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Swimmer's Ear

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 5:01 am
by Bartimaeus
This is like the tenth time I've gotten stupid swimmer's ear. I HATE the stupid pounding in my ear that is nonstop.

...And the only easy way I know of curing it is pouring vinegar + rubbing alcohol in it every morning and every night, and letting it sit there for like half a minute with my head to the side, and then let it drain out. Gawr.

Re: Swimmer's Ear

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 6:08 pm
by Senethior459
I've never heard of that... The only thing that happens to me when I'm swimming is I'll get water in my ear, and that comes out soon enough. Oh, and my ears click when I yawn now, but I think that's just because I'm more aware of it from scuba diving (equalising pressure in the Eustachian tubes).

Re: Swimmer's Ear

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 9:32 pm
by Bartimaeus
Senethior459 wrote:I've never heard of that... The only thing that happens to me when I'm swimming is I'll get water in my ear, and that comes out soon enough. Oh, and my ears click when I yawn now, but I think that's just because I'm more aware of it from scuba diving (equalising pressure in the Eustachian tubes).

It's a fungus from swimming too much. Exercising is evidently bad for your health, :P

Re: Swimmer's Ear

Posted: August 29th, 2009, 9:10 pm
by Death.Essence
Bartimaeus wrote:
It's a fungus from swimming too much. Exercising is evidently bad for your health, :P

Aww, sick. I can click my ears at will... Does that mean fungus? Errrrghhh... Gives me the shudders when I read/think about it.

Re: Swimmer's Ear

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 4:54 pm
by Senethior459
Not the same. Clicking your ears is just equalising pressure. I do the same thing.

Re: Swimmer's Ear

Posted: September 1st, 2009, 8:57 pm
by Pyro7778
Well ironically being in water for extended periods of time is bad for you. If you don't dry your skin you could end up losing it :)
but that'd be for days