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How hard is jass?

Posted: March 16th, 2009, 6:08 am
by rolovis
How hard is jass to learn?

Re: How hard is jass?

Posted: March 16th, 2009, 8:21 pm
by Senethior459
It depends. Do you know any other programming languages? If so, you'll have to deal with all the habits you've gotten into, but it will be easier overall, because a lot of what you know from other languages, especially Visual Basic, will apply to Jass. If you don't know any others, then you won't have to deal with bad habits from other languages, but you won't have the experience and knowledge from programming in other languages, that you may be able to apply to Jass, so it's probably a bit harder.

Here's a few sites that may help you to learn Jass, by the way: ... 473d679aa6

Re: How hard is jass?

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 7:36 am
by initialD
As hard as a mountain. :razz:

I have said somewhere else about writing a JASS tutorial for newbies.
Since I never have anytime...sighs
Senathior knows basic JASS, probably you can write a tutorail like how to create triggers, how to do comparisons etc?

Re: How hard is jass?

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 7:31 am
by rolovis
so how long do you think it will take me to learn it? (i do not know any programming languages.)

Re: How hard is jass?

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 11:47 am
by initialD
it took me 2 months to know the basics. 6 months to become an average JASSer. One year to become a pro JASSer.
By saying "pro" I meant I can edit any JASS script to the way I want. I also can read and easily understand most of the JASS languages.
I can also write a lot of complicated JASS function, as in Fai's cp.
SgGuy's menu was written when I was still and average JASSer. So you can see that Sgguy's menu wasn't 100% efficient though it's already greater than many GUI codes.

Good Luck. Feel free to drop off one or two question when you need some anwers. ;-)

Re: How hard is jass?

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 8:46 pm
by Risen
Best tutorial out there, imo, It's the guide that showed me how to actually learn jass.

Re: How hard is jass?

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 9:03 pm
by Senethior459
That's the same one I posted...

Re: How hard is jass?

Posted: March 20th, 2009, 6:37 am
by Aero
I learned JASS with no prior programming experience--it's quite doable; don't be discouraged.
If anything, it made learning other languages much easier.

It took me about a week or two to really catch on and a about a month to start using it effectively. (This is with a few months of amateur GUI mapping prior experience).
Best way to learn is looking at map scripts (war3map.j) and converting GUI --> JASS in world editor (Then playing around with it). When you get the hang of it, start challenging yourself. Try making a function that sorts an integer array from highest to lowest or a function that gets the nearest unit from a provided point given a radius.

The tuts help of course but I feel the most important thing is figuring out WHY things do what they do instead of just HOW to do them. Patience and perseverance is the way.

Anyway, It's been about 2 years now for me--on and off of wc3 with multi-month long breaks in between.
I can confidently say I'm a high-end JASSer and I know world editor inside and out.

Re: How hard is jass?

Posted: July 11th, 2009, 2:31 am
by Sevion
I would have to say not hard. At all.

It took me a 2 days to get the basics and a few months to actually start using it effectively. About half a year to start being "pro" at it.

It's been about a year since I started, and I'd like to think I'm very good at it. I've even started editing the editor.

Don't be discouraged, just read up on some tutorials then just start practicing. You'll get the hang of it. And once you've got the basic JASS sytnax down, I suggest looking into vJASS.

Here's the sequence in which I started learning languages:

Visual Basic

Though, I didn't learn much HTML and only a little Visual Basic.