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Hello there

Posted: March 13th, 2020, 3:55 am
by caee
Hoi! I'm caee and I found this website a couple days ago.

I can't believe this forum has been around for so long and I never came across it.

I used to play wc3 back in the day but as the years went by and I grew older I had to deal with being an adult, and who knew, its pretty fucking hard, so I needed to get my shit together and stoped playing computer games to focus on my education and professional life.

And then i found out about reforged and wanted to give it a try. Nowadays I have *some* of my shit taken care of and have some spare time to waste on wc3 again, thus, here am I.

Wish you all only the best. This forum rocks, so much content, its really a pitty I didnt know abot wc3edit back then.

This forum format is also pure nostalgia, damn, good vibes all around, just wished I had a bigger salary so I could afford a computer that could run reforged properly.


Re: Hello there

Posted: March 13th, 2020, 6:10 am
by nuzamacuxe
Welcome, caee! We are glad that you liked our forum. There are a lot of contents which you can use to learn about cheating. This is the section with all tutorials available:

If you have any question about that matter, please post here:

Now, if you want to ask someone to cheat a map for you, please post your request here:


Re: Hello there

Posted: March 13th, 2020, 11:05 am
by Vegas

Re: Hello there

Posted: March 16th, 2020, 12:49 am
by wam
youre not alone bruh XD

Re: Hello there

Posted: March 16th, 2020, 3:52 pm
by caee
Thank you all for the warm welcome!

Ill be sure to make the best of my time here :)