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How to add a move in maps?

Posted: July 23rd, 2012, 2:58 pm
by zuman
Does anyone know how to add movies in maps like that move in RoC or TFT at the end of campains that Lich King Movie and that How Archimonde dies how to add that?

NOTE: I don't mean cinematic you -_- i mean Really movies so think before you troll!

Re: How to add a move in maps?

Posted: July 23rd, 2012, 4:24 pm
by Kyoshiro
Ever think to check the movies folder?

Re: How to add a move in maps?

Posted: July 23rd, 2012, 9:01 pm
by zuman
Kyoshiro wrote:Ever think to check the movies folder?

Ever think to read the post?
I wanted to someone tell me how to make a movie with GUI Triggers Learn to read bro!This is Trigger/Script section and i need an explanation! That means < How!

Re: How to add a move in maps?

Posted: July 23rd, 2012, 11:44 pm
by owner123
Insulting kyoshiro with your history isn't the best move...

Anyways he's right. You need to make a custom movie.
That will be hard enough to do.

I just did a search in world editor and the native list. Nothing related to movies.
Just use cinematics.

Re: How to add a move in maps?

Posted: July 24th, 2012, 1:01 am
by zuman
owner123 wrote:Insulting kyoshiro with your history isn't the best move...

Anyways he's right. You need to make a custom movie.
That will be hard enough to do.

I just did a search in world editor and the native list. Nothing related to movies.
Just use cinematics.

I once long ago saw in some naruto map in begining of the map some shot Video i freak out i was like wtf there can be add movie and videos in? :O So i think it is Possible!

P.S.: I don't care if you are: Moderator,Super Moderator,Administrator,Staff(Donator)... I have my own rights and he was wrong and i can correct ppl i em noones puppuet!

Re: How to add a move in maps?

Posted: July 24th, 2012, 1:26 am
by UndeadxAssassin
Just like our 'right' to ban you because you're being disrespectful to anyone else. Let me tell you this: It'll be hard to read the answer to your question if you get banned. Keep that in mind before you disrespect someone again.

Re: How to add a move in maps?

Posted: July 24th, 2012, 1:49 am
by owner123
First, staff aren't donators just so you know. Only VIP is, and they have no moderation powers.

Sure you can correct people. We're not saying you can't. But flaming people is not correcting. A simple "Hi kyoshiro, I've seen that people have done this in other maps like <link naruto map>. I would appreciate it if you could take a look at that and help me out" would have been fine.

But instead you say
Learn to read bro

This is Trigger/Script section and i need an explanation!!

read the post?

When did I ever ask you to be a puppet? ;o
Unless following the rules is being a puppet, I didn't.
- No insulting, or flaming, or trolling other members.

On topic, if you link me this naruto map in where they use a movie, it would make it a lot easier to find out how they did it and help you out.