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How do I trigger a Job advancement?

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 12:01 am
by Samstequa
Hi, so i'm making an ORPG, and I want the heroes to go through an advancement, where it takes the hero they have (for example at level 30) and then changes it to a new hero, but keeps all the items. I dont care if keeps the level or not, thats not important.
Thanks for anyone that helps!

Re: How do I trigger a Job advancement?

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 2:47 pm
by Nuuby
You can just check each slot for an item, and then add it back on a new unit.
Not sure how to do it in GUI or whatever else you use though.

Re: How do I trigger a Job advancement?

Posted: March 15th, 2012, 4:53 pm
by haxorico
There is a game-cache for that.
If you want to see it working. Extract some maps from the war3.mpq and look at the code of the maps
The hero is being saved with the items.. So just dont save the hero. Its as simple as that.