Election Bullshit

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Election Bullshit

Post by patrick-the-bomb »

This isn't about the president, honestly I couldn't give less of a shit about it. My dad and a bunch of kids from school are in love with Obama. my best friend is always like "GObama" haha :lol: But my gf and mom and some other ppl want McCain. Anyhow... Like I said. I don't give a shit...

What pisses me off about elections is when ignorant people complain about you thinking something. They don't watch the debates, or listen to anything the candidates have to say, NOR do they read about the propositions. This one kid at my school, whom i hate btw, wants to ... Obama -.- He doesn't know shit. He only likes him because he's black. Which brings me to another point, DON'T VOTE FOR PEOPLE BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE! HONESTLY, I think all elections should be blindfolded. The candidates should be called "Nominee A", and "Nominee B". Their speeches should be read by the same person, and all debates should be moderated by a selected individual whom is NOT the candidate. The candidates should sit back, and use AIM to tell the moderator what they want to say. -.-

This would make everyone vote based on what? You guessed it... SHIT THAT ACTUALLY MATTERS!

Ok, so now that my random rant is almost over, I bring you to the point of why I started this rant in the first place. I want everyone to know that it is discriminatory to not allow homosexuals to be married. People may think it is odd, or that "It never happened in the past, why shoudl we let it happen now?" but honestly... It never happened before, because no one thought about it. You only think it's odd because YOU never learned about it. I have a friend that happens to be a lesbian. My best friend, the "GObama" one, has talked to her more than I have. He has asked her why she chose to be a lesbian, or if it was just natural. It's a natural thing everyone.... Most people are gay because they are just flat out gay. I know that some people (Metros) will act gay for attention, and some people pretend to be bi-sexual (which honestly is bullshit) for attention. Abraham Lincoln said that every man, woman, and child in this country should be treated equally. Are homosexuals not people? Biologically, YES, they are...

I ask you now, why are people so fucked up to the point where they want to break one of the largest foundations of this country, and NOT let someone be a free person to make their own choices, just because they fell in love with someone of the same gender as them?

Feel free to disagree with me. Let me know what you think. If you can't tell, and/or don't know I live in the USA. I think W is an idiot. :lol:

That movie (About George W. Bush) was absolutely hilarious.
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Re: Election Bullshit

Post by Bartimaeus »

"discriminatory to not allow homosexuals to be married"

Discrimination? Discrimination is against a race, not a fetish. It's not like it's discriminatory to dislike somebody because of their religion, because of their certain beliefs and values. Same applies here. I think sex between the same gender is wrong, and thus, it is my right to dislike them. It isn't like something you're born with, (being black/white, where you can't change it). But it's not like I treat them inequally. I just hold a certain dislike in them.

As well as making same-sex marriage legal.

(edit) It isn't so much as having a fetish that makes me dislike them...but when they try to make that fetish a life style, that's when there's a problem. I was going to say something else, but I just completely forgot, XD.
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Re: Election Bullshit

Post by patrick-the-bomb »

It's not a fetish... A fetish is
1. an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency.
2. any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion: to make a fetish of high grades.
3. Psychology. any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.
From dictionary.com
Homosexual people don't choose to be like they are. They see people on TV (Men with Women) and they learn for it to be like that. As they grow up, and get to the point in their lives where children usually form attractions to other children, they figure out they are not like most people, and are attracted to people of the same sex.

Yes, it IS discriminatory to not allow them to be married. Discrimination is against anything. It can be against people for having a different hair color, for not believing in Jesus, or even something as dumb as little kids saying "This pokemon is cooler than that one. You like that one, so I don't want to hang out with you."
1. an act or instance of discriminating.
2. treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
3. the power of making fine distinctions; discriminating judgment: She chose the colors with great discrimination.
4. Archaic. something that serves to differentiate.
Again, from dictionary.com
Even if you still believe it isn't "discriminatory", it is still a prejudice, which we, as a country, have been trying to eliminate for quite some time.

I agree, slightly, that same-sex sex is wrong. I only think so because it just seems odd to me. I think that a long time ago, people would also have found some of the other, very common things people do today to be VERY weird. For instance oral and anal sex. I highly doubt that oral was around back in the day of the first people of the world. They were both invented as a way for people to have sex that would A) Not pass STDs [Which is false], and B) Not get a chick pregnant.
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Re: Election Bullshit

Post by Bartimaeus »

I may have the wrong word...uh...oops? XD. Anyways...

"Homosexual people don't choose to be like they are."

I'm not so sure. If this was true, why weren't homosexual people around ages ago? If it HAD been happening ages ago, then I would agree. However, as far as I know, it hasn't. It has just recently happened this generation.

"it is prejudice"

"The word prejudice refers to prejudgment: making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case or event."

No, not really, because I already know what has happened, and I simply and utterly dislike it. That hardly says they're a bad person, but it doesn't mean that I shan't have the right to dislike them. (edit) that particular trait about them, :P

"treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination."

I dislike that particular thing about them, not them as a WHOLE. I'm not saying I'm a higher being then them. I'm not saying I'm better. I'm saying I dislike that trait about them. It's not like I'll treat them worse then someone else who isn't homosexual.

(edit) I kind of contradicted myself, here, :P
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Re: Election Bullshit

Post by patrick-the-bomb »

I'm not saying it is wrong to dislike things, even though religion teaches to be forgiving of everything. I don't know if you're religious, but it doesn't really matter much I suppose.

I do not believe that it WASN'T around ages ago, as much as it just wasn't talked about back then. As you know, laws were much different then than they re now. I propose that if someone had been pronounced "gay", then they would have dealt with it as witchcraft or something of the like. I believe it still existed, unlike witchcraft, but that it was one of those things that you didn't make public, and just hid as to prevent yourself from being killed. After all of the efforts everyone has put forth to make the world completely equal, homosexuals have found the courage to speak up, and make their side of life known.

I know people dislike the whole same-sex thing, but that is no reason for them to not be allowed to be married... Gay people, as citizens of the United States of America, have the same birth rights that everyone has. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" It's there. "The pursuit of happiness". If being married makes them happy, they have every right to be married.
(edit) I kind of contradicted myself, here,
Just a little bit. lol
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Re: Election Bullshit

Post by Bartimaeus »

patrick-the-bomb wrote:I'm not saying it is wrong to dislike things, even though religion teaches to be forgiving of everything. I don't know if you're religious, but it doesn't really matter much I suppose.

I do not believe that it WASN'T around ages ago, as much as it just wasn't talked about back then. As you know, laws were much different then than they re now. I propose that if someone had been pronounced "gay", then they would have dealt with it as witchcraft or something of the like. I believe it still existed, unlike witchcraft, but that it was one of those things that you didn't make public, and just hid as to prevent yourself from being killed. After all of the efforts everyone has put forth to make the world completely equal, homosexuals have found the courage to speak up, and make their side of life known.

I know people dislike the whole same-sex thing, but that is no reason for them to not be allowed to be married... Gay people, as citizens of the United States of America, have the same birth rights that everyone has. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" It's there. "The pursuit of happiness". If being married makes them happy, they have every right to be married.
(edit) I kind of contradicted myself, here,
Just a little bit. lol
Well, if gayness, wasn't the product of some mentally insane fellow that had a thousand or so children before-hand going insane...then maybe it wouldn't be so much of a problem. However, since gayness seems to be a relatively new thing, I won't agree with you, :P I mean, people were burned for being "witches", you'd think some fellows would finally get caught doing it, as well, and it would get recorded in history. However, since that is not the case, I'm going to assume it's a new thing.

I'm a Christian, so I'm a little biased, however, I think that even if I wasn't Christian, I think I would think the same thing as I do now.
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Re: Election Bullshit

Post by patrick-the-bomb »

If you have read about it in history, people were burned for many reasons. Most of them being very very dumb. Women were mostly burned because they were smarter than people assumed. I'm not saying that the gay people actually went out and fucked other men/women. I'm saying that they had thoughts, repeatedly, of doing. I'm almost sure that somewhere along the line of time that there was SOMEONE who slept with someone of the same sex, and got in trouble for it, or was killed. If there wasn't, and it is a new thing, then how are you to say that it is a choice? Everything adapts. Everything. If by some chance this happens to be a reaction to adaptation, then it cannot be considered a choice. I don't really know how that could happen, but it might have.

Still though, even if it IS a choice, what right does the government have to not let them be married? They still deserve to be married, as it would make them happy. If they choose to act like a homo for attention, then that is definitely not right. Obviously acting like a gay person isn't going to make you popular, as we have seen. People get beaten up for being gay, not praised.

So what real reason would there be for pretending to like people of the same sex?

I know for a fact that some people say they are "Bi-sexual", which I think is ABSOLUTELY Ridiculous. As I had mentioned before, it's bullshit. You either like guys, or you like girls. It's clear-cut. Everyone has their moments of thinking that it could be fun or interesting to be with someone of the same sex. (As in that episode of South Park where Butters is sent away to camp for being "Bi-curious") [No, I'm not basing anything off of South Park, I'm just using it to describe something]

I too am Christian, although I identify as Lutheran, I have almost the same beliefs as you I suppose. Although, as I go to a Catholic school and have a complete idiot for a religion teacher, I am starting to not belief in this whole Jesus guy as much. (Judaism is the way to go. lol) Seriously though... I can go on about that too, but I'll save that for another time.
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Re: Election Bullshit

Post by Bartimaeus »

Since you can't prove it, I refuse to acknowledge your logic, :lol:

Nah, but I get what you're saying. I sort of agree with you.
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Re: Election Bullshit

Post by patrick-the-bomb »

Lol. Thank you.

I'm just saying that it's overall wrong to decide that other people don't have the same rights as another just because they feel something else.
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Re: Election Bullshit

Post by initialD »

why do you give a ... of how others think? This is the real world how people think. If all are smart there won't be so many tradegy on this world. Look if you are a girl, a boy told you he wanna ... you. Did you tyhink that the boy wanna ... you because you are wise. Nope, because your breast are big... that's human.