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Why do I lose all the time?

Posted: October 9th, 2010, 12:18 pm
by Ozzapoo
In pretty much every game of HoN (DotA) I play, the team I'm on always loses. And it goes like this:

1. The players on the teams are automatically balanced depending on your game score (determined by your wins/losses), so it is fair.
2. Game starts. Everyone takes there respective lanes. I usually take solo middle.
3. Not long into the game, some retard on my team has fed (completely his own fault) and then complained that we suck and left.
4. Others feed some more and soon the other team is unstoppable.
5. Everything's gone to shit, it's 4v5, and there's no hope of winning, but some idiot on my team still thinks "we can win" and rejects the vote to concede, prolonging everyone's suffering (except for the opposing team).
6. Eventually everyone ends up with a terrible kill-death ratio...and the worst part? In HoN all your numbers are saved and contribute towards your profile. So if that happens every game (which it does) you can imagine how embarrassing my profile would be.

Auto-balance my ass.

Re: Why do I lose all the time?

Posted: October 9th, 2010, 12:40 pm
by Lanaya
Does your solo mid ever gank? :D
or does your team ever call mia/set wards (i dunno.. i play dota)
should encourage/carry your team o.o

the dota games i play are "auto-balanced" also,
but it's not that bad.
it also "saves" all your numbers to your profile.. mine is Here (Click Off Season Stats), but i haven't played dota in a while

or abusivepie's :D

btw, i heard hon was pretty imbalanced o.o

Re: Why do I lose all the time?

Posted: October 9th, 2010, 1:49 pm
by UndeadxAssassin
HoN is so confusing to get used to after you've DotA'd for so long. The hotkeys have all changed and makes it harder to select shops quickly and stuff :(

Re: Why do I lose all the time?

Posted: October 9th, 2010, 2:28 pm
by Hex-
UndeadxAssassin wrote:HoN is so confusing to get used to after you've DotA'd for so long. The hotkeys have all changed and makes it harder to select shops quickly and stuff :(

Not if you play Hotkey at DotA, too. And the shops ain't hard o.o, just press "B".

But I got to agree with ozzapoo, here is my story.
I hate peoples complaint about supporters.

I play like babysitter, I courier , I wards, I gank like hell, I avoid taking kills that are not needed (ex. let our carry get it) only killing when nobody else can and i sacrifice my hero if it can save the carry. But if we win, the carry takes all the credit. Well, I am okay with that BUT if we were losing, they turns around and blame me.
Examples are like
"Stop feeding f**cking noob witch"
"Stupid pyro stop feeding!"
"First time saw a witch that die so much"
And I was like wtf?

I lane with you, i let you last hit, i deny when you auto-attack pushing the lane, I pull to stop that push that you made, I support you all the way and you blame me when things go wrong. It's dam ridiculous! >>

And i hate it that 99% of the time when i don't play a support hero and i don't ward / courier... nobody does.
The 1% is the rare chance where the team i get actually plays like a team ._. pity those games come once in a blue moon...

Tbh, I rarely find a pro at HoN.

Re: Why do I lose all the time?

Posted: October 9th, 2010, 4:36 pm
by Lanaya
Also, you should get wc3 again
and play dota with us o.o..