorcerer
ncnk - Khan
ndmu - Daralan Mutant
ndqn - Succubus
ndqp - Maiden of Pain
ndqs - Queen of Suffering
ndqt - Vile Temptress
ndqv - Vile Tormentor
ndrd - Darkslayer
ndrf - Draenei Guardian
ndrh - Harbinger
ndrj - Dalaran Reject
ndrl - Draenei Laborer
ndrm - Disciple
ndrn - Draenei Vindicator
ndrp - Protector
ndrs - Seer
ndrt - Draenei Stalker
ndrv - Revenant of the Depths
ndrw - Watcher
ndsa - Salamander
ndtb - Berserker
ndth - High Priest
ndtp - Dark Troll Shadow Priest
ndtr - Dark Troll
ndtt - Trapper
ndtw - Warlord
nehy - Elder Hydra
nelb - Plauge Treant
nele - Corrupted Treant
nenc - Eredar Sorcerer
nenf - Enforcer
nenp - Eredar Diabolist
nepl - Eredar Warlock
nerd - Terror
ners - Faceless One Trickster
nerw - Deathbringer
nfel - Fel Stalker
nfgb - Fel Stalker
nfgl - Flesh Golem
nfgo - Forgotton One
nfgu - Fel Beast
nfod - Overlord
nfor - Felguard
nfot - Bloodfiend
nfov - Fel Ravager
nfpc - Polar Furbolg Champion
nfpe - Polar Furbolg Elder Shaman
nfpl - Polar furbolg
nfps - Polar Furbolg Shamen
nfpt - Polar Furbolg Tracker
nfpu - Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior
nfra - Furbolg Ursa Warrior
nfrb - Furbolg Tracker
nfrl - Furbolg
nfrp - Pandaren
nfrs - Forbolg Shaman
nfsh - Forest Troll High Priest
nfsp - Forest Troll Shadow priest
nftb - Forest Troll Berserker
nftk - Forest Troll Warlord
nftr - Forest Troll
nftt - Forest Troll Trapper
ngdk - Green Drake
nggr - Granite Golem
ngh1 - Ghost
ngh2 - Wraith
nglm - Goblin Land Mine
ngna - Gnoll Poacher
ngnb - Gnoll Brute
ngno - Gnoll
ngns - Gnoll Assassian
ngnv - Gnoll Overseer
ngnw - Gnoll Warden
ngrd - Green Dragon
ngrk - Mud Golem
ngrw - Green Dragon Whelp
ngst - Rock Golem
nhar - Harpy Scout
nhdc - Deceiver
nhfp - Fallen Priest
nhhr - Heretic
nhrh - Harpy Storm-hag
nhrq - Harpy Queen
nhrr - Harpy Rouge
nhrw - Harpy Windwitch
nhyd - Hydra
nhyh - Hydra Hatchling
nina - Infernal Juggernaut
ninc - Infernal Contraption
ninf - Infernal
ninm - Infernal Machine
nith - Ice Troll High Priest
nitp - Ice Troll Priest
nitr - Ice Troll
nits - Ice Troll Beserker
nitt - Ice Troll Trapper
nitw - Ice Troll Warlord
njg1 - Jungle Stalker
njga - Elder Jungle Stalker
njgb - Enraged Jungle Stalker
nkob - Kobold
nkog - Kobold Geomancer
nkol - Kobold Taskmaster
nkot - Kobold Tunneler
nlds - Makrura Deepseer
nlkl - Makrura Tide Lord
nlpd - Makrura pooldweller
nlpr - Makrura Prawn
nlps - Summoned Prawn
nlrv - Deeplord Revenant
nlsn - Makrura Snapper
nltc - Makrura Tidecaller
nltl - Lightining Lizard
nmam - Mammoth
nmbg - Mur'gul Blood-Gill
nmcf - Mur'gul Cliffrunner
nmdr - Dire Mammoth
nmfs - Murloc Flesheater
nmgd - Magnataur Destroyer
nmgr - Magnataur Reaver
nmgw - Magnataur Warrior
nmit - Icetusk Mammoth
nmmu - Murloc Mutant
nmpg - Murloc Plaguebearer
nmrl - Murloc Tiderunner
nmrm - Murloc Nightcrawler
nmrr - Murloc Huntsman
nmrv - Mur'gul marauder
nmsc - Mur'gul Shadowcaster
nmsn - Mur'gul Snarecaster
nmtw - Mur'gul Tidewarrior
nndk - Enraged Element
nndr - Sea Element
nnht - Reef Element
nnwa - Nerubian Warrior
nnwl - Nerubian Webspinner
nnwq - Nerubian Queen
nnwr - Nerubian Seer
nnws - Nerubian Spider Lord
noga - Stonemaul Warchief
nogl - Ogre Lord
nogm - Ogre Mauler
nogn - Stonemaul Magi
nogo - Stonemaul Orge
nogr - Ogre Warrior
nomg - Ogre Magi
nowb - Wildkin
nowe - Enraged Wildkin
nowk - Beserk Wildkin
npfl - Forest Troll
npfm - Fel Ravager
nplb - Polar Bear
nplg - Giant Polar Bear
nqbh - Quillboar Hunter
nrdk - Red Dragon Whelp
nrdr - Red Drake
nrel - Berserk Element
nrfe - Furbolg Elder Shaman
nrfg - Furbolg Champion
nrog - Rouge
nrvd - Death Revenant
nrvf - Fire Revenant
nrvi - Ice Revenant
nrvl - Lightining Revenant
nrvs - Frost Revenant
nrwm - Red Dragon
nrzb - Razormane Brute
nrzg - Razormane Chieftain
nrzm - Razormane Medicine Man
nrzs - Razormane Scout
nrzt - Quillboar
nsat - Satyr Trickster
nsbm - Brood Mother
nsc2 - Limbipper
nsc3 - Behemoth
nsca - Skeleton Archer
nscb - Spider Crab Shorecrawler
nsel - Poison Treant
nsgb - Sea Giant Behemoth
nsgg - Siege Giant
nsgh - Sea Giant Hunter
nsgn - Sea Giant
nsgt - Giant Spider
nska - Skeleton Archer
nskf - Burning Archer
nskg - Giant Skeleton Warrior
nskm - Skeleteon Marksman
nsko - Skeletal Orc
nslf - Sludge Flinger
nslh - Salamander Hatchling
nsll - Salamander Lord
nslm - Sludge Minion
nsln - Sludge Monstrosity
nslr - Salamander
nslv - Salamander Vizier
nsns - Watery Minion 3
nsoc - Skeletal Orc Champion
nsog - Skeletal Orc Grunt
nspb - Black Spider
nspd - Spiderling
nspg - Forest Spider
nspp - Spirit Pig
nspr - Spider
nsqa - Ancient Sasquatch
nsqe - Elder Sasquatch
nsqo - Sasquatch Oracle
nsqt - Sasquatch
nsra - Stormreaver Apprentice
nsrh - Stormreaver Hermit
nsrn - Stormreaver Necrolyte
nsrv - Revenant of the Seas
nsrw - Stormreaver Warlock
nssp - Spitting Spider
nsth - Satyr Hellcaster
nstl - Satyr Soulstealer
nsts - Satyr Shadowdancer
nstw - Storm Wyrm
nsty - Satyr
nsw1 - Lesser Spirit Beast
nsw2 - Spirit Beast
nsw3 - Greater Spirit Beast
nthl - Thunder Lizard
ntka - Tuskarr Spearman
ntkc - Tuskarr Chieftian
ntkf - Tuskarr Fighter
ntkh - Tuskarr Healer
ntks - Tuskarr Sorcerer
ntkt - Tuskarr Trapper
ntkw - Tuskarr Warrior
ntrd - Dragon Turtle
ntrg - Gargantuan Sea Turtle
ntrh - Sea Turtle Hatchling
ntrs - Sea Turtle
ntrt - Giant Sea Turtle
ntrv - Revenant of the Tides
ntws - Watery Minion 2
nubk - Unbroken Darkhunter
nubr - Unbroken Rager
nubw - Unbroken Darkweaver
nvde - Elder Voidwalker
nvdg - Greater Voidwalker
nvdl - Lesser Voidwalker
nvdw - Voidwalker
nwen - Wendigo
nwiz - Apprentice Wizard
nwld - Dire Wolf
nwlg - Giant Wolf
nwlt - Timber Wolf
nwna - Ancient Wendigo
nwnr - Elder Wendigo
nwns - Wendigo Shaman
nwrg - War Golem
nwwd - Dire Frost Wolf
nwwf - Forest Wolf
nwwg - Giant Frost Wolf
nwzd - Dark Wizard
nwzg - Renegade Wizard
nwzr - Rouge Wizard

Naka - Akama
Nal2 - Alchemist lvl 2
Nal3 - Alchemist lvl 3
Nalc - Alchemist
Nalm - Alchemist lvl 1
Nbrn - Dark Ranger
Nbst - Beastmaster
Nfir - Firelord
Nngs - Naga Sea Witch
Npbm - Pandaren Brewmaster
Nplh - Pit Lord
Nrob - Tinker
Ntin - Tinker
nalb - Albatross
nbnb - Burrowed Barbed Arachnathid
nbot - Transport Ship
nbse - Resurrection Stone (Southeast)
nbsp - Ship
nbsw - Resurrection Stone (Southwest)
ncat - Draenei Demolisher
ncb0 - City Building
ncb1 - City Building 1
ncb2 - City Building 2
ncb3 - City Building 3
ncb4 - City Building 4
ncb5 - City Building 5
ncb6 - City Building 6



Rhac - Improved Masonry
Rhan - Animal War Training
Rhar - Iron Plating
Rhcd - Cloud
Rhde - Defend
Rhfc - Flak Cannons
Rhfl - Flare
Rhfs - Fragmestation Shards
Rhgb - Flying Machine
Rhhb - Storm Hammers
Rhla - Studded Leather Armor
Rhlh - Improved Lumber Harvesting
Rhme - Iron Forged Swords
Rhpm - Backpack
Rhpt - Priest Adept Training
Rhra - Black Gunpowder
Rhri - Long Rifiles
Rhrt - Barrage
Rhse - Magic Sentry
Rhss - Control Magic
Rhst - Sorceress Adept Training

Roar - Steal Armor
Robf - Burning Oil
Robk - Deserker Upgrade
Robs - Berserker Strength
Roen - Ensnare
Rolf - Liquid Fire
Rome - Steel Melee Weapons
Ropg - Pillage
Ropm - Backpack
Rora - Steel Ranged Weapons
Rorb - Reinforced Defences
Rosp - Spiked Barracades
Rost - Shaman Adept Training
Rotr - Troll Regeneration
Rovs - Envenomed Spears
Rowd - Witch Doctor Adept Training
Rows - Pulverize
Rowt - Spirit Walker Adept Training
Rwdw - War Drums Damage Increase

Rupm - Backpack
Ruba - Banshee Adept Training
Rubu - Burrow
Ruac - Cannibalize
Rura - Creature Attack
Rucr - Creature Carapace
Rusp - Destroyer Form
Rupc - Disease Cloud
Ruex - Exhume Corpses
Rufb - Freezing Breath
Rugf - Ghoul Frenzy
Rune - Necromancer Adept Training
Rusl - Skeleton Longevity
Rusm - Skeleton Mastery
Rusf - Stone From
Ruar - Unholy Armor
Rume - Unholy Strength
Ruwb - Web

Night Elf
Resi - Abolish Magic
Repm - Backpack
Recb - Corrosive Breath
Redc - Druid of the Claw Adept Training
Redt - Druid of the Talon Adep Training
Rehs - Hardened Skin
Reht - Hippogryph Bows
Reib - Improved Bows
Reeb - Mark of the Claw
Reec - Mark of the Talon
Remk - Marksmanship
Rema - Moon Armor
Renb - Nature's Blessing
Rerh - Reinforced Hides
Rers - Resistant Skin
Resc - Sentinel
Resm - Strength of the Moon
Resw - Strength of the Wild
Reuv - Ultravision
Remg - Upgrade Moon Glavie
Repb - Vorpal Blades
Rews - Well Spring

Rnsi - Abolish Magic
Roch - Chaos
Rnat - Coral Blades
Rnam - Coral Scales
Rnen - Ensnare
Rgfo - Glyph of Fornifcation
Rguv - Glyph of Ultravision
Rnsw - Naga Siren Adept Training
Rnsb - Submerge


afac - Allerina's Flute of Accuracy
spsh - Amulet of Spell Shield
ajen - Ancient Janggo of Endurance
bgst - Belt of Giant Strength +6
belv - Boots of Quel'Thalas
bspd - Boots of Speed
cnob - Circlet of Nobility
ratc - Claw of Attack +12
rat6 - Claw of Attack +6
rat9 - Claw of Attack +9
clfm - Cloak of Flames
clsd - Cloak of Shadows
crys - Crystal Ball
dsum - Diamond of Summining
rst1 - Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3
gcel - Gloves of Haste
hval - Helm of Valor
hcun - Hood of Cunning
rhth - Khadgar's Gem of Health
kpin - Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
lgdh - Legion Doom-Horn
rin1 - Mantle of Intelligence +3
mcou - Medallion of Courage
odef - Orb of Darkness
penr - Pendant of Energy
pmna - Pendant of Mana
prvt - Periapt of Vitality
rde1 - Ring of Protection +2
rde2 - Ring of Protection +3
rde3 - Ring of Protection +4
rlif - Ring of Regeneration
ciri - Robe of the Magi
brac - Runed Bracers
sdch - Scourge Bone Chimes
rag1 - Slippers of Agility +3
rwiz - Sobi Mask
ssil - Staff of Silence
stel - Staff of Teleportation
evtl - Tailsman of Evasion
lhst - The Lion Horn of Stormwind
ward - Warsong Battle Drums
wild - Amulet of the Wild
ankh - Ankh of Reincarnation
fgsk - Book of the Dead
fgdg - Demonic Figurine
whwd - Healing Wards
hlst - Health Stone
shar - Ice Shard
infs - Inferno Stone
mnst - Mana Stone
pdiv - Potion of Divinity
pghe - Potion of Greater Healing
pgma - Potion of Greater Mana
pnvu - Potion of Invulnerability
pomn - Potion of Omniscience
pres - Postion of Restoration
fgrd - Red Drake Egg
rej3 - Replenishment Potion
sand - Scroll of Animate Dead
sres - Scroll of Restoration
srrc - Scroll of Resurrection
sror - Scroll of the Beast
wswd - Sentry Wards
fgfh - Spiked Collar
fgrg - Stone Token
totw - Talisman of the Wild
will - Wand of Illusion
wlsd - Wand of Shield Lightining
woms - Wand of Mana Stealing
wshs - Wand of Shadowsight
wcyc - Wand of the Wind
lmbr - Bundle of Lumber
gfor - Glyph of Fortification
gomn - Glyph of Omniscience
guvi - Glyph of Ulravision
gold - Gold Coins
manh - Manual of Health
rdis - Rune of Dispel Magic
reh3 - Rune of Greater Healing
rma2 - Rune of Greater Mana
rre2 - Rune of Greater Resurrection
rhe2 - Rune of Healing
rhe1 - Rune of Lesser Healing
rre1 - Rune of Lesser Ressurection
rman - Rune of Mana
rreb - Rune of Rebirth
rres - Rune of Restoration
rsps - Rune of Shielding
rspd - Rune of Speed
rspl - Rune of Spirit Link
rwat - Rune of Watcher
tdex - Tome of Agility
tdx2 - Tome of Agility +2
texp - Tome of Experiance
tint - Tome of Intelligence
tin2 - Tome of Intelligence +2
tpow - Tome of Knowledge
tstr - Tome of Strength
tst2 - Tome of Strength +2
ratf - Claws of Attack +15
ckng - Crown of Kings
desc - Kelen's Dagger of Escape
modt - Mask of Death
ofro - Orb of Frost
rde4 - Ring of Protection +5
tkno - Tome of Power
pclr - Clarify Potion
hslv - Healing Salve
tsct - Ivory Tower
plcl - Lesser Clarify Potion
mcri - Mechnical Critter
moon - Moonstone
phea - Potion of Healing
pinv - Potion of Invisibility
pnvl - Potion of lesser Invulerability
pman - Potion of Mana
rnec - Rod of Necromancy
skul - Sacrificial Skull
shea - Scroll of Healing
sman - Scroll of Mana
spro - Scroll of Protection
sreg - Scroll of Regeneration
shas - Scroll of Speed
stwp - Scroll of Town Portal
silk - Spider Silk Broach
sneg - Staff of Negation
ssan - Staff of Sanctuary
tcas - Tiny Castle
tgrh - Tiny Great Hall
tret - Tome of Retraining
vamp - Vampiric Potion
wneg - Wand of Negation
wneu - Wand of Neutralization
kybl - Blood Key
ches - Cheese
kzbe - Empty Vial
engs - Enhanced Gemstone
bzbf - Full Vial
gmfr - Gem Fragment
ledg - Gerard's Lost Ledger
kygh - Ghost Key
gopr - Glyph of Purifcation
azhr - Heart of Aszune
cnhn - Cenarius
dkfw - Keg of Thunderwater
k3m3 - Key of Three Moons
mgtk - Magic Key Chain
mort - Morgin's Report
kymn - Moon Key
k3m1 - Mooncrystal
jpnt - Note to Jaina Proudmoore
k3m2 - Partial Key of the Three Moons
phlt - Phat Lewt
sclp - Secert Level Powerup
sorf - Shadow Orb Fragment
shwd - Shimmerweed
skrt - Skeletal Artifact
glsk - Skull of Gul'dan
kysn - Sun Key
sehr - The Heart of Searinox
thle - Thunder Lizard Egg
dphe - Thunder Phoenix Egg
dthb - Thunderbloom Bulb
ktrm - Urn of King Terenas
wtlg - Wirt's Leg
wolg - Wirt's Other Leg
amrc - Amulet of Recall
axas - Ancestral Staff
anfg - Ancient Figurine
pams - Anti-magic Potion
arsc - Arcane Scroll
arsh - Arcanite Shield
asbl - Assasian's Blade
btst - Battle Standard
blba - Bladebane Armor
bfhr - Bloodfeather's Heart
brag - Bracer of Agility
cosl - Celestial Orb of Souls
rat3 - Claws of Attack +3
stpg - Clockwork Penguin
crdt - Crown of Deathlord
dtsb - Drek'thar's Spellbook
drph - Druid Pouch
dust - Dust of Apperance
shen - Enhanced Shield
envl - Enchanted Vial
esaz - Essence of Aszune
frhg - Firehand Gauntlets
fgun - Flare Gun
fwss - Frost Wyrm Skull Shield
frgd - Frostgaurd
gemt - Gem of True Seeing
gvsm - Gloves of Spell Mastery
gobm - Goblin Land Mines
tels - Goblin Night Scope
rej4 - Greater Replenishment Potion
rej6 - Greater Scroll of Replenishment
grsl - Grimoire of Souls
hbth - Helm of Battlethirst
sfog - Horn of clouds
flag - Human Flag
iwbr - Ironwood Branch
jdrn - Jade Ring
kgal - Keg of Ale
klmm - Killmaim
rej2 - Lesser Replenishment Potion
rej5 - Lesser Scroll of Replenishment
lnrn - Lion's Ring
mlst - Maul of Strength
mnsf - Mindstaff
rej1 - Minor Replenishment Potion
lure - invalid Lure
nspi - Necklace of Spell Immunity
nflg - Night Elf Flag
ocor - Orb of Corruption
ofir - Orb of Fire
gldo - Orb of Kil'jaeden
olig - Orb of Lightining
oli2 - Orb of Lightning 2
oslo - Orb of Slow
oven - Orb of Venom
oflg - Orc Flag
pgin - Potion of Greater Invisability
pspd - Potion of Speed
rde0 - Ring of Protection +1
rnsp - Ring of Superiority
ram1 - Ring of the Archmagi
ram4 - Ring of the Archmagi 2
ram2 - Ring of the Archmagi 3
ram3 -Ring of the Archmagi 4
rugt - Runed Gauntlets
rump - Rusty Mining Pick
horl - Sacred Relic
schl - Scepter of Healing
ccmd - Scepter of Mastery
rots - Scepter of the Sea
scul - Scroll of the Unholy Legion
srbd - Searing Blade
srtl - Serathil
sor1 - Shadow Orb +1
sora - Shadow Orb +10
sor2 - Shadow Orb +2
sor3 - Shadow Orb +3
sor4 - Shadow Orb +4
sor5 - Shadow Orb +5
sor6 - Shadow Orb +6
sor7 - Shadow Orb +7
sor8 - Shadow Orb +8
sor9 - Shadow Orb +9
shcw - Shaman Claws
shtm - Shamanic Totem
shhn - Shield of Honor
shdt - Shield of the Deathlord
shrs - Shimmerglaze Roast
sksh - Skull Shield
soul - Soul
gsou -Soul Gem
sbok - Spell Book
sprn - Spider Ring
spre - Staff of Preservation
stre - Staff of Reanimation
stwa - Sturdy War Axe
thdm - Thunderlizard Diamond
tbak - Tiny Alter of Kings
tbar - Tiny Barracks
tbsm - Tiny Blacksmith
tfar - Tiny Farm
tlum - Tiny Lumber Mill
tgxp - Tome of Greater Experiance
tmsc - Tome of Sacrifices
tmmt - Totem of Might
uflg - Undead Flag
vddl - Voodoo Doll



ATtr - Ashenvale Tree
BTtw - Barrens Tree
KTtw - Black Citadel Tree
YTft - Cityscape Fall Tree
JTct - Cityscape Ruined Tree
YTst - Cityscape Snowy Tree
YTct - Cityscape Summer Tree
YTwt - Cityscape Winter Tree
JTwt - Dalaran Ruins Tree
DTsh - Dungeon Tree
FTtw - Fall Tree
CTtr - Felwood Tree
ITtw - Icecrown Tree
NTtw - Northrend Tree
OTtw - Outland Tree
ZTtw - Ruins Tree
WTst - Snowy Tree
LTlt - Summer Tree
GTsh - Underground Tree
VTlt - Village Tree
WTtw - Winter Tree
ATtc - Ashenvale Canopy Tree
BTtc - Barrens Canopy Tree
CTtc - Felwood Canopy Tree
ITtc - Icecrown Canopy Tree
NTtc - Northrend Conopy Tree
ZTtc - Ruins Conopy Tree
LTbx - Barrel
LTbs - Barrel 2
LTbr - Barrel 3
LTex - Barrel of Explosives
LTba - Barricade
XTbd - Building
LOcg - Cage
YTcx - City Entrance
YTce - City Entrance 2
DTc1 - Cliff Cave Gate
DTc2 - Cliff Cave Gate 2
LTcr - Crates
XTvt - Dalaran Violet Citadel
OTds - Demon Strom
ATg2 - Demonic Gate Diagonal
ATg4 - Demonic Gate Diagonal 2
ATg1 - Demonic Gate Horizontal
ATg3 - Demonic Gate Vertical
DTg2 - Dungeon Gate Diagonal
DTg4 - Dungeon Gate Diagonal 2
DTg1 - Dungeon Gate Horizontal
DTg3 - Dungeon Gate Vertical
DTsp - Dungeon Spikes
DTes - Egg Sack
LTe2 - Elven Gate Diagonal
LTe4 - Elven Gate Diagonal
LTe1 - Elven Gate Horizontal
LTe3 - Elven Gate Vertical
Dofv - ForceWall
Dofw - ForceWall 2
ITtg - Frozen Throne Gate
LTg2 - Gate Diagonal
LTg4 - Gate Diagonal 2
LTg1 - Gate Horizontal
LTg3 - Gate Vertical
ITf1 - Ice Floe
ITf2 - Ice Floe
ITf3 - Ice Floe
ITf4 - Ice Floe
ITx2 - Ice Rock Gate Diagonal
ITx4 - Ice Rock Gate Diagonal 2
ITx1 - Ice Rock Gate Horizontal
ITx3 - Ice Rock Gate Vertical
IOt0 - Icecrown Throne
IOt2 - Icecrown Throne Diagonal 1
IOt1 - Icecrown Throne Diagonal 2
ITcr - Icey Rock
ITg2 - Icy Gate Diagonal
ITg4 - Icy Gate Diagonal 2
ITg1 - Icy Gate Horizontal
ITg3 - Icy Gate Vertical
ITig - Igloo
DTg6 - Iron Gate Diagonal
DTg8 - Iron Gate Diagonal 2
DTg5 - Iron Gate Horizontal
DTg7 - Iron Gate Vertical
XOkt - Kings Throne
XOk2 - Kings Throne Diagonal
XOk1 - Kings Throne Diagonal 2
DTlv - Lever
XTmp - Magical Pen
XTm5 - Magical Pen Angled
XTmx - Magical Pen Wall
XTx5 - Magical Pen Wall Angled
ZTsx - Massive Ruined Gate Horizontal
ZTsg - Massive Ruined Gate Vertical
BTrs - Resurrection Stone
BTrx - Resurrection Stone 2
DTrc - Rock Chunks
LTrc - Rock Chunks 2
ITag - Rockin Arthas
ZTd1 - Rolling Stone Door Horizontal
ZTd3 - Rolling Stone Door Horizontal 2
ZTd5 - Rolling Stone Door Horizontal 3
ZTd7 - Rolling Stone Door Horizontal 4
ZTd2 - Rolling Stone Door Vertical
ZTd4 - Rolling Stone Door Vertical 2
ZTd6 - Rolling Stone Door Vertical 3
ZTd8 - Rolling Stone Door Vertical 4
ZTg2 - Ruined Gate Diagonal
ZTg4 - Ruined Gate Diagonal 2
ZTg1 - Ruined Gate Horizontal
ZTg3 - Ruined Gate Vertical
ZTnc - Ruins Nage Circle
OTsp - Shimmering Portal
NTbd - Ship
LTw3 - Stone Wall Diagonal
ITw3 - Stone Wall Diagonal 2
ZTw3 - Stone Wall Diagonal 3
LTw1 - Stone Wall Diagonal 4
ITw1 - Stone Wall Diagonal 5
ZTw1 - Stone Wall Diagonal 6
LTw0 - Stone Wall Horizontal
ITw0 - Stone Wall Horizontal 2
ZTw0 - Stone Wall Horizontal 3
ITw2 - Stone Wall Vertical
LTw2 - Stone Wall Vertical 2
ZTw2 - Stone Wall Vertical 3
BTsc - Support Column
Volc - Volcano
YTlb - Line of Sight Blocker
Ytlc - Line of Sight Blocker Large
YTab - Line of Sight Blocker Air
YTac - Line of Sight Blocker Air Large
YTfb - Line of Sight Blocker Both
YTfc - Line of Sight Blocker Both Large
YTpb - Line of Sight Blocker Ground
YTpc - Line of Sight Blocker Ground Large
YSdb - Bridge Destroyed
YSdc - Bridge Destroyed 2
DTrf - Elevator
DTrx - Elevator 2
DTep - Elevator Wall
YT49 - Extra Wide Natural Bridge Diagonal
YT51 - Extra Wide Natural Bridge Diagonal 2
YT50 - Extra Wide Natural Bridge Horizontal
YT48 - Extra Wide Natural Bridge Vertical
DTfx - Foot Switch
DTfp - Foot Switch 2
DTs1 - Force Bridge Diagonal
DTs3 - Force Bridge Diagonal 2
DTs2 - Force Bridge Horizontal
DTsb - Force Bridge Vertical
ITi2 - Ice Bridge Diagonal
ITi4 - Ice Bridge Diagonal 2
ITi3 - Ice Bridge Horizontal
ITib - Ice Bridge Vertical
OTip - Invisible Platform
OTis - Invisible Platform Small
LTtx - Last Hope Bridge Horizontal
LTtc - Last Hope Bridge Vertical
YT05 - Long Natural Bridge Diagonal
YT29 - Long Natural Bridge Diagonal 2
YT07 - Long Natural Bridge Diagonal 3
YT31 - Long Natural Bridge Diagonal 4
YT30 - Long Natural Bridge Horizontal
YT06 - Long Natural Bridge Horizontal 2
YT04 - Long Natural Bridge Vertical
YT28 - Long Natural Bridge Vertical 2
YT41 - Long Stone Bridge Diagonal
YT17 - Long Stone Bridge Diagonal 2
YT19 - Long Stone Bridge Diagonal 3
YT43 - Long Stone Bridge Diagonal 4
YT42 - Long Stone Bridge Horizontal
YT18 - Long Stone Bridge Horizontal 2
YT40 - Long Stone Bridge Vertical
YT16 - Long Stone Bridge Vertical 2
LT05 - Long Wooded Bridge Diagonal
LT07 - Long Wooded Bridge Diagonal 2
LT06 - Long Wooded Bridge Horizontal
LT04 - Long Wooded Bridge Vertical
ZTr3 - Ramp Naga Small Bottom
ZTr0 - Ramp Naga Small Left
ZTr2 - Ramp Naga Small Right
ZTr1 - Ramp Naga Small Top
YT01 - Short Natural Bridge Diagonal
YT25 - Short Natural Bridge Diagonal 2
YT27 - Short Natural Bridge Diagonal 3
YT03 - Short Natural Bridge Diagonal 4
YT26 - Short Natural Bridge Horizontal
YT02 - Short Natural Bridge Horizontal 2
YT00 - Short Natural Bridge Vertical
YT24 - Short Natural Bridge Vertical 2
YT13 - Short Stone Bridge Diagonal
YT37 - Short Stone Bridge Diagonal 2
YT15 - Short Stone Bridge Diagonal 3
YT39 - Short Stone Bridge Diagonal 4
YT38 - Short Stone Bridge Horizontal
YT14 - Short Stone Bridge Horizontal 2
YT36 - Short Stone Bridge Vertical
YT12 - Short Stone Bridge Vertical 2
LT01 - Short Wooden Bridge Diagonal
LT03 - Short Wooden Bridge Diagonal 2
LT02 - Short Wooden Bridge Horizontal
LT00 - Short Wooden Bridge Vertical
LTr5 - Stone Ramp Bottom Left
LTs5 - Stone Ramp Bottom Left 2
LTs1 - Stone Ramp Bottom Left 3
LTr1 - Stone Ramp Bottom Left 4
LTr8 - Stone Ramp Bottom Right
LTs8 - Stone Ramp Bottom Right 2
LTr4 - Stone Ramp Bottom Right 3
LTs4 - Stone Ramp Bottom Right 4
LTr6 - Stone Ramp Top Left
LTs6 - Stone Ramp Top Left 2
LTr2 - Stone Ramp Top Left 3
LTs2 - Stone Ramp Top Left 4
LTs7 -Stone Ramp Top Right
LTr7 - Stone Ramp Top Right 2
LTs3 - Stone Ramp Top Right 3
LTr3 - Stone Ramp Top Right 4
LTt1 - Tree Bridge Horizontal
LTt5 - Tree Bridge Horizontal 2
LTt3 - Tree Bridge Horizontal 3
ATt0 - Tree Bridge Horizontal 4
ATt1 - Tree Bridge Vertical
LTt2 - Tree Bridge Vertical 2
LTt0 - Tree Bridge Vertical 3
LTt4 - Tree Bridge Vertical 4
ATwf - Wharf
YT09 - Wide Natural Bridge Diagonal
YT33 - Wide Natural Bridge Diagonal 2
YT11 - Wide Natural Bridge Diagonal 3
YT35 - Wide Natural Bridge Diagonal 4
YT10 - Wide Natural Bridge Horizontal
YT34 - Wide Natural Bridge Horizontal 2
YT08 - Wide Natural Bridge Vertical
YT32 - Wide Natural Bridge Vertical 2
YT21 - Wide Stone Bridge Diagonal
YT45 - Wide Stone Bridge Diagonal 2
YT23 - Wide Stone Bridge Diagonal 3
YT47 - Wide Stone Bridge Diagonal 4
YT22 - Wide Stone Bridge Horizontal
YT46 - Wide Stone Bridge Horizontal 2
YT44 - Wide Stone Bridge Vertical
YT20 - Wide Stone Bridge Vertical 2
LT09 - Wide Wooden Bridge Diagonal
LT11 - Wide Wooden Bridge Diagonal 2
LT10 - Wide Wooden Bridge Horizontal
LT08 - Wide Wooden Bridge Vertical


Amls - Aerial Shackles
Aroc - Barrage
Amic - Call to Arms
Amil - Call to Arms 2
Sch4 - Cargo Hold
Srtt - Chaos
Aclf - Cloud
Acmg - Control Magic
Adef - Defend
Adis - Dispel Magic
Afbt - Feed Back
Afbk - Feed Back 2
Aflk - Flare
Afla - Flak Cannons
Agyb - Flying Machine Bombs
Afsh - Fragmentation Shards
Ahea - Heal
Ainf - Inner Fire
Aivs - Invisibility
Amdf - Magic Defence
Adts - Magic Sentry
Apxf - Phoenix Fire
Aphx - Phoenix Morphing
Aply - Polymorph
Ahrp - Repair
AHta - Reveal
Aslo - Slow
Asps - Spell Steal
Asph - Sphere
Asth - Storm Hammers
Agyv - True Sight
AHav - Avatar
AHbn - Banish
AHbh - Bash
AHbz - Blizzard
AHab - Brilliance Aura
AHad - Devotion Aura
AHds - Divine Shield
AHfs - Flame Strike
AHhb - Holy Light
AHmt - Mass Teleport
AHpx - Phoenix
AHre - Resurrection
AHdr - Siphon Mana
AHtb - Storm Bolt
AHwe - Summon Water Element
AHtc - Thunder Clap
Aast - Ancestral Spirit
Abtl - Battle Stations
Sbtl - Battle Stations 2
Absk - Berserk
Sbsk - Berserk Upgrade
Ablo - Bloodlust
Abof - Burning Oil
Abun - Cargo Hold
Sca6 - Choas Grom
Sca1 -Choas Grunt
Sca4 - Choas Kodo Beast
Sca5 - Choas Peon
Sca2 - Choas Raider
Sca3 - Choas Shaman
Achl - Choas Cargo Load
Acpf - Corporeal Form
Adt1 - Detector
Adev - Devour
Advc - Devour Cargo
Adcn - Disenchant
Adch - Disenchant 2
Aens - Ensnare
Aven - Envenomed Spears
Aetf - Ethereal Form
Ahwd - Healing Ward
Aoar - Healing Ward Aura
Alsh - Lightining Shield
Aliq - Liquid Fire
Sloa - Load
Apak - Pack Mule
Asal - Pillage
Awar - Pulverize
Apg2 - Purge
Aprg - Purge 2
Arbr - Reinforced Burrows Upgrade
Arep - Repair
Aeye - Sentry Ward
Aspi - Spiked Barricades
Aspl - Spirit Link
Astd - Stand Down
Asta - Stasis Trap
Auco - Unstable Concoction
Aakb - War Drums
AOvd - Big Bad Voodoo
AOww - Bladestorm
AOcl - Chain Lightining
AOcr - Critical Strike
AOeq - Earthquake
AOae - Endurance Aura
AOr2 - Endurance Aura 2
AOfs - Far Sight
AOsf - Feral Spirit
AOhw - Healing Wave
AOhw - Healing Wave 2
ANhx - Hex
AOhx - Hex 2
ANmi - Mirror Image
AOre - Reincarnation
AOr3 - Reincarnation 2
AOsw - Serpant Ward
Arsw - Serpant Ward 2
AOsh - Shockwave
AOs2 - Shockwave 2
AOls - Voodoo Spirits
AOws - War Stomp
AOw2 - War Stomp 2
AOwk - Wind Walk
Aabs - Absrob Mana
Aams - Anti-Magic Shell
Aam2 - Anti-Magic Shell 2
Aabr - Aura of Blight
Abgl - Blight Growth Large
Abgs - Blight Growth Small
Abgm - Blighted Gold Mine
Abur - Burrow
Abu2 - Burrow 2
Abu3 - Burrow 3
Acn2 - Cannibalize
Acan - Cannibalize 2
Sch2 - Cargo Hold
Agyd - Create Corpse
Acri - Cripple
Scri - Cripple 2
Acrs - Curse
Aave - Destroyer Form
Advm - Devour Magic
Aap1 - Disease Cloud
Apts - Disease Cloud 2
Aap2 - Disease Cloud 3
Amed - Drop Corpse
Arpl - Essence of Blight
Aexh - Exhume Corpse
Afrz - Freezing Breath
Afr2 - Frost attack
Afra - Frost attack 2
Afrb - Frost Breath
Aaha - Gather
Amel - Get Corpse
Agho - Ghost
Aeth - Ghost 2
Ahrl - Harvest
Afak - Orb of Annihilation
Apos - Possession
Aps2 - Possession 2
Arai - Raise Dead
Arpb - Replenish
Amb2 - Replenish Mana
Arst - Restore
Alam - Sacrifice
Asac - Sacrifice 2
Aspa - Spider Attack
Arpm - Spirit Touch
Astn - Stone Form
Atru - True Sight
Auhf - Unholy Frenzy
Auns - Unsummon Building
Aweb - Web
AUan - Animate Dead
AUcb - Carrion Beetles
AUcs - Carrion Swarm
AUdr - Dark Ritual
AUdd - Death and Decay
AUdc - Death Coil
AUdp - Death Pact
AUfa - Frost Armor
AUfu - Frost Armor 2
AUfn - Frost Nova
AUim - Impale
AUin - Inferno
AUls - Loctus Swarm
AUsl - Sleep
AUts - Spiked Carapace
AUau - Unholy Aura
AUav - Vampiric Aura
Aadm - Abolish Magic
Abrf - Bear Form
Acor - Corrosive Breath
Acyc - Cyclone
Adtn - Detonate
Adec - Dismount
Aeat - Eat Tree
Aegr - Elune's Grace
Aent - Entagled Gold Mine
Aegm - Entagled Gold Mine 2
Aetl - Ethereal
Afae - Faerie Fire
Afa2 - Faerie Fire 2
Awha - Gather
Assk - Hardened Skin
Alit - Lightining Attack
Aenc - Load
Slo2 - Load Wisp
Amfl - Mana Flare
Amgl - Moon Glaive
Amgr - Moon Glavie 2
Aco2 - Mount Hippogryph
Acoa - Mount Hippogryph 2
Apsh - Phase Shift
Aco3 - Pick Up Archer
Acoh - Pick Up Archer 2
Arej - Rejuvenation
Aren - Renew
Ambt - Replenish Mana and Life
Arsk - Resistant Skin
Aroa - Roar
Ara2 - Roar 2
Aro2 - Root
Aro1 - Root 2
Aesn - Sentinel
Aesr - Sentinel 2
Ashm - Shadow Meld
Sshm - Shadow Meld 2
Aspo - Slow Poison
Amim - Spell Immunity
Asp1 - Spere Vengeance lvl 1
Asp2 - Spere Vengeance lvl 2
Asp3 - Spere Vengeance lvl 3
Asp4 - Spere Vengeance lvl 4
Asp5 - Spere Vengeance lvl 5
Asp6 - Spere Vengeance lvl 6
Avng - Spirit of Vengeace
Arav - Storm Crow Form
Atau - Taunt
Ault - Ultravision
Aimp - Vorpel Blades
Agra - War Club
AEbl - Blink
ANbl - Blink 2
AEer - Entangling Roots
AEev - Evasion
AEfk - Fan of Knives
AEfn - Force of Nature
AEim - Immolation
AEmb - Mana Burn
AEme - Metamotphosis
AEst - Scout
AEfa - Searing Arrows
AHsh - Shadow Strike
AEsf - Starfall
AEah - Thorns Aura
AEtq - Tranquility
AEar - Trueshot Arua
AEsv - Vengeance
ACbn - Banish
ACmo - Monsoon
ACwe - Summon Sea Element
ACdm - Abolish Magic
ACd2 - Abolish Magic 2
ACad - Animate Dead
ACam - Anti-magic Shell
ACbh - Bash
ANbh - Bash 2
ACbk - Black Arrow
ACbz - Blizzard
ACbl - Bloodlust
ACbb - Bloodlust 2
ACbc - Breath of Fire
ACbf - Breath of Frost
ACba - Brilliance Aura
Abu5 - Burrow
ACcn - Cannabalize
ACca - Carrion Swarm
ACcl - Chain Lightining
AAns - Charge Gold and Lumber
ACch - Charm
ACce - Cleavering Attack
ACcw - Cold Arrows
ACac - Command Aura
ACcr - Cripple
ACct - Critical Strike
Amrf - Crow Form
ACcv - Crushing Wave
ACc3 - Crushing Wave 2
ACc2 - Crushing Wave 3
ACcs - Curse
SCc1 - Cyclone
ACcy - Cyclone 2
ACdc - Death Coil
ACav - Devotion Aura
ACdv - Devour
ACde - Devour Magic
Aap4 - Disease Cloud
Aap3 - Disease Cloud 2
Adsm - Dispel Magic
ACds - Divine Shield
ACae - Endurnace Aura
ACen - Ensnare
Aenr - Entangling Roots
Aenw - Entangling Roots 2
ACvs - Envenomed Weapons
ACes - Evasion
ACev - Evasion 2
ANfy - Factory
ACff - Faerie
Afbb - Feedback
ACsf - Feral Spirit
ACs9 - Feral Spirit 2
Afod - Finger of Death
ACfd - Finger of Death 2
ACf3 - Finger of Death 3
ACfb - Firebolt
Awfb - Firebolt 2
ANfs - Flame Strike
ACfs - Flame Strike 2
ACfr - Force of Nature
ACfl - Forked Lightining
Afzy - Frenzy
ACf2 - Frost Armor
ACfa - Frost Armor 2
ACcb - Frost Bolt
ACfn - Frost Nova
Awh2 - Gather
Ahr2 - Harvest
Ahr3 - Harvest 2
Anhe - Heal
Anh1 - Heal 2
Anh2 - Heal 3
AChw - Healing Ward
AChv - Healing Wave
AChx - Hex
Acht - Howl of Terror
ACtb - Hurl Boulder
ACim - Immolation
ACmp - Impale
ACif - Inner Fire
Asdg - Kaboom! lvl 1
Asd2 - Kaboom! lvl 2
Asd3 - Kaboom! lvl 3
Asds - Kaboom!
ACdr - Life Drain
ACnr - Life of Regeneration
SCva - Life Steal
ACls - Lightining Shield
Ambd - Mana Burn
Amnb - Mana Burn 2
Ambb - Mana Burn 3
ANre - Mana Regeneration
ACmf - Mana Shield
ANb2 - Maul
ANmr - Mind Rot
ACpa - Parasite
ACpy - Polymorph
ACps - Possession
ACpv - Pulverize
ACpu - Purge
ANak - Quil Spray
ACrg - Rain of Fire
ACrf - Rain of Fire 2
ACrd - Raise Dead
Ache - Ray of Disruption
ACrn - Reincarnation
ACr2 - Rejuvenation
ACrj - Rejuvenation 2
ACrk - Resistant Skin
ACsk - Resistant Skin 2
Andt - Reveal
ACro - Roar
ACr1 - Roar 2
ACsa - Searing Arrows
Ahid - Shadow Meld
ACss - Shadow Strike
ACsh - Shockwave
ACst - Shockwave 2
ACsi - Silence
ACsm - Siphon Mana
ACtc - Slam
ACt2 - Slam 2
ACsl - Sleep
Asla - Sleep 2
ACsw - Slow
Aspy - Spawn Hydra
Aspt - Spawn Hydra Hatchling
Asod - Spawn Skeleton
Assp - Spawn Spiderlings
Aspd - Spawn Spiders
ACtn - Spawn Tentacle
ACm2 - Spell Immunity
ACm3 - Spell Immunity 2
ACmi - Spell Immunity 3
ANth - Spiked Shell
ANt2 - Spiked Shell 2
Ansp - Spy
Asb1 - Submerge
Asb2 - Submerge 2
Asb3 - Submerge 3
ANta - Taunt
ACah - Thorns Aura
ACat - Trueshot Aura
ACua - Unholy Aura
ACuf - Unholy Frenzy
Suhf - Unholy Frenzy 2
ACvp - Vampiric Aura
Awrs - War Stomp
Awrh - War Stomp 2
Awrg - War Stomp 3
ACwb - Web
ANab - Acid Bomb
Aamk - Attribute Bonus
ANbr - Battle Roar
ANba - Black Arrow
ANbf - Breath of Fire
ANcf - Breath of Fire 2
ANcl - Channel
ANch - Charm
ANcr - Chemical Rage
ANca - Cleavering Attack
ANcs - Cluster Rockets
ANc1 - Cluster Rockets lvl 1
ANc2 - Cluster Rockets lvl 2
ANc3 - Cluster Rockets lvl 3
AHca - Cold Arrows
ANdc - Dark Converions
SNdc - Dark Converions 2
ANdp - Dark Portal
SNdd - Death and Decay
ANde - Demolish
ANd1 - Demolish lvl 1
ANd2 - Demolish lvl 2
ANd3 - Demolish lvl 3
ANdo - Doom
ANdb - Druken Brawler
Acdb - Druken Brawler 2
ANdh - Druken Haze
Acdh - Druken Haze 2
SNeq - Earthquake
SNeg - Engineering Upgrade
ANs7 - Feral Spirit
ACfd - Finger of Death
ANfb - Firebolt
ANfl - Forked Lightining
ANfa - Frost Arrows
ANhs - Healing Spray
ANht - Howl of Terror
ANic - Incinerate
ANia - Incinerate 2
ANin - Inferno
SNin - Inferno 2
ANdr - Life Drain
ANms - Mana Shield
AEvi - Metamorphosis
AEll - Metamorphosis 2
ANmo - Monsoon
ANsy - Pocket Factory
ANs1 - Pocket Factory lvl 1
ANs2 - Pocket Factory lvl 2
ANs3 - Pocket Factory lvl 3
AEpa - Poison Arrows
ANrc - Rain of Chaos
ANr3 - Rain of Chaos 2
ANrf - Rain of Fire
ANr2 - Reincarnation
ANrn - Reincarnation 2
ANrg - Robo-Goblin
ANg1 - Robo-Goblin lvl 1
ANg2 - Robo-Goblin lvl 2
ANg3 - Robo-Goblin lvl 3
ANsi - Silence
ANso - Sould Burn
ANsl - Sould Presevation
ACs8 - Spirit Beast
ANst - Stampede
Arsp - Stampede 2
AEsb - Starfall
ANsb - Storm Bolt
ANrf - Storm, Earth, and Fire
Acef - Storm, Earth, and Fire 2
ANsg - Summon Bear
ANsw - Summon Hawk
ANlm - Summon Lava Spawn
Arsg - Summon Misha
Aslp - Summon Prawns
ANsq - Summon Quilbeast
Arsq - Summon Quilbeast 2
ANto - Tornado
ANtm - Transmute
ANvc - Volcano
ANwm - Watery Minion
ANwk - Wind Walk



Vcrp - Crops
Cvin - Vines
Avin - Vines2
Cpos - Posion
Bdrr - Pebbles
Qcbp - Cobble
Alvd - Leaves
Clvg - Leaves2
Ldrt - Dirt
Fdro - Dirt2
Cdrt - Dirt3
Xdrt - Dirt4
Isnw - Snow
Nsnr - Snow2
Nsnw - Snow3
Iice - Ice
Idki - Ice2
Nice - Ice3
Dlav - Lava
Lgrd - Grass
Lgrs - Grass2
Wgrs - Grass3
Agrs - Grass4
Cgrs - Grass5
Ygsb - Grass6
Kdkt - Dark
cYc1 - Light
Oaby - Abyss
cOc1 - Black
Ksmb - Brick
Klgb - Brick2
Zsan - Sand
Grds - Rock
Gdkr - Rock2
Lrok - Rock3
Olgb - Rock4
Ggrs - Rock5

Re: List of Rawcodes

Posted: October 29th, 2007, 12:10 am
by weirdone2
Very nice. I don't even wanna guess at the time requirements. :P

Re: List of Rawcodes

Posted: October 29th, 2007, 12:17 am
by Xantan
not too long, but the real issue is knowing custom ones... and if you don't do the right code, will it crash? probably not, but, eh problem.

Re: List of Rawcodes

Posted: October 29th, 2007, 1:39 am
by weirdone2
Only takes like 5mins to get custom one's also. ;) Once we have spoiler tags can prolly create a stickied topic in fullfilled with custom items for all maps something like:

Map Name


Re: List of Rawcodes

Posted: October 31st, 2007, 8:32 pm
by Aero
Not particularly useful but cool.

Re: List of Rawcodes

Posted: October 31st, 2007, 9:26 pm
by JJ2197
It's mainly just so you know what the rawcodes are for which unit,ability,upgrade etc...
In other words a convience with my -spawn and -add commands... 8)

Re: List of Rawcodes

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 6:43 pm
by itsonlyaname
weirdone2 wrote:Only takes like 5mins to get custom one's also.

(yes this is a old thread, but i have a question about it :? )

is there a way to export these data instead of typing it all ?

Re: List of Rawcodes

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 6:52 pm
by JJ2197
Are you just asking how you could just view the rawcodes in a map?

Re: List of Rawcodes

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 7:27 pm
by itsonlyaname
no, i mean if u can export a list that has the item names & rawcodes instead of having to type them one by one.
becous, if a map has like 400 custom items it would take alot more then 5 min to type all the names & there rawcode.

Re: List of Rawcodes

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 7:50 pm
by JJ2197
You can export the rawcodes with descriptions with Excel...