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Arrogant Christians

Posted: July 21st, 2009, 8:59 pm
by Bartimaeus

These guys are so presumptuous and pompous, it's unbelievable. It ashames me to say that I have something in common with these fools. If there were ever a reason why Christianity is being completely taken over by Atheism, it's number one reason lies with these idiots right here.

Director wrote:It is a "Role-Playing Game" for the computer, very similar to the well-known Satanic Dungeons & Dragons.

What makes it satanic? Or is that based off your own opinions rather than what the Bible says?

Director wrote:You can pick various "races" for your character, including several demonic looking characters called "elves". With their pointed ears and eerie non-human appearances, it allows children to pretend they are a demon themselves.

Well, if you mean the regular elves, no. They're more lithe, have slightly pointed ears, and have some slight other non-appearance anomalies created by the developers, such as disease resistance and whatnot. If you mean the dark elves, then yes, they do look a little strange, however, to say they aren't humanly is overstating at the very least. Unless their skin color is your problem, which, may I remind you, is home to another race's skin color on our planet Earth.

Director wrote:The game is chockful of blasphemous magic and witchcraft. The player is able to perform a variety of spells such as hurling fire from one's hands, turning oneself invisible, forcing others' against their will to obey and listen to the character, and conjuring up demons from Hell to fight for the player. In fact, magic and witchcraft are a major part of the game and it's difficult to play the game without resorting to these Satanic means.

Excuse me, but magic is non-existent. So, it's hardly blasphemous, considering that it's not something you can do in real life. There is no witchcraft. There is no satanic rituals as which you become a lich or a devil/demon, or whatever. You click you C button, and you automatically cast a spell. No praising to satan whatsoever.

Director wrote:The game makes no mention of God or Jesus Christ, instead it pushes a mythology of "Nine gods". You can go to heretical chapels and actually pray to these gods in this game and they heal you!

Director wrote:There is a realm called "Oblivion" which is definitely just Hell with a different name. You are required to go through this Hell environment during the game.

Indeed, because it's a game. Did you ever think, perhaps, with the Nine Divine's kindness and goodness, that they might be representing nine different aspects of our God? And that the sixteen Daedra lords, as well as whatever ones that aren't considered 'real' lords, represent different attributes of the devil? The daedra planes also represent hell, as to which you're fighting off devils and demons. There is no way to ally yourself in the game with the daedra. The entire point of the game is STOP the daedra.

Director wrote:Thieving and stealing are promoted in the game. You are allowed to pickpocket other people and steal possessions. One questline of the game actually REWARDS the player for this sinful behavior!

Um, no, they aren't. If you're caught theiving, not only do you have to give the stolen items back, you have to pay a fine based on what you stole, and how many you did. If you don't have enough gold to pay, you have to go to jail and lose some of your skills.

Director wrote:You can do quests for these demons called "Daedra". By doing these quests, these demons reward you. This tells our children that by serving demons they will get rewarded.

Indeed, for in life, you probably will be. However, once you die, I'm not sure the 'Nine Divines', will be very happy with your behavior.

Director wrote:Alcohol in the form of beer, wine, and brandy is available to the player and can be drunk.

What's your point? It is not against God's Word to drink alcohol. If I recall correctly, Jesus drank wine at the last supper, no?

Director wrote:This game promotes astrology. Upon creating a character, you are forced to choose a "birthsign". More occult ideas pushed upon the impressionable player.

Yeah, this was just some random game feature they decided to implement. The only reason you'd bother with one is because it gives you +statistics. If you believe in what the game's content shows you, then, good sir's and madame's, it is the fault of the idiotic player, not the game. Give some humans some +intelligence, will ya'? I think there's a birth sign for that...

Director wrote:There are vampires in the game and a few of them are portrayed as "good guys".

I, of course, would assume that means that the character once fell prey to 'demonic' means, but some of them at least tried to redeem themselves.

They also condemned Catholics later in the topic. Way to go, that's a real good way to treat your so-called 'Brothers'.

I really can't stand people like this who dare call them Christians. They do the opposite of what the Bible tells to do. Instead of a being a kind, forgiving, humble person, they act like arrogant, hating, smiting snobs as to which is the opposite of what the Bible tells them to be.

Re: Arrogant Christians

Posted: July 21st, 2009, 11:18 pm
by Ken
I was bored (big surprise) so I read some of the pages on there... They included memorable quotes such as these.

Q: Would you allow ramps and a crippled section in your fellowship hall?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!

What happens if I don't tithe?

You are a criminal, and will be treated like one

Tithe = Donation to church, equal to 10% of what you have

But we must also Hope that these Sinners remember to give ALL their Love to Jesus and not waste any on Family Members - as Jesus Himself demanded.

I won't even get started on the rugged handsomeness of Ron, which is enough to make even the straightest of men harbor gay thoughts.

Surely you aren't so twisted as to imagine that a filthy sand nigra cult is somehow equivilent to Jesus?

^ Referring to Muslim religions.

I suggest you get down on your knees and BEG Jesus to forgive you for the deviant sex, demonic contacts, and unholy rituals you engaged in while you were addicted to that digital drug.

^ On playing RuneScape


Listen clown, Christians have no time for people who believe in books written by someone who talked to an invisible man. Ok?

This entire thread:

Terror alert code ORANGE!!

^ After a Muslim person asks for clarification on their religion.

It's easy to see - unless you're a Catholic of course - that the pope is wearing a fish-head at the top of his own. Obviously he thinks that two brains are better than one.

At least read the one right before the link in there. And maybe the link, it's about the Flying Spaghetti invalid. :D

But on topic, those people are absolutely ridiculous. I may have to pwnt them.

Re: Arrogant Christians

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 12:46 am
by Dekar
I soo love those hilarious guys! :D

Re: Arrogant Christians

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 6:07 am
by SunStrider
I tried visiting the site, and i got this "The site administrator has banned you IP. Click here to ask why".
And when i clicked that, this is the crap it gave me


Honestly, they expect someone to remember A SINGLE RANDOM LINE IN THE BIBLE?!

Well i changed my IP and managed to access the site.
And guess what i found.
That pastor is condemning the games "Counter Strike" and "Doom" for excessive violence, and one of their moderators is a self proclaimed "Weapons Dealer for CHRIST".
Check out his thread rofl

This made me lol, he sells paintball guns too, this is one of the descriptions.
"BT-4 Banshee
Don't let the name fool you. This little pop gun is the perfect tool for driving away banshees and other types of satan worshippers. The camo design is useful for those long nights of patroling your land for wiccans in the woods! ONLY $299!"

And this
"This deluxe shield will keep your head utterly safe from projectiles while providing ample comfort for breathing and shouting Bible verses at unsaved opponents as you riddle them with pretend bullets!
ONLY $29.99!"

And last but not least...this rofl
"He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD. - Deuteronomy 23:1

GOD intelligently designed our naughty bits to be on the outside where they are extra vulnerable to damage, and He doesn't allow victims of sporting accidents and assault and battery into His congregation! Invest in eternity with a fine protection unit for ONLY $29.99!"

Re: Arrogant Christians

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 6:24 am
by Small Sized Duck
I read through the site and I couldn't believe the things i read.

They say cults and videgames are brainwashing the minds of our young but what really is brainwashing the minds of our young? Sites like those run by ignorant pastors who can only see things from one point of view. Being a cognitive thinker means being able to see things from more than one point of view.

When you see everything but your own ways as "satanic" you are unwilling to change. Those who don't change get left behind.

Re: Arrogant Christians

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 6:31 am
by SunStrider
I know..rofl..Honestly...Looking at that weapons thread i could almost believe they were preparing for war..
They're not even in freaking cambodia!

And look what else i just found...
Duck Hunting $14.99

Deer Hunting $14.99

Lion, Tiger, Spotted Owl and Elephant Hunting *$299

Wicca Hunting $7.99

Homo Hunting $7.99

Harlot Hunting $7.99

Demon Hunting $7.99

Concealed Carry $3.99

Honestly...Homo hunting, Harlot hunting and DEMON HUNTING?!

Re: Arrogant Christians

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 6:41 am
by Small Sized Duck
Oh and about that Random questions, there are multiple answers for that buffalo, wild ox, and an unicorn. But since there is a AN it must be an unicorn!

Re: Arrogant Christians

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 6:51 am
by SunStrider
ILikeHacking wrote:Oh and about that Random questions, there are multiple answers for that buffalo, wild ox, and an unicorn. But since there is a AN it must be an unicorn!

lol, seriously.
I've never been so entertained by a forum before.
I'm reading threads on their forum because i find their beliefs so laughable :)
bahahaha i can't stop laughing!
Pastor_Ezekiel wrote:Listen carefully heathen: This is NOT a debate forum. We're right and you're wrong, because we have Jesus on our side, and your father is satan.


Re: Arrogant Christians

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 7:00 am
by Small Sized Duck
My father isn't satan, he's my sugar daddy. In Pastor Ezikiel's eyes we're all Satan's bitch.

The only true Christian is one who died before he/she could commit sins.

Re: Arrogant Christians

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 8:23 pm
by diaster
This is prolly the best way to get me to rage, this is right up their with racism. Both are examples of people who are 2 blinded by their beliefs to hear anything that would speak against them. Those types of people both me the most.