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Only Buildings Missing after Deprotection

Posted: July 20th, 2009, 12:40 am
by Vodka
Hello, I am trying to deprotect a map for a good update.

I have ran xDep and unProtect on the map, which restores all units but buildings.
Before those 2 the war3mapunits.doo is missing.
I know the buildings are preplaced.
And the triggers are obfusucated, could this be the problem?
I just don't see a reasoning behind only ground units showing up, and buildings missing.
Any suggestions?

Re: Only Buildings Missing after Deprotection

Posted: July 20th, 2009, 3:40 am
by haxorico
im kinda like u.. tried alot of times to get the extra stuff back.
it is possible. no idea how. but i know it is. coz shamano did it for vamp fire. but he is a god in hacking :D

but. i do have some knoledge :D

when u opend the map (protected map) did u see anyfile with no name? (fileX00001).
u got to make sure ur using a comlpete listfile to fully deprotect a map. allthough we need a pros advice here :D

Re: Only Buildings Missing after Deprotection

Posted: July 20th, 2009, 7:23 am
by Vodka
Ok, after looking into the jass file I found that unprotect when changing the triggers for creating units and buildings deleted the createbuildings one and create units, but recreated the createunitsforplayer() lower down. strange...

I tried combining the two but unprotect won't create the correct war3mapunits.doo or will crash when trying to fix the map.

So... now I'm going to try and make it work through renaming the obfusucated triggers myself, and maybe unprotect wont delete both of them... and I'm going to try a bunch of other stuff too haha..

Re: Only Buildings Missing after Deprotection

Posted: July 20th, 2009, 9:05 am
by GeorgeMots
Only way to bring the back is follow this guide.

Otherwise if you want to move a building around you have to edit the script.

Re: Only Buildings Missing after Deprotection

Posted: July 20th, 2009, 12:26 pm
by haxorico
GeorgeMots wrote:Only way to bring the back is follow this guide.

Otherwise if you want to move a building around you have to edit the script.

im trying to do what says in there but i get some problems :<

1) how do i place the unit prcisly where its supposed to be?
2)i have the command in jass
set u=CreateUnit(p,'h000',-5184.,5888.,270.)

now. i only dont understand whats the "set u" coz it creates a unit. to P (player 0 i checkd, but wth is player 0)
the unit is H000 (i found it ok) place it in x,y and whats that 3rd thingy? the 270? and how do i place my unit in htere :<

edot: is it ok to just make an action inthe triggers saying "create X Units in point x , y facing z" and if yes. how do i make the veriable after this

Re: Only Buildings Missing after Deprotection

Posted: July 20th, 2009, 8:07 pm
by Vodka
Ok haxorico

u is just the local unit that is being used in that function.
it should say local unit u near the top of the function.

well if your trying to restore the war3mapunits.doo file my guess is that unless your doing this by hand, that unprotect or w.e program needs the "set u", because thats how it is if you were to just create a map yourself. but i'm not sure because i didn't program it.. just a guess lol
I would just leave the "set u=", it doesn't change anything except set that local to a newly created unit, which could later be used to change a state of the unit using the local.
Anyways I already followed that guide and the buildings are still missing.
I'm thinking it is because of the obfusucation of the triggers, but i have no clue at this point.
If anyone would like to look at the map for me, give me a pm.
It looks pretty simple, just trigger obfusucation and missing war3mapunits.doo file. I've just never done unit restoration before.

Re: Only Buildings Missing after Deprotection

Posted: July 20th, 2009, 8:49 pm
by haxorico
Vodka wrote:Ok haxorico

u is just the local unit that is being used in that function.
it should say local unit u near the top of the function.

well if your trying to restore the war3mapunits.doo file my guess is that unless your doing this by hand, that unprotect or w.e program needs the "set u", because thats how it is if you were to just create a map yourself. but i'm not sure because i didn't program it.. just a guess lol
I would just leave the "set u=", it doesn't change anything except set that local to a newly created unit, which could later be used to change a state of the unit using the local.
Anyways I already followed that guide and the buildings are still missing.
I'm thinking it is because of the obfusucation of the triggers, but i have no clue at this point.
If anyone would like to look at the map for me, give me a pm.
It looks pretty simple, just trigger obfusucation and missing war3mapunits.doo file. I've just never done unit restoration before.

yeah i got that part myself :D thanks.
but i dunno how to make the trigger he said in GUI. is it the "ser veriable" action? and if so. i just have a list of veriables. i cant choose those units myself =\

Re: Only Buildings Missing after Deprotection

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 5:50 am
by haxorico
BUMP. not solved yet :<

after placing all the units for player 0 (red)

when i was placing units for red. i had 9 units, with the veriables of unit01 / unit02 / unit03 / unit04 etc.. till unit09.

now i want to place the player 1 (blue) units on the map. should i use the veriables again from unit01 or continue at unit10?

Re: Only Buildings Missing after Deprotection

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 9:13 am
by GeorgeMots
haxorico wrote:BUMP. not solved yet :<

after placing all the units for player 0 (red)

when i was placing units for red. i had 9 units, with the veriables of unit01 / unit02 / unit03 / unit04 etc.. till unit09.

now i want to place the player 1 (blue) units on the map. should i use the veriables again from unit01 or continue at unit10?

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